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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. I'm not a hater if I'm right. I am always right.
  2. You didn't have to do the same shit for hours. The missions were varied, interesting, had an actual story, and there was only one mission where your skills mattered, so there was no point in leveling them, anyway. CJ didn't need to rank up to unlock content, it was just there, no wasting time, no shortage of ways to pay for the items, no hassle. You have to grind the same shit, over and over (because missions unlock by level, not by completing other missions), and gain 120 levels to access all the content, most of which is shit until higher levels, anyway. How someone could think the two are in any way comparable is beyond me. GTAO isn't even worthy of the name Grand Theft Auto.
  3. In San Andreas, your skills leveled appropriately as you played through the story, you didn't have to do the same shit for hours on end, and it actually had a story, and creativity, and content. I don't get why you mention that it's an RPG; it really hurts your argument. GTAO will never be on par with The Elder Scrolls, or Fallout, or even mediocre Final Fantasy. Those developers work their asses off to make a quality RPG. Rockstar's only doing the bare minimum required to keep the retards buying shark cards.
  4. Forcing you to grind to rank up isn't an objective, it's a design failure, and a waste of the game's potential. There should always be enough unique content to get you to your goals, no exceptions.
  5. Yeah, just sold my Blade today. We had drifted apart. Replaced her with a Vigero. I'm going to pretend she's the awesome beater version from IV. I also reacquired a Bifta, because I haven't had an off-road car in a while. Still undecided on the third space.
  6. Doing some garage shifting before downgrading to a two car garage. Innovation Hexer Buffalo S Jester Primo Schafter Youga I don't want to waste storage space, so I need suggestions for the final three spaces. The other garage is empty, aside from the Elegies I used to travel from garage A to garage B.
  7. Recent addition to the family. I like the Schafter, because the lip spoiler and one of the grill options removes all the brands and insignia from it. Low key as a motherfucker. And this.
  8. That version of last team standing looks way more fun than an actual LTS match. Now that there are masks and shirts for it, maybe revisit your paintball DM?
  9. Much like the Flight School event, the playlist reward is the only decent content.
  10. This is what you wanted, right, Rockstar? You wanted me to dress like a fucking retard, just so I could use these gloves I've been waiting a year for?
  11. You have to wear those retarded combat tops if you want to wear gloves. This update just became as pointless to me as Flight School. 0/10
  12. I feel bad for whoever rides bitch on the Innovation. You're going to lose your ass and left thigh. Horrible design.
  13. Tough decision. Those wheels look really shitty. I'll test drive in story mode, as always. Maybe the performance will let me overlook those fugly wheels.
  14. Does the Innovation look that shitty when you're riding it? I guess it might be better than the Hexer. The Furore is stupid. Hey, look, another Massacro.
  15. What's the size of the update? I'm having some internet issues.
  16. No, the ship has to actually make sense.
  17. That settles it. Current blue stays until everyone upgrades to PS4. Including the people who planned on getting an Xbox One, instead.
  18. I gave Bronson the benefit of the doubt, but this is just nonsense. And there is no such thing as a smart person's sport, unless you count the people making millions from the merchandising for these teams.
  19. Sounds like a lot of the cars you buy in real life.
  20. What strategy? I don't like sports (except boxing, on occasion), but I get that most of them require a pretty strategic mind, for the coach and certain (but few) team positions. I am not being sarcastic in the slightest when I say that I would love for you to explain what strategy is involved in baseball. I don't see how someone could work strategy into something that's as simple as "who's better at their job, the guy pitching or the guy batting?"
  21. It's going to be boring and unwatchable.
  22. Is there a glitch that will let me start a deathmatch alone? I want to fuck around in the snow, but no one likes me. And if I'm fortunate enough to also get fog, I'd rather enjoy Silent Hill alone.