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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. I'd honestly be fine with not getting any more weapons, because you can't drop them or avoid getting them in the first place, in story mode. I have to cycle through 300 pistols to get to the gun I want, when I'm in a car. Really, if they'd just let us drop weapons in story mode, they could give us whatever guns they want.
  2. I didn't know you guys actually gave a shit about him. He's certainly no Crocodile Dundee.
  3. That's how Steve Irwin died. Stingrays don't like to reciprocate. Also, every motherfucker is going to take the easy route and do a Top Gun tribute. Two of the five winners will be Top Gun pics.
  4. Hopefully it isn't just vehicles. I'm excited about them, absolutely, but the update is clearly military-themed, and it would be a big missed opportunity to not include military-themed clothing, too.
  5. well, what's the trick? cause if i remember correctly, there's only a handful of people in there during the mission... You need to stick as closely as possible to Tequi-la-la when evading the police. You have to get back to the bar and get inside before, during, or very (very, very, very) shortly after the call to Nigel to inform him of your success in acquiring Willy's tooth. When I went back inside, the place was full of NPCs drinking, dancing, and talking to each other.
  6. It's not the same. it was important to me that I got pics of the bar, fully populated. Partially because I found it ridiculous that NPCs were actually making use of an interior that players can't easily enter.
  7. Nope, not mine. That fellow, apparently, was fortunate enough to not have a staircase blocked by an NPC whose first instinct in all situations is to call the police.
  8. I did, but I only caught the basement and a staircase before poor game design choices ruined my photo shoot.
  9. We must now play GTAO together, and wait for fog. We have great things to create. There's probably a filter that will do our job for us, but why not be authentic?
  10. I like this one. It reminds of something, but I cannot think of what that something is. It looks very familiar.
  11. Ballas Deep 2-16 players Team Deathmatch The Families seek to reclaim Grove Street from the Ballas in the stealthiest way possible, but the Ballas caught wind of the plan, and have prepared several ambush spots. Choose your side, and don't get spotted. As always, the weapon spawns are mirrored, throughout the map. If you see a micro SMG and body armor, there's going to be a micro SMG and body armor on the opposite side of the map. All of my non-melee deathmatches are like this. Pay attention. Now comes the part where I call you a dumbass. 1. If you get spotted by an enemy player, you're doing it wrong, dumbass. 2. If you're out in the open, you're doing it wrong, dumbass. 3. If you're driving a car, you're doing it wrong, dumbass. 4. If you're hit by a car, you're doing it wrong, dumbass. 5. If the Jerry cans don't seem useful to you, you're doing it wrong, dumbass. 6. If you think to yourself "this looks like a good cover spot," you're doing it wrong, dumbass. 7. If you're running and gunning and not doing everything in your power to be stealthy and catch people off guard, you're doing it wrong, dumbass.
  12. And Rockstar's idiotic restrictions on spawn point/checkpoint placement fuck me over, once again. Someone try this and let me know if you can even figure out where to go. I could barely tell, and I made the fucking thing. Deconstructing [Your] Sanity (Rockstar's 25-character limit ruined my title) 1-16 players Slow and steady. A very frustrating race. And here's the race I wanted to make for the event. The fucked-up route I chose is too tight for a full lobby, so it's of no use to anyone, but here it is, on the off chance that only four people show up for the event. Mi Vida Loca 1-16 players When you're living the life, you end up in one of three places: In jail, in the hospital, or in the morgue. Take a look at your future, with this lap race.
  13. My race didn't work out. It won't work with a fully lobby; too many sharp turns that will end in pile-ups.
  14. Does that apply to this particular theme? I have one idea for a race, and one for a deathmatch. And the deathmatch isn't melee, for once.
  15. It didn't really work out last time, but I'll try to make a race or two. Because I care.
  16. Families, Ballas, Vagos, Lost MC. Do we have enough jobs for that? I'm sure we're lacking in races, and have an abundance of deathmatches.
  17. I do try. I get bored of GTAO pretty quickly, but i stick around longer if you guys are there than I do when I'm playing alone. I'll give it a shot.
  18. I don't expect anything, I just mistakenly assumed there would be something. It always sounds like I missed out on something when I'm hearing about the events the following day, so you can understand my confusion when I do join, and nothing is happening.
  19. It's never a problem to answer these questions. The only thing I've gotten tired of writing are the tips for first-time players. That post is so much longer than anything else I can say, in here. Stealth and archery build is my go-to, for the newbies. Such a solid route. I tend to leave it at that.
  20. It does sound cooler, but I always imagined one of my characters calling him Paarthy, and it's stuck, through all of my characters.
  21. You can't kill Paarthurnax and call yourself any manner of bro. Paarthy's as bro-tier as it gets. Fuck the Blades. Plus, Delphine is a total bitch.
  22. To find your solution, you must ask yourself one question. Are you a Dragonborn... or a Dragonbro?
  23. When I do join, there's never anything going on. Apparently, shenanigans are entirely dependent on me not being there.