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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. I used to have an Asian female character. I deleted her and made a flamboyant gay character instead. Gay Mafia represent.
  2. These have never been here, any of the six times I've played through story mode. Are they new, or has anyone else had spawning issues with them?
  3. I hear the club president is the only one who hasn't died or abandoned their cut, but he's killed more Lost and O'Neils than anyone. The ones Trevor killed are just the ones The Asylum left alive to tell the story.
  4. Bitch please. The Asylum MC is the only real white gang in Los Santos. We're actually not ethnically exclusive, but everyone on this site is neon white. Or Asian.
  5. That ain't how that works. The Vagos have female members, chola.
  6. Franklin is just very unpleasant to be around, especially for Lamar and Trevor. He has more potential to be Michael than to be Trevor, even if he fights that every step of the way.
  7. ^ There's probably someone talented in the background. Somewhere.
  8. I don't like to be an internet tough guy. I have to keep my trolling up to snuff, on the digital front.
  9. Fucking cocktease. I thought you wanted to play. No one ever wants to play anymore.
  10. I would've made that joke no matter what, actually. If we're throwing around unfounded accusations, it seems like you're not coping well with my being better at making fun of people.
  11. MMOs have fairly long beta testing periods, and it allows them to be more polished by release than other games. They tend to have a larger and longer-lasting fanbase per game that provides constant feedback. But they still have glitches. Every game has glitches. Every game has some little bug or glitch or general fuck-up in every patch, update, DLC, whatever. GTAO's glitches are somewhat unique, because there aren't really any games in which you could find yourself in the same circumstances that most of these glitches require. Play a completely different game, you're going to have glitches that obviously aren't going to happen in GTAO.
  12. Bacon has too many glitches. I only eat Jello. The physics for that stuff is amazing.
  13. Those games are simple as shit, and they're copy/pasted every year. It would be next to impossible for those cookie cutter games to have the same issues as a game that was made from scratch and is significantly more complicated. But, for the record, yes, they do have their issues. They don't have the same issues as GTAO because the games are nothing alike.
  14. It was accurate, sure, but that didn't make me want to bludgeon the kid with a hammer any less. More so in the movie than the book.
  15. I would've enjoyed The Road a lot more if that kid weren't so fucking stupid and annoying.
  16. You'll never get banned, if you don't do that sort of thing in public lobbies. Most people who have been banned from GTAO were banned because they were glitching, cheating, etc. in public lobbies. The kiddies just can't resist telling everyone that they're rich.
  17. At least their execution of said idea was shit.
  18. There is no evidence that he raped Floyd. He just likes to cuddle. Stop being a bitch. An off-topic bitch, at that. Also, I'm insulted you don't find me likeable.
  19. Massacre


    Your character is a pedophile. He gets some extra vigor when he's near children.
  20. I'm more interested in Rogue than Unity. I've been wanting to play a Templar for quite some time.