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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Obviously not confirmed, but it's a safe bet that it's more limited-time content.
  2. You mean the video isn't displaying, or you can't see the pic he links in the video description? Fuck it, here's both. I don't know why the motherfucker didn't just link the image itself. Gyazo is made of fuck.
  3. Allegedly.
  4. Science bless Colorado. The rest of the country is still fucked.
  5. It's not going anywhere. That crew emblem is too perfect.
  6. I'm shocked DiO is the only one who left The Asylum MC. All of you should leave, until Rockstar gives us some decent content.
  7. Massacre

    GTAO Wishlist

    I want dreadlocks that aren't complete shit.
  8. Needs a spotlight. And a vanity plate that says "UNDRCVR" They'll never know.
  9. We should not be allowed to say it. I will continue to say it, of course. Now get back on topic, kids.
  10. His tard wrangler will notice he's using the computer eventually.
  11. You like being killed and having your killer teleport away when you seek your revenge? That system would benefit griefers more than their victims.
  12. They did make it into a movie. It was horrendous.
  13. It is not. The game would have to be a real MMO with a persistent map for that to work. You'd lose your territory every time you changed sessions, because Rockstar apparently can't get anything to stick between sessions. Also, that whole thing is bullshit. Barely anything there is a heist, and they're all competitive modes, not missions. I didn't wait nine months for capture matches with a new coat of paint.
  14. Shame you're underage. "I ain't no molester, Trevor."
  15. Wasn't sure what your intent was. You did once have "genre" misspelled in your sig for several months.
  16. And that's how we learned what Jizzy's "type" was.
  17. This was never stated anywhere. That would be disappointing. Franklin and Jimmy together are pretty funny. I suppose Franklin/Trevor/Jimmy are worth trying out, too. Also, I'm annoyed that Michael can hang out with Jimmy and Amanda, but not Tracey. Where's the awkward moment, on the way back from a movie, where Michael finally pieces together that Tracey is a camwhore? Where's the Michael/Tracey/Franklin meetup where Michael needs to stop Tracey from going black, and I have to murder Franklin because I'm a good father?
  18. Max is 3, I think. I've only ever had MFT together in a group of three. I need to get Jimmy and Lamar together, see what they're like. I don't think it'll make a difference if I do this with Franklin or Trevor.
  19. I considered it, but I'm sure there are already dozens of them. Also, the spawn points would fuck you hard on a space that small. No lube.
  20. I believe it depends on what Ron is doing. Trevor usually insults Ron if he's practicing shooting or fiddling with a radio on Trevor's porch, but is more friendly if Ron is standing around in Trevor's trailer.