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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Jizzin usually masturbates to pictures of middle-aged homosexuals, so, as he also masturbated to the newbie's picture, you can understand his confusion. He thinks with his penis, and his penis is retarded.
  2. Massacre


    This port was entirely necessary. It'll make the GTAO transition easier when GTA VI is released in about five years. There's no need for everyone to be treating this like a big deal, however. All Rockstar is doing is paving the driveway of a house that's too far from the fucking road.
  3. Massacre


    I have no idea why the GTA V port is exciting for anyone, except in cuda's case, as he hasn't played it.
  4. Told you bitches. I didn't hear this announcement right away, but I heard the hearts of the stupid being broken, and assumed this was why.
  5. Massacre


    I completely forgot about Destiny. It looks better every time I see it.
  6. Massacre


    Most of the Fallout crew here is on board for The Division. We're recruiting your ass, cuda.
  7. Massacre


    Not anything that'll get major coverage. They'll have something at their booth for people to see, and smaller sites will cover it. Major sites will cover it when the big news is done. It's also nice to know The Division isn't dead. Who wants to assassinate French nobles with me?
  8. Massacre


    Sony, Microsoft, and EA all had their conferences today. I missed EA. Xbox has finally been thrown a bone, got some decent exclusives. Didn't catch the title of the new IP from Platinum, looks similar to Monster Hunter, in a sense. Bioware rocked pretty hard. Dragon Age: Inquisition looks amazing, and the Mass Effect tease was enough to get me hard. Really looking forward to a real Mass Effect announcement in the future. EA Sports always drags on too long. Same shit every year, don't waste my fucking time. Oh, and Sims 4 looks identical to Sims 3 in every way.
  9. Okay. I care about AC: Unity, now.
  10. No, we're not doing this again. Fuck the chat.
  11. Fun fact: I co-wrote a tentacle hentai movie with the oldest one three years ago.
  12. That's not a good way to look at it, and you certainly don't want it taxed or put dealers out of business (not that legalization would). If weed is legalized and taxed, the government will make it just as addictive and poisonous as cigarettes.
  13. So this is the disturbance I felt. Less significant than implied.
  14. I am enjoying this game. You get used to the horrid car handling after a while. My only issue is that it was implied I'd be able to play the game in whatever style I wanted, but was immediately forced into shootouts, car chases, explosions, and tons of other high profile shit that obliterated any stealth options.
  15. The gameplay is the same, too. All they did was combine eagle vision with AC: Brotherhood's minion system, and add teleportation. Everything else is the same. I wouldn't care if the game were made by Ubisoft. Every AC game is a reskin of the one before it. But this is made by a studio that, to my knowledge, has never had any ties to Ubisoft. It's plagiarism, and I'll be shocked if no one sues over it.
  16. It's just Assassin's Creed with a pretty coat of paint. Watch a demo. The animations are identical to AC, as I said in the PS4 topic.
  17. How are you not aware that tunnel vision is extremely common? And why the fuck is everyone capitalizing it?
  18. Welcome back, fucker. There are very few veteran members left. Most took off after IV, then several thousand noobs rolled in for V. You picked a great time to make your return. Things are horrible.
  19. Make an emblem that just says "STRAYA CUNT" It'll capture the spirit of Australia perfectly.
  20. Another piece of advice. When you're high for the first time, really high, you'll think you're more fucked up than you really are. Your balance is fine, your speaking is fine, and it'll stay that way as long as you aren't actively convincing yourself otherwise. Stay composed. Speaking will be the worst, if you're proper fucked up. If you don't have your shit under control, you won't be sure whether the thing you said seconds ago was out loud, or in your head. You'll probably be fine if the tunnel vision doesn't sink in too much, though. Tunnel vision probably fucks with you more than any other part of being high. The other shit wears off once you've been smoking for a while. Tunnel vision, not so much. I was still getting it pretty bad, after nearly a decade of smoking. If you're lucky, you won't get it too badly.
  21. Cops don't do anything to people who are high in public as long as they aren't holding and aren't causing problems. They won't arrest you, they won't do a thing. Especially in Florida. Florida sucks and there's nothing to do but be high, and the cops know this. Besides that, if you're around cops, you're somewhere you shouldn't be, and if those cops can tell that you're high, you can't handle your shit.
  22. Dup's Futo arrived on the scene in my GTAO game as I contemplating my vote.