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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. The Indica strain is originally from a mountain range that runs through Afghanistan and Pakistan. To my knowledge, less potent (read: not worth smoking) plants still grow wild there, ages after it ceased to be cultivated for medicinal purposes in that region. Name is not indicative of country of origin, while we're at it. The vast majority of Afghan Kush does not come from Afghanistan, for example. You'd probably be murdered for trying to grow it in that ass-backwards country.
  2. Ever been to Asia? The drug market is all opium over there (unless you're in Japan, then it's coke and meth). You try to buy weed in Asia, you're getting ^that^. Same as South America. That's probably the best weed Vietnam has to offer.
  3. I considered a Manhunt-inspired deathmatch once, but no one would play it as intended. Also, I don't remember if there are player blips in deathmatches, or if they can be turned off, if there are.
  4. Massacre

    GTAO Wishlist

    You have severely fucked up if you get killed by a minigun. The wind-up on those things is too much of a delay to use on anything but AI. You should have plenty of time to score a headshot on the kiddies. As for explosives, it depends on the situation. If I'm minding my own business in free roam, and someone decides to be an asshole and shoot me, I'll grief them with explosives until they leave the game, or until I feel that they're sorry for being a dick. I would never do that to someone who didn't start it, however. I never attack another player unless they attack me first.
  5. Fit as many motorcycles as you can inside of a convenience store. While wearing pig and monkey masks.
  6. The feeling of being drunk is not worth enduring the flavor of Jager.
  7. Massacre


    Q does have a point. Pretty much every sequel in pretty much every game series of note has had the same basic gameplay. As far as game mechanics go, after GTA III, GTA's biggest changes have been common sense stuff that any series should do as technology advances. It wasn't particularly innovative to add flying vehicles and a 360 degree camera for firing a gun from your car, it was just the next logical step up. Assassin's Creed has made basic climbing and combat upgrades, but it's one of the most repetitive game series I've played, and it's amazingly successful. They're popular because of the story and graphical upgrades, and a gameplay formula that remains fun despite having few changes. Infamous has always had a fun, interesting, comic book-style story. It just took them until the third game to make a real graphical upgrade, and the gameplay has made all the upgrades that were needed. Also, the settings for the Infamous games aren't any more empty than Assassin's Creed's settings. The people are just kind enough to not get in your way when you're at ground level, or when there's a huge battle of flames and sparks and explosions going on.
  8. Massacre


    Holy fuck, Infamous: Second Son turned out to be pretty goddamn sexy. Significant graphical improvements since I last saw it. Large images below. My urge to upgrade is strong.
  9. Massacre


    Infamous: Second Son (I know the actual title doesn't have a colon, but it fucking should. Sucker Punch cannot grammar correctly) is the only game I'm interested in at the moment that isn't also getting a current-gen release. I won't really need to upgrade until GTA VI. Saints Row V is when I'll upgrade, though. Not specifically for the game, but that will be the general time period (1-2 years from now) when PS4 has a good enough lineup to get me to upgrade. On an Xbox note, I'm glad Titanfall is also on 360. I want to play it, but I'm not buying a new console for it.
  10. Massacre


    I'll wait until I can jam a couple wires into my brain and have real VR.
  11. It says a lot about the quality of this show that I quit smoking weed not long after the first season, and I still find it equally hilarious. Broad City is good, too. Kind of like a female version of Workaholics, minus the working. Give it a go. Hannibal Buress' small role is funny enough to keep me watching, but everyone on the show is great.
  12. Shiiiiiit. Edit: Dunno why there were unnecessary additions to the url. Image fixed.
  13. Vast, vast, vast majority, but not all. Reloaded and Revolutions sucked, but I'll defend the first Matrix to the bitter end.
  14. Titanic was pretty shit, too. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate a nude Kate Winslet as much as the next guy, but that doesn't make the rest of the movie better.
  15. Con Air wasn't that bad, compared to the other shit of the age. '98 - '02 was a long stretch of various pools of diarrhea disguised as major blockbusters.
  16. I do not support the 49ers, because football is gayer than anything I've done in San Francisco.
  17. I don't know how I feel about spiders that are large enough for me to use as transportation.
  18. Agreed, since I can't stand love interests and romance in video games, for the most part. I liked Mercedes, however, and I thoroughly enjoyed the conversations Niko had with the various girlfriend options in IV.
  19. Well, it was slightly off, but I couldn't pass up that joke. Accurately, the Breakfast Club formula for the various GTA games are... GTA III: Vice City: San Andreas GTA IV GTA V