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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Sounds like it. L3 shouldn't do anything but honk your horn, when in a vehicle.
  2. That is a very nice Collector's Edition. Molag Bal doesn't look like that at all, and this game is violating a lot of lore, but it's still nice.
  3. I typically delete the post when someone is advertising their own videos, but, this one is rather useful. I'll allow it. I find this helpful, because there's a shirt unlock (I can't remember what award it's from) that has a red skull and shield logo, but the shirt is pale brown, for some reason. Now I can sport the logo on a black shirt.
  4. What control scheme are you using that clicking L3 is causing you to bail out of your car?
  5. Once it's around $20, purchase 4 without hesitation. Buy the aforementioned Ezio trilogy immediately, because Ezio is awesome, as are his games. They're all the same stuff, in terms of gameplay (though, the first game is primitive, compared to the controls of the later games), but the story is what makes this series.
  6. This one reminds me of GTA IV, for some reason. Something about the color, I think.
  7. You know you're not coming back from Europe. You'll find a new life there. A better life.
  8. The first episode of Spartacus wasn't much of a start, either, but it ended up being a great series. I'm going to withhold judgement until the end of the season. If nothing else, I'll keep watching for the same reason I still watch Game of Thrones: There's nothing else on TV that night.
  9. Unrelated necro-post, here... Yep. It's a prequel to Treasure Island. Not much information beyond that and the cast. This premiered Saturday. Other than 4 characters, there's next to no connection to Treasure Island, that I've noticed. The first episode has an attack on a ship, a bloody one-on-one fight, a very faithful representation of Nassau, and other fun things. Anne Bonny made a minor appearance (she'll have a more important role later on), and other pirates like Charles Vane will turn up throughout the series. Also, Score.
  10. Massacre

    Sleeping Dogs

    I liked Hong Kong, but if they're not going to use a new city, they need to fill in the empty space between districts. I don't want the same boring map. I would really prefer a game set in San Francisco, with a character other than Wei. Also, we need actual choices to make. All through Sleeping Dogs, the cops treated Wei like shit (except for Teng), and the Triads treated him like family. At no point did I feel like backing the cops. The Triads were always the ones whose ideals I agreed with. The final few missions of the game should've had Wei deciding whether to back the cops or leave it behind and stay with the Triads. The next game needs a young cop working his first undercover gig, and the player decides whether he does his job, or goes native and becomes a powerful Triad.
  11. Massacre

    Sleeping Dogs

    They announced it as the next game, they just didn't say anything else.
  12. Massacre

    Sleeping Dogs

    WHY DON'T YOU HAVE A PORK BUN IN YOUR HAND Also, they announced a sequel late last year. No other information has been provided, other than the Title. Sleeping Dogs: Triad Wars.
  13. That is an astounding level of proud american you're sporting, there. Do not bring it with you the next time you visit this site.
  14. The first one is hard cider, it works fine. The second one is cheap garbage and will taste horrible.
  15. That the direction the majority is dangling in.
  16. If you like the flavor, you can just put the flowers directly in the mead when making a new batch, but you can't beat the flavor of the fresh flowers. Also, make sure you decorate it with an intact blossom from each plant, and, if you can, serve in a tankard. If you're going to do it, do it right.
  17. Give it a try. Set some aside in a smaller container. Also, once you have mead, you can make the White-Gold Tower, a mixed beverage from Skyrim. Combine mead 50-50 with heavy whipping cream (stir gently), and add lavender and dragon's tongue. Dragon's tongue, in Skyrim, is a flower. In the real world, it is a type of bean. The closest real-world equivalents of the flower that I know of are the snapdragon or the yellow orchid.
  18. Here's a cheap version I got from /b/ a few years ago. It's not bad. I can't find my authentic version (an actual thousand year old recipe from the viking age). Depending on how sweet the final product is, you may want to add additional honey to each serving. It's better if it's a little heavier and closer to beer. The wine-like version you get from festivals and whatnot is usually swill.
  19. I am not aware of a release date, but given that the collapse of society in the game began on Black Friday, I would expect it out by the holidays.
  20. I have a mead recipe, if you want that.
  21. We're going to have one hell of a lineup playing The Division once most of our forum peeps upgrade to next-gen. It has a lot of appeal with the Fallout crowd.
  22. I hope having an erection doesn't interfere with performing surgery.
  23. Wear black suits, in honor of the holiday. If anyone's character is black, make them give a speech, then shoot them, then make every MLK Day a memorial crew event.
  24. I really should've been a surgeon.