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Everything posted by Massacre

  1. Entity XF. Don't let the popularity of the Adder fool you, it's shit. Plus, if you make it white, the XF looks like something a Stormtrooper drives to work in.
  2. Massacre

    GTAO Wishlist Edit: Actually, I think I'll just merge it.
  3. Tracey Morgan stole my car once. Brought it back a week later. It was missing the engine, but it had a fresh coat of paint. Really nice guy.
  4. I thought it was temporary. And done as a joke. I also didn't find it funny, at all, but chose not to be a Negative Nancy. Or a Debbie Downer, if you prefer.
  5. "iGTA: For some reason, we're still milking this jackal thing..."
  6. Sorry, you can't be a black guy in a white suit because Diddy did it. God, what didn't Diddy do?
  7. Massacre

    Skate 3

    I've been playing this. Very fun. Still getting used to the controls, and having issues building speed at times, but I'm doing alright. I don't like that the 'pros' (I've only heard of four or five of them) get blatantly unrealistic levels of speed and air, and that they have suspiciously high scores in competitions. Taking quite a bit of effort to win competitions, especially since I'm still not quite sure what I'm doing at times, and my first 1up match (John Cardiel, I believe) was bullshit. Nonetheless, I am enjoying myself. Also, thanks to GTA, I instinctively try to pull out a grenade launcher every time I'm hit by a car.
  8. They always smile when you take a picture of them.
  9. Massacre

    GTAO Wishlist

    A leather vest. A leather vest. A FUCKING LEATHER VEST. It's pretty simple, Rockstar. Get on it. Your leather jackets are shit, and I need a leather vest to put my crew emblem on.
  10. Moved, merged, and there are already images of that area floating around. None in this topic, though, which is why I didn't simply lock yours. Also, there's an in-game camera on your phone, you don't need to photograph your TV.
  11. Still haven't run into all these philanthropist hackers. Do I need to turn my spam filter off or something?
  12. If you don't find yourself airborne on at least one of San Francisco's hills, you don't belong on a GTA site. Keep that in mind when you reach your destination.
  13. Sometimes, I drive down to Vespucci and stare at the mask vendor for a few minutes. I then shoot him in the face and leave. He will keep dying until I get a gas mask, Rockstar. His blood is on your hands.
  14. My character has a white/Hispanic mother. His father is John Marston, because the other Caucasian options gave him a gigantic nose.
  15. But at least there was a story linking the missions together. I don't mind my character being mute, because it would take a lot of time and resources to get a selection of voice actors for different characters. I just want cutscenes and phone calls and whatnot, moving things along and telling me why I should give a shit about these people and their problems. I like Trevor, but my character, being partially Hispanic, would be a lot more likely to approach the Aztecas for work. He would work for the Vagos over Lamar for the same reason. Hell, give me an alternate start DLC where I'm brought to San Andreas by Ortega, landing at McKenzie Field, and the game starts out in Blaine County, working for the Aztecas. GTAO needs a major overhaul. It needs a storyline. Keep everyone's character at the same level, but bring them back into the game from the beginning, with multiple starting options, link the current missions with a story, and add a lot more of them.
  16. Rob's character looks like mine did before I shaved his head. Same shirt and all. Twins, separated at birth. Still separated because I never see Rob's invites.
  17. Nice. Gaudy vs. gaudy. I was going for "car only a rapper would drive," which is the only time it's okay to use the diamond rims.
  18. I just hope that GTAO eventually has something resembling a story. There is no reason for my character to do any mission after the initial race with Lamar, because there is no storyline giving the missions a point. What is my motivation supposed to be? If I'm living in a penthouse overlooking the entire city and have $2 million in cars sitting in my garage, why the hell would I repo a car for Simeon? Why am I working for Trevor and Ron and not the Aztecas and The Lost? Why was it Lamar that met me at the airport and not a Vago or a Balla who would show me their side of things? Make it matter, Rockstar. Make my character a protagonist in a story, not a tool with no mind of his own.
  19. Fuck yeah. Time to party with Firm.