The Mad Dooby

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Everything posted by The Mad Dooby

  1. Stupid D-Link, my xbox has a better connection through WiFi than it would through a direct line
  2. Lets not ask why he wants to watch a game character sleep while he "takes a break"...
  3. I actually have Red Dead on PS3, just the old girl doesnt connect to my home wifi, *kicks PS3* lousy piece of shit
  4. *Pulls out dictionary to try and follow what Vicey is saying*
  5. Back in 1972, Atari invented a thing called a PAUSE button, its also on the left side of center button on most game controllers
  6. That looks like you just pulled that out of my ass
  7. I do not know why you are having so much trouble, i changed mine in 3 seconds, aint that hard
  8. Shall we get back on topic? This new map is a very good replication of the GTA map, andis excellent for the Sims 3
  9. Fitty, You might want to move to a sims topic in other games, this is other GTA games?
  10. If car modification rolls around again, make it a car mod, but, as you have suggested, it adds more weight and makes the performance of your car suffer, but should be fun to plow through traffic
  11. Thanks it looked out of place for me too, and 10, its not shot like the stereotypical fallout panout to wider view trailer like they usaul are with number 3 and new vegas. those teasers focus on one small little thing (usually something creating music) and pans out to show the bigger picture Another point is that it uses the main menu theme music from new vegas only tweaked. And I highly dought Bethesda would make a sign pointing different directions to Washington DC, to Las Vegas, to San Fransico
  12. Ok 1: the total amount of money from the pre war money i got from the casino, the gold bars, and the extra sierra madre chips i had EQUALS 500,000 caps, i dont have that much. (watch the video to see what I say below. This works because ive done it) 2: When you open the vault door, you need to smash the generator to the turrets, WITHOUT entering the vault, then move over to the other side and use the terminal to disable the computer. once this is done, exit the vault, DONT go in to it, go over to the stairs to your right hand side and place all of your explosives at the base of the stairs (ie, gas bombs, C4, etc etc) then enter the vault, (the door will close behind you) and grab all the gold, money, loot you want, use the terminal on the desk to read the second log which is a letter to vera, from sinclair. after you read the 5 page letter about hoe he loves her, back out of the computer and do not read further. Father Elijah will pop up on a Screen in front of you and you will discuss with him, you must tell him you are going to destroy the logs on the computer (science 75) and he will come and confront you, opening the vault for you to get out. you will be over encumbered so you'll end up walking out. before you leave, be sure to pick up the fire extinguisher thingy from up off the floor of the vault and take it with you. leave the vault and walk over to your right where you placed your explosives and drop the air tank/fire extingusher thing in the pile. it will look like you can escape but a forcefield will pop up in front of the door way on top of the stairs before you can leave. father Elijah will come down behind the forcefield and breifly say a few words to you out side of dialouge. run into the barrier and kee running against it to get in it when the explosives go off in the chamber, disabling the forcefield and knocking you forward through the forcefeild. Father Elijah is then launched the other way into the explosives you previously placed. killing him, completing that part of the quest. you then get up off your face and simply walk to the elevator and leave. you dont have to go through the suites as you already know. you end up in the villa and from there you leave the sierra madre with all the gold bars. and does this look fake to you guys?
  13. Why couldnt you guys have xbox's god damn, maybe i'll see if i can get the old PS3 going
  14. Kinda like what i put in my Car Modification, but thats collecting dust, alot of dust. If i remember correctly, wasnt there a Bulletproof/explosion proof admiral in vice city?
  15. Fuck I just got out of the Sierra Madre with all the 37 gold bars, all the dough from the casino, so my grand total of caps made from that alone is 500,000. HOLY FUCK!!!
  16. Thats what fallout has always been, and it would make sense if it wasnt a full add on considering that Bethesa/Obsidian only wants to make the level cap 50
  17. Thats in every game nowadays, ill be cruising along and BAM a taxi cab decides he needs to drive in my lane when theres no one in his
  18. It was kind of unnessarary to create the underboard...
  19. I liked the system of Mafia 2 where you got TICKETED for speeding and smashing into cars, this gives you the option to pull over and pay the ticket to shake the annoying pig, or floor it and say fuck you, also, when you park your car with the wheels turned, thats where they stay, just little details
  20. An me of course, so basically all the Vets/regualr posters are alex? he's his own spambot