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Everything posted by iBeNiko

  1. hmph. it was kind weird, because i was so used to seeing him post all the time, and then all of a sudden he stopped.
  2. i hope that we will be able to fill up buses with players, i hated how in gta4 you could only have 4 people in it.
  3. i also want jets to have an exploding feature when they crash, for example if i crash into another players car with a jet in multiplayer i want their car to also be destroyed, or if there are like 4 players in an area together i want to be able to crash there and kill them all. basically i want a suicide bombing feature. i could see it now... right before i bomb someone i would yell over the mic something like "Bonzai!!!!!!" lol. i also hope they add a bloody water effect, for example if you shoot a person and they fall into water a cloud of blood appears in the water.
  4. it would be pretty cool if they implemented a colors mechanic too, for example if you wear the wrong colors in the wrong hood as Franklin they may try and jump you or something.
  5. it would be pretty cool if it was accessible in multiplayer. i would be up there with a sniper rifle just taking shots at people.
  6. actually the realism in GTA 4 was pretty awesome IMO, the thing that made it boring was the lack of things to actually do after you beat the game.
  7. yeah ikr they were pretty random in IV yeah because there are lots of places to go offroading in ny umm... how does what you said correlate with that you quoted? ny = librety city hummers are good offroad useless on it. i was just agreeing with sarcasim. oh. i thought you were just being random...
  8. yeah ikr they were pretty random in IV yeah because there are lots of places to go offroading in ny umm... how does what you said correlate with that you quoted?
  9. Doubt there will be laundry ability. Just clothes change. well probably not a laundry mat, but i like how they put in little things like that into the game.
  10. Ice cube i could consider my favorite rapper. that is not him. Let's put an end to this discussion https://twitter.com/...439364394807297 i honestly have no clue why people say he sounds like ice cube. they sound nothing alike.
  11. or eddie low the serial killer. lol If you did all of the random encounters for 100% completion, Eddie Low will not be able to return anywhere, ever. yeah. i kinda figured that out an hour after i posted that comment. i diddnt know that you could find him a second time. lol You should go through the game again and do all of the random encounters. They are really, really cool little missions. Plus you find out who *may* be able to return, on that small of a level. I mean, seriously, none of us knew that two guys briefly seen in missions that Niko were in, Johnny and Luis, would be the stars of their own DLC's, which were TLAD and TBOGT. i know. i retarted tbogt yesterday and i honestly don't remember seeing luis in three leaf clover, but i watched three leaf clover on YT yesterday and it seems like luis's voice changed from three leaf clover to tbogt. i have a feeling that they changed actors before making tbogt.
  12. or eddie low the serial killer. lol If you did all of the random encounters for 100% completion, Eddie Low will not be able to return anywhere, ever. yeah. i kinda figured that out an hour after i posted that comment. i diddnt know that you could find him a second time. lol
  13. "Why aren’t Kinect and PlayStation Move in GTA V?" Dan Houser: (what he really wants to say):...Because we're not f***ing idiots...
  14. im guessing that by 2013 they will probably come out and tell us the release date.
  15. thought this was a pretty good fake. i saw it on the ign rumors and leaks section. what do you guys think about it.
  16. PUZI - People Undoing Zoo Ideology something like that... or PITA People are Inferior To Animals. its from the show brickleberry, but it sounds very GTAish.
  17. hell yea especially on multiplayer. have like 10 people in the back waiting to skydive. or all on dirtbikes just riding out the back
  18. you guys remember that one rapper who tweeted about being in GTA 5. his name was Curtis snow. and if you listen to Lamar talk, when he asks Michael where the house is, Lamar sounds like Curtis snow. i'm not saying it is him, i'm just saying its a big possibility.