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Everything posted by UlanBator

  1. There's a desert and salt planes. After reading Game Informer article I have a lot of new questions.
  2. I really believe Vercetti is back. Could be just a boss or even an enemy, but I think he will be the big surprise on this game.
  3. East Coast Gangster... Tommy Vercetti? No, but he could be in the game as "adviser", consiglieri bambino.
  4. A few weeks ago someone told me that it would be great to have in GTA 5 a big prison with gangs and riots. I didnt agree but its an idea.
  5. I believe Game Informer article will show us new pictures, new tecnical features of the game and role playing, they will also tell us the game is huge, and thats it. No story. My opinion, and I want to be wrong.
  6. I insist on the hologram cover staff. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9QR3qaK_Cs Its a great idea.
  7. I think 2nd trailer will not show us any new relevant fact, probably some new places, farms, forests and and a small town, but no story line. Probably we'll have to wait until 3rd trailer to get some "whats going on...".
  8. I want to see this trailer, of course. But in my opinion it will be a half disapointment. No answers, lots of questions.
  9. Pre-order now, and you will play it at your seniors home... Time runs.
  10. 2nd trailer today (big wish) I will be at the office, looking at R* homepage... LOL
  11. A cover with holograms and money notes http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-jersey-17741032 The five comes from here http://www.edstreasure.com/T%20image%20file/bills/5%20dollar%20bill%20indian%20on%20face.JPG Just thinking.
  12. I want something modern and practical like this http://en.wikipedia....iki/View-Master to see GTA 5... Cmon R*, what's next? Dildos?
  13. I just voted that the world was going to end... Very accurate, in some million years.
  14. Bold New Direction 1st - There's no defined protagonist, but we have a voice. Sounds like a 40's or 50's yo caucasian... A "Sindicate" lider? A dude that can send other guys/girls do jobs form him? 2nd - A full cooperative game? We should be allways online and go on the story? I dont believe so. (Its more like, I dont want that.) 3rd - More than one protagonist? Something like, GTA4 with lost and damned and gay tony at the same time? Or something like Vice city and vice city stories, two timelines?
  15. "Welcome to Grapessed" is the most revealing picture, the distance from the farm to the montains looks huge.
  16. Well spotted Br1, the guy on the Zancudo River picture looks like the guy on the red plain.
  17. Full suport for all New Yorkers on this bad moment, probably I was insensitive. Fortunely they are uploading on R* homepage again.
  18. Rockstar for the last months have upload lots of Vice CIty memorabila. In my opinion Vice City have the best storyline and characters of all GTA games... I want Tommy back, boss, enemy, but just back!
  19. Sandy shutdown New York City, but Rockstar could upload information from the UK offices, right?