is something myself (me in this video) and a few friends do for fun in GTAIV. (using NO CHEATS/MODS!) This should have been a mission for the game for Brucie. It's quite challenging, TRY IT!The Challenge? Starting a new game and take Roman to the apartment. When it lets you into the world for the first time steal the Sultan RS turbo by driving any car/truck/motorcycle you can steal and drive up to the Alderney Mansion for the Sultan RS (hidden car in the top corner of the map two locked levels up) and returning safely to the original safe house. (NO CHEATS!, no swimming, no taxi rides or subways, no choppers, no boats, no weapons)
This was posted originally as a challenge by (or to?) Moss_27 on a gaming forum a while ago.
River owns you.
ps: All the music on video is original by me.