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Call of Duty: Black Ops

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BushkaUK. I wouldn't mind a few games of Zombie: Ascension with some of you guys! I got to wave 24 the other day. I think i prefer the zombie elements of multiplayer than the normal competitive stuff.

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Yeah, Ascension is awesome. Played it for the 1st time the other day and I'm hooked. Don't really get much time to play, but perhaps we could organise a regular game(s) night for the iGTA community? Get a little competition going?

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I haven't played this game for a long time, since like January. Well, I did play about a month ago and I just couldn't go back to it since the controls just felt so clunky and unsmooth after playing Killzone so much, lol.

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I think Treyarch could easily go down the Call of the Dead route and make a whole online experience based on zombie survival. As long as it has more than just the current survive waves mode. I think it would be much better than left for dead for sure.

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Considering they can spit out CoD games like mad, I don't see why there couldn't be a Call of the Dead game franchise, released on alternating years with CoD. A full-on CoD zombie game, with single-player and split screen co-op offline and online co-op for the main game, with CoD's full array of online multiplayer shenanigans. They'd make shit tons of money, and if they worked on the single-player a little more, I'd would actually buy it.

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