
The Last of Us

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definitely. I haven't been keeping up with every bit of info but is there zombies in the game ? my mate keeps going on about zombies, and any video I've seen of it doesn't show zombies lol.

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definitely. I haven't been keeping up with every bit of info but is there zombies in the game ? my mate keeps going on about zombies, and any video I've seen of it doesn't show zombies lol.

They arn't zombies in the game... There are non human enemies in the game tho. Like Mutents. Kinda like the monsters in Uncharted 1.

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Rockstar Games are brilliant story tellers. Naughty Dog are brilliant action and set designers.

they're both great at paying attention to even the smallest of details, like the placement of a soda can or poster... max payne 3 offered the same level of detail that uncharted has perfected...

definitely. I haven't been keeping up with every bit of info but is there zombies in the game ? my mate keeps going on about zombies, and any video I've seen of it doesn't show zombies lol.

the spore creatures haven't been revealed much, i think they appeared in the debut trailer??


those are the real dangers of the world, can't wait to see how we'll be forced to deal with them... did anyone ever catch what city they were in?? i know he has to take her to another town, so i didn't know if this took place in a single city...

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ign review theatre for the truck ambush trailer, commented and said a bridge at the beginning of that trailer suggests the city is Pittsburgh, and another sign for a highway that runs through Pittsburgh could be seen

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The game looks amazing and most of all it looks like a challenge. A game where you actually have to think before you act. The demo's look amazing and if you watch both of them you can see how different every situation can be. Really looking forward to this game!

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ign review theatre for the truck ambush trailer, commented and said a bridge at the beginning of that trailer suggests the city is Pittsburgh, and another sign for a highway that runs through Pittsburgh could be seen

Sounds cool. I don't really know much about Pittsburgh, so it will be interesting to see how it all looks and feels through-out the game.

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Seems like there is a little bit of a frame rate issue...

Did they confirm it is pittsburg? I mean, the guy as a slight southern accent and the town is flooded.. makes me think of New Orleans... eg, if the levees broke after the outbreak.

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I know, but if they are having frame rate issues, im sure theyll decrease visuals to compensate....

I looked it up, and it looks like it takes place it several different locals, starting in pittsburg..

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i must be the only person in the world that doesn't give a shit about frame rates, or notice them... i am currently playing a game that has slow frame rates and pop-in textures, on top of janky combat... i ain't complaining though, i think i found my sleeper hit of the year in risen 2 :D... i am pretty sure i'm the only one in the world playing this game...

everything i have seen of last of us is just gorgeous, gritty, and intense... and you're talking about naughty dog, they WILL NOT sacrifice on the graphics at all :P... probably just have some code to clean up... dealing with a world based in a sandbox style atmosphere always has it's complications... there's too much for the hardware to calculate...

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I definately notice frame rate drop, it annoys my eyes...

Im not saying the game will be gret, but your a litle over hyped on this game, it aint gonna be gta 3....

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nah, i'm excited but i don't get all hyped up anymore... i find it ruins the experience when you expect something and get something else... i want to play this, but i don't know if its worth purchasing if i can beat it a couple times renting it...

:bones:<{ i iposteded dat shit!!1! }

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Looks good, I'm really getting into post apocalyptic stuff now, with the walking dead (game and tv show). This game looks good, visuals will be good, considering this is an exclusive. Plus the actual storyline looks decent too, too many games often get ruined by crappy story-lines.

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The camera kinda stutters a bit when the view changes, its especially noticable during the first three minutes or so...

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I don't mind frame rate drops unless they become ridiculously low. From what i saw in that trailer, hey weren't too bad. Also, that stutter could have been the video compression rather than the actual footage.

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The frame rate issues look to be the way the video is encoded. Even at 720p it looks like garbage, which makes me think they forced it to 720p and probably actually recorded at maybe 480p.

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Ouh, silly release date, unless V bombs, i do like the fact that next year seems to be an epic year for game releases. Only Hitman really interested me this year before release. There's already at least 5 I'm looking forward to playing at some point, including this.

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Nice box art. i like the way they placed the text for some reason. It really works with the angled camera.


Earlier this week, developer Naughty Dog confirmed that its upcoming post-apocalyptic romp The Last of Us would feature a multiplayer mode of some description. This was met with some trepidation from gamers, as the subject of multiplayer being shoe-horned into a largely single-player experience has been a highly contentious issue for the last few years. Just look at Dead Space 2, Mass Effect 3 and Assassin’s Creed and you’ll see what we’re talking about.

However, while the concern is justified, we think that The Last of Us could provide one of the most unique and engaging multiplayer experiences on PlayStation 3. For one, Naughty Dog promises it won’t compromise the single-player, and we trust them; Uncharted 2 and 3 are a testament to how the studio is able to craft a thrilling campaign and supplement the action with a compelling multiplayer. We think the same case will definitely apply for The Last of Us.

Given the backdrop of Joel and Ellie’s adventure, we can imagine it will be more than just a simple shoot-‘em-up affair. PSU.com would like to see something built around the concept of survival; how about two teams, one comprised of human scavengers and the other Fungas-infected monstrosities? Uncharted 3 had a great template to work from, so we fully expect some bread-and-butter events such as Death Match, Team Death Match etc to show their face. However, Naughty Dog is sure to offer something to differentiate The Last of Us from its treasure-hunting stable mate.

Survivors competing against other survivors would make for quite a compelling take on the traditional gun battles. Instead of having copious amounts of ammunition and supplies, players would have to scavenge for essentials, which ties in nicely with the core fundamentals of the single-player campaign. Careful planning and stealth would ensure victory over the other team, making for a more cerebral experience than your by-the-numbers blaster. More action-oriented modes could also be implemented, such as defending safe houses from an opposing team or infected, or having a pair of infected attempt to pass on the fungal virus onto a team of survivors, while the human side has to wipe them out before everyone becomes infected.

Of course, these are just some of the ideas we have for multiplayer; Naughty Dog is sure to surprise us and we have every faith that they’ll deliver an online experience just as memorable as Uncharted 3.

The Last of Us is due out exclusively on PS3 on May 7, 2013.


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Nice box art. i like the way they placed the text for some reason. It really works with the angled camera.

i've always liked the stacked look...when i read anything in that style i hear "BAM BAM BAM" in my head, like they're slamming into their horizontal spot :lol:... it also helps to break it up too, adding more dramatics to the way you read it... the last, of us...

i agree with the statement though, i thought uncharted was a fun multiplayer... i didn't play a bunch of it, but i did play it... i could see them really doing something fun online with the dynamic game structure it's built around... for a major single player game, they created a complimentary online mode for uncharted (especially the co-op stuff), unlike others on that list like the AC tack on...

if it's built within the game structure, like hitman and GTAIV, it compliments the single player experience... AC is a bunch of assassins running around in a condensed animus map... where's the hunting games or sea battles?? why must everything revolve around a deathmatch style of gameplay in a a restricted map?! create something that fits the open world you spent 3 years developing <_< ...

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