
The Last of Us

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Well at least you got to complete t. Sucks that you can't get the most out of it though.

The more I play survivor mode, the more it feels like I'm playing Manhunt. All those stealth kills from behind, it's giving me deja vu lol.

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yea, i did get to enjoy the experience, and even though my game continued to give me fits, the game itself as a whole kept pushing me forward to keep going and finish it... it was so beautifully constructed that i was willing to suffer through the pains... but after trying to suffer through them again, i reached that point where enough is enough... i might try to fire it up again soon to see if it works and i can knock out a couple more chapters, but i am officially done trophy hunting until they fix it for me...

but before i go, i thought i'd share a few pics i took on my journey before i forget that i took them...



kind of random, but i was fiddling around in my backpack and when i came back to the action, for a split second, i thought i was playing fallout :lol:... so many areas in this game reminded me off fallout... i should of took pics of better representations i guess, lol... note, the building is at an angle...



i sure hope everyone else got the memo... fuck ed, whoever you are... also, it's the little things you find all over the map, the words on the walls, the things you barely notice unless you get up close and check it out...



random shot of boston, the first city you're in...


the next two are spoiler images... look at your own risk...



an uncharted board game?? i want one!! :lol:... i think there was a jak & dexter one too... cool easter egg :D...


easily one of the craziest WTF moments in the lived-in world around me...


the sewers, where all those kids were, where the sailor, 'ish', took refuge... this sad scene where there's 5 or 6 children corpses and that painful note next to the guy in the pic talking about how he was infected and locked in this room with the kids while the infected took over the sewer... the note on the floor clearly paints the picture...

fucking brutal mang...

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A little easter egg I noticed towards the end of the game:

In the hospital on the last chapter, there's one of those optical word picture things where the letters get progressively smaller. If you read it all carefully it says "DONT GIVE UP YOURE NEARLY THERE" or something along those lines. I'll try and get a picture next time I'm there.

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I'm about to start playing this game soon ( playing Company of Heroes 2 right now ). And I'm hearing from everywhere that 'The Last of Us' will be Game of The Year, putting it above future 2013 games like GTA V, Watch Dogs ( which still looks kind of overrated to me ) and Rome 2.

So I'm just wondering, is the game that good.

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I'm about to start playing this game soon ( playing Company of Heroes 2 right now ). And I'm hearing from everywhere that 'The Last of Us' will be Game of The Year, putting it above future 2013 games like GTA V, Watch Dogs and Rome 2.

So I'm just wondering, is the game that good.

Yes....Yes it is.

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I'm about to start playing this game soon ( playing Company of Heroes 2 right now ). And I'm hearing from everywhere that 'The Last of Us' will be Game of The Year, putting it above future 2013 games like GTA V, Watch Dogs ( which still looks kind of overrated to me ) and Rome 2.

So I'm just wondering, is the game that good.

i think it is that good personally. and i find that new IPs usually have better chances at GOY, so i would say TLoU will most likely beat out V. and why do you think watch dogs looks overrated? i think it looks like the best third party next gen launch title announced so far.

Yes....Yes it is.
What is so good about it?

And do you think it will be better than GTA V?

you cant really compare the two. one is a cinematic linear game with an amazing character driven story that is about 18 hrs, while the other is open world, non linear, with a different way of telling a story and endless hours of entertainment of fucking shit up. if u want a realistic, emotional masterpiece of a movie in a game, then its tlou, but if you want unlimited pure entertainment and a more gamey experience, its gta v.

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Yes....Yes it is.

What is so good about it?

And do you think it will be better than GTA V?

I'm about to start playing this game soon ( playing Company of Heroes 2 right now ). And I'm hearing from everywhere that 'The Last of Us' will be Game of The Year, putting it above future 2013 games like GTA V, Watch Dogs ( which still looks kind of overrated to me ) and Rome 2.

So I'm just wondering, is the game that good.

i think it is that good personally. and i find that new IPs usually have better chances at GOY, so i would say TLoU will most likely beat out V. and why do you think watch dogs looks overrated? i think it looks like the best third party next gen launch title announced so far.

Yes....Yes it is.
What is so good about it?

And do you think it will be better than GTA V?

you cant really compare the two. one is a cinematic linear game with an amazing character driven story that is about 18 hrs, while the other is open world, non linear, with a different way of telling a story and endless hours of entertainment of fucking shit up. if u want a realistic, emotional masterpiece of a movie in a game, then its tlou, but if you want unlimited pure entertainment and a more gamey experience, its gta v.

Good point....I think gta 5 will be better overall, but for amazing graphics and storyline then it's The Last Of Us

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i think it is that good personally. and i find that new IPs usually have better chances at GOY, so i would say TLoU will most likely beat out V. and why do you think watch dogs looks overrated? i think it looks like the best third party next gen launch title announced so far.

you cant really compare the two. one is a cinematic linear game with an amazing character driven story that is about 18 hrs, while the other is open world, non linear, with a different way of telling a story and endless hours of entertainment of fucking shit up. if u want a realistic, emotional masterpiece of a movie in a game, then its tlou, but if you want unlimited pure entertainment and a more gamey experience, its gta v.

Watch Dogs looks overrated because ~

1) The main character ( what's his face ) looks like one of the most boring people ever to be invented in gaming. Very one dimensional and unimaginative. We don't know much about his back story so far, but from what I've seen of his personality in the Demos/ Trailers it's ZZzz....

2) The game world seems bland and uninviting ( especially when compared to GTA V's world ). And Watch Dogs NPC's lack character and personality compared to GTA's funny, differentiated and outspoken NPC's.

3) The hacking ability looks tacky and gimmicky. With a bland interface ( reminds me of Assassins Creed's Future/ Desmond world interface ), and a limited usefulness. I don't know how they will keep hacking feeling fresh over the course of the game, before it starts to feel stale. I really hope that it enhances the gameplay, but I have yet to see it being used in an imaginative and interesting way.

4) The missions look very linear, in a game promising to be very open in nature ( gameplay wise )

I could go on, but I'll just state that GTA V still looks a whole lot more promising...

And on the second statement, I agree that it's difficult to compare very different games like these. With one being a Linear Post Apocalyptic third person shooter ( which is heavily character and story driven ), and the other is an Open World Crime/ Action, third person shooter with multiple protagonists.

But both will eventually be compared to one another for the Game of the Year title, so if both are of the same quality ( and GTA V looks great ), and given the length of both games, which would you rather have?

A 10 hour unbelievable game, or a 100 hour unbelievable game ( which could possibly be more if the Online component for V is good ).

I can tell you that the longer game with more features will win my vote every time...

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Good point....I think gta 5 will be better overall, but for amazing graphics and storyline then it's The Last Of Us

I would love to hear all the information you have about GTA V's storyline. Clearly, you must know all about it to make such a bold statement.

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why do we have to derail this into a GOTY topic?? we're here to talk about last of us... i am deleting the next post that mentions GTA or watch dogs, we've got other topics to discuss that shit in...

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Yes....Yes it is.

What is so good about it?

The drive to succeed makes the story one hell of a journey. The characters are so rich and have decent back stories, that make them instantly successful. Joel & Ellie are already Playstation classics imo.

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Yes....Yes it is.
What is so good about it?

The drive to succeed makes the story one hell of a journey. The characters are so rich and have decent back stories, that make them instantly successful. Joel & Ellie are already Playstation classics imo.

especially ellie. i think she will be recognized as one of the best female protags in games. Joel is an amazing character that is likable and relatable, but he takes a back seat to ellie as the best character.

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TLoU sold over 3.4 mill in the first three weeks, which exceeded Sony's expectations. That's good news. I remember Naughty Dog answering a Q&A live just before the release of this, and one of the questions was "Would you consider making TLoU a franchise?" The guy answered something like: (paraphrasing) "Well, we're all on holiday at the moment, glad to see the back of it. But, we'll see how well the game is received, and then we'll probably discuss its future at a later date".


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LOL Wow, i never knew there could be so many glitches in this game, since i've experienced almost none. The only one i got really was Dumb AI which would run in front of the bad guys and not get noticed, while i'm trying my hardest to hide and not get seen. It broke my immersion a couple of times on Survivor difficulty.

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One of the main ND guys (i think Neil Druckmann) said in an interview after the release that Joel and Ellie's stories are over, but a spiritual sequel is a high possibility. Good decision imo, I wouldn't want them to milk and ruin an amazing standalone story.

PS- I couldn't find the interview link, but I remember reading it.

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^ Yeah i remember seeing that now, on that 'leaky basement' event they did.

So i completed the game on survivor plus, and i only have a couple of trophies left to whore. Here's a couple of quick phone pics i took:





I'm still missing some of Ellie's jokes and i need to grind the online trophies, that's about it.

Can't wait for that single player DLC now...

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You unlock them to buy(using jn-game achievement cash) in the bonus menu after completing different difficulties. I noticed those specific items were after completing survivor. There is quite alot of clothes to unlock if you haven't seen it already, along with other unlockables like concept art and post filters to make the world look different.

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I was wondering what the story DLC would be of. I think it will be between 2 things:

-A portion of the 20 years between the outbreak and the present, where it tells the story of Joel and Tommy's trip to Boston and what really happened between them that made Tommy leave.

-Ish's story, from the number of letters throughout the game. From the crashing of the boat on land, to the life in the sewer area, to it being overrun by infected and the escape and his true fate, which was never told.

What do you guys think should be the story DLC?

P.S.- At some point, San Fransisco should be in whatever story DLC they decide to do. Way back when they did some artwork on the city, but it was never in the full game. Here it is:


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