
The Last of Us

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if it's built within the game structure, like hitman and GTAIV, it compliments the single player experience... AC is a bunch of assassins running around in a condensed animus map... where's the hunting games or sea battles?? why must everything revolve around a deathmatch style of gameplay in a a restricted map?! create something that fits the open world you spent 3 years developing <_< ...

I couldn't agree more. I hope GTA V multipayer has more interesting open world gameplay in it. Whilst Deathmatches are still fun, competitive gameplay shouldn't be the main attraction for most multiplayer games. They need to re-invent the multiplayer category.

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Ouh, silly release date, unless V bombs, i do like the fact that next year seems to be an epic year for game releases. Only Hitman really interested me this year before release. There's already at least 5 I'm looking forward to playing at some point, including this.

If gta 5 is released in march, probably not a big deal for The Last Of Us.... Otherwise they can always just "delay" it due to "technical issues"

Ofc, gta 5 will probably be delayed until october anyway.

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Cool preview. You should have given us a spoiler warning btw, as they do explain a little bit of the plot, and some purists like to go into some games without any idea what is going on until it happens. It's only small plot details, but meh.

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I liked the talk about unpredictable events, when they exampled the bit here they were stealthing, but one of the runners got too close, and even though they were stealthing, the npc decided to empower the situation, and take shots at it. Then the developer said if you were to run from that situation and hide, the npc would follow and hide too... Pretty cool. I like panicked and uncontrolled situations at times.

@Kuzi - I think they adjusted her appearance a bit because she looked a lot like Ellen Page, and they wanted her to look like her own character, apparently.

Hmm, hang on... *researches*


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the game looks more like uncharted 1, in the old underground bunker... i wonder if that's where they got their inspiration for this game... that was the moment uncharted went completely 180, and changed the style of the game... it turned into a survival game...


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the cool shit with these mutants is the fungus started growing in their eye sockets... so they're blind, but the disease also spawns from their eyes, so that's where these crazy looking faces come from... i've loved the premise of this game from the beginning... it's not your typical zombie/vampire/werewolf story... this is an "i am legend" kind of tale...

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I hope the game doesn't feel too linear. I know Uncharted is linear, but they make it in such a way, that it doesn't always feel that way, seeing as there is so much action and tension to guide you through the story, it feels natural. It's the same dev team, so i have confidence in them. It's just post-disaster, and those sort of games usually work as open world. Did they ever mention to us that this wasn't open world? I doubt it, considering the quality of graphics.

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i probably won't watch too many more videos on this game... i get it now, i know what the enemies are, and i also read somewhere that you will probably die a lot... well, in the later levels of the uncharted series, i died a lot too :P... can't make it super easy on us now...

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Meh, looking at this again, maybe i won't be rushing out to get it, had enough of zombie/monster games over the past few years. Plus the shooting view angles look kinda shoddy to me, but maybe that cos i'm use to FPS and close 3rd person (over shoulder) shooting.

Pushed back a month? Has Q been jinxing game releases again. -_-

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