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PSN Thread

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Though the PlayStation Network and Qriocity side of Sony's digital services may have been subject to a massive breach of user information, it seems that Sony Online Entertainment product users are safe. SOE reps took to Sony's forums to clear the air, saying, "We have been conducting a thorough investigation and, to the best of our knowledge, no customer personal information got out to any unauthorized person or persons."

The post also acknowledges a "continuing investigation" currently taking place at SOE, and notes that the company will "promptly notify" customers of any change in the situation. SOE's games -- including Free Realms and DC Universe Online -- temporarily went offline on April 21 and have since had service restored. An SOE rep states that "SOE's systems and databases are separate from PSN's," thus explaining how the company's games are still working -- and how your information wasn't stolen.

Meanwhile, as reported by our sister site Massively, SOE is working on a "make good plan" for Free Realms and DCUO players on the PlayStation 3, as well as holding a handful of in-game events across multiple games in the coming weeks.


So that means what? SOE subsciption user database are safe, but PSN is not...

Not really good news, but i thought i might as well post it.

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Guest Marney1

I got an email from PSNetwork last night telling me my details had been compromised. I must have deleted it by mistake (was drunk) and now I'm not sure if it was telling me my details HAD been compromised or they were just saying it in a broader sense. Anyone else get an email?

Edit: Found it. Must have read it wrong, looks like a standard email to everyone. Phew *Wipes sweat from brow* :rolleyes:

"Although we are still investigating the details of this incident, we believe that an unauthorized person has obtained the following information that you provided: name, address (city, state/province, zip or postal code), country, email address, birthdate, PlayStation Network/Qriocity password and login, and handle/PSN online ID."

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Guest Mr Bates

Press release

"All existing PlayStation Network customers will be provided with 30 days free membership in the PlayStation Plus premium service.

Current members of PlayStation Plus will receive 30 days free service."

Also, SONY updated that Q+A (ENVi3's post above) by striking through and adding something else:

Keep in mind, however that your credit card security code (sometimes called a CVC or CSC number) has not been obtained because we never requested it from anyone who has joined the PlayStation Network or Qriocity, and is therefore not stored anywhere in our system. UPDATE: While we do ask for CSC codes, we do not store them in our database.

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I got an email from PSNetwork last night telling me my details had been compromised. I must have deleted it by mistake (was drunk) and now I'm not sure if it was telling me my details HAD been compromised or they were just saying it in a broader sense. Anyone else get an email?

Edit: Found it. Must have read it wrong, looks like a standard email to everyone. Phew *Wipes sweat from brow* :rolleyes:

"Although we are still investigating the details of this incident, we believe that an unauthorized person has obtained the following information that you provided: name, address (city, state/province, zip or postal code), country, email address, birthdate, PlayStation Network/Qriocity password and login, and handle/PSN online ID."

Yeah I got the e-mail too. Seemed pretty generic.

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They are apparently offering free anti-theft cover for credit cards if suspicious activity happens. Free downloads, Free 30-day... Hmm, not bad for a good will gesture, but it doesn't quite cut it, considering the fact that most users personal details have been compromised.

One day there will be more than one of me lurking around this country i bet!

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wow, that's a pretty crappy offer for non-PS+ users... it's great news for me but for the rest of you, 30 days may be nice but, after the 30 days is up, you lose access to those games unless you sign up for a membership... for me, i get an extra month on top of a service that i do plan on re-upping when it's time... it's a win for me!!

i think the only way it would be a win for non-plus members is if there happens to be an exclusive beta and demo this month...

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This is a list of the PSN User-base in each country. Pretty interesting figures. Just goes to show how vulnerable certain regions will be. Great Britain have a pretty massive user-base when you think of the scale, compared to the USA.

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kaz hirai (i think?) discussed numbers yesterday... while there may be 77 million accounts on the network, there's probably only 10 million customers that have actually bought something... it's still a high number but not nearly the breach that the news seem to make it sound like... news outlets are running with the 77 million hacked credit card accounts, which isn't even close to the truth... grade A journalism there, world...

man, america sure does love it's video games :D...

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Guest Mr Bates

That 30 day's of Playstation+ is just a 30 day trial to see if you like it. They're not giving you anything for nothing, they're still being business minded about it.

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That 30 day's of Playstation+ is just a 30 day trial to see if you like it. They're not giving you anything for nothing, they're still being business minded about it.

well you can keep themes and anything you buy at the PS+ discounted price. Any game or add-on or whatever that you get for free, it's not really yours to keep.

I don't know, it's better than nothing, I guess.

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i think they're saying, "we don't really owe you anything... here's another chance to sample PS plus" to the regular members... i believe "streets of rage 2" is one of the free games this month too so, fuckin' A :D... as for the paying PS+ users, they just want to give us a free month, which is a nice token of appreciation for actually paying for their service... i heard DC universe and other MMO games are reimbursing their members in some way as well...

but regular members don't need to be owed anything (sorry), especially if this whole credit hack does nothing... although, i often wonder what they should do about those that payed for online passes... hmm... but that has to do with game companies, not the network...

plus, a free game on the house?? it would be cool if we could choose from a selected list :D...

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There's rumors that the PSN is up in Japan, but no one can sign in yet... whatever that means. I hope that means their target date of getting it up by tomorrow is going to happen.

This is Finals Week for me though. I probably shouldn't care about this for another few days. lol

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Guest Mr Bates

PSN is back up! Obama is wondering whether to make it official though.


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Important step for psn - nearly there i hope

Today our global network and security teams at Sony Network Entertainment and Sony Computer Entertainment began the final stages of internal testing of the new system, an important step towards restoring PlayStation Network and Qriocity services.

As previously mentioned, we’ve been working around the clock to rebuild the network and enhance protections of your personal data. It’s our top priority to ensure your data is safe when you begin using the services again.

We understand that many of you are eager to again enjoy the PlayStation Network and Qriocity entertainment services that you love, so we wanted you to be aware of this milestone and our progress. We will provide additional updates as soon as we can.

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I was hoping it would be back up by now ... we'll see. The last update they gave that said anything time-wise, they just said it would be back up "this week". oh well...

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SONY will now forever be targeted by hackers, thanks to geohot and anonymous... god dammit i want my system back... i wish hackers would just stick with PC and leave the good honest console fans alone who don't want to mod their systems... we're happy with just playing games the way they were intended... 95% of the sony fanbase has no intentions of ever modding their system and hacking...

but the problem now is PC hackers want in on the action, and don't give a shit about the consequences, fully thinking they are in the right anyways... like i said, i just want my system back...

fuck hackers...

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Guest Mr Bates

One of my mates told me the other day that he had his PS3 hacked. Some kind of dongle which allows you to play pirated games, I told him I wasn't interested in getting it done to mine and he looked at me like I was mad. I have absolutely no interest in pirated games, I rarely buy games anyway and don't mind paying $40 for an adventure which I'll get years of enjoyment out of. When you consider how much you can spend on a single night out (average around £80 - £100 for me) £40 is nothing. (I'll have to pack that cocaine in).

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