Guest Marney-1

Saints Row

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i think i am probably done with this franchise... 2 was super cool, 3 was good, but i am just not feeling it anymore... i'd rather replay those... and if i wanted super powers, i'll play infamous B)...

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I gotta sort of agree with bones, I just feel like they lost the plot completely - I mean now it's hell and the devil? It was just a gangsta game - I liked the super powers and stuff in the last one but this expansion seems unneeded. I would like another SR I'm just not sure how they can do that without completely changing the genre of the game.

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I like it.

They are trying to separate themselves from the GTA clone genre.

they did it. they went from "GTA plus" to a franchise in their own right.

I honestly think saints row 3 was better than GTA 4.

I know I'm gunna get crucified for that statement, But I had a shit load more fun playing SR3 than I did with Nico.

Yet I was still much, much more excited for GTA 5 that SR4 (Which I still haven't played)

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Has anyone played the co-op mode? My man rented SR4 this week but I didn't get a chance to try it, and have never played any SR game. I have yet to find a two-player game we both like, this looked promising.

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Co-op is awesome I loved it - me and Mass kinda rinsed the hell out of both 3 and 4. Got pretty glitchy in the end.

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Co-op is awesome I loved it - me and Mass kinda rinsed the hell out of both 3 and 4. Got pretty glitchy in the end.

SR3 barely functions for me, now, but it was so worth it. We had untold amounts of fun and adventure, unrivaled even by GTA V.

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Co-op is awesome I loved it - me and Mass kinda rinsed the hell out of both 3 and 4. Got pretty glitchy in the end.

SR3 barely functions for me, now, but it was so worth it. We had untold amounts of fun and adventure, unrivaled even by GTA V.

Out of likes :(

But I agree, I'm actually not sure I enjoyed the game so much as the co-op with you :/ oops.

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Co-op is awesome I loved it - me and Mass kinda rinsed the hell out of both 3 and 4. Got pretty glitchy in the end.

SR3 barely functions for me, now, but it was so worth it. We had untold amounts of fun and adventure, unrivaled even by GTA V.

well that's bullshit, you played 3 online a lot?? every time i tried to hook up with you on 3 you had connection issues...

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You and I tried to play one time within the first month of release, and I was living in the middle of nowhere, using a 3G phone signal for internet. Mercy and I didn't start playing until I'd already gotten real(-ish) internet. By that time, you weren't playing anymore.

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You and I tried to play one time within the first month of release, and I was living in the middle of nowhere, using a 3G phone signal for internet. Mercy and I didn't start playing until I'd already gotten real(-ish) internet. By that time, you weren't playing anymore.

one time? try a couple of times... every time, connection issues... bummer, i wonder if i still have my T-1000 character :lol:...

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You and I tried to play one time within the first month of release, and I was living in the middle of nowhere, using a 3G phone signal for internet. Mercy and I didn't start playing until I'd already gotten real(-ish) internet. By that time, you weren't playing anymore.

one time? try a couple of times... every time, connection issues... bummer, i wonder if i still have my T-1000 character :lol:...

It's blatantly because I'm super awesome .. Sorry bones ;)

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new saints row out january of next year.

its called saints row gat out of hell you play as Gat and attempt to rescue the leader of the Saints from Hell, after being captured by Satan. along the way you will meet some people you sent there a long time back at different periods of gat's life as well as some lost mebers of the saints.

you will also get some new toys to play with.

for more info go to these links.;_ylu=X3oDMTEzbjg4NHZ2BHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkA1ZJUDQxOF8x/RV=2/RE=1414558927/RO=10/

saints row wiki.v;_ylu=X3oDMTEzZmlnN2VkBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMgRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkA1ZJUDQxOF8x/RV=2/RE=1414558927/RO=10/

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Just picked up number 4 for $20 should keep me busy till I buy my ps4

What're your impressions so far? If I can get it cheap enough I'd like to try it.

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Do you like ridiculous things? Do you like fun things? Do you like ridiculously fun things?

Do you like Tron? Do you like dick jokes? Do you like Tron dick jokes?

Do you like sociopaths? Do you like superpowers? Do you like sociopaths with superpowers?

You see where I'm going with this. Buy the fucking game.

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Do you like ridiculous things? Do you like fun things? Do you like ridiculously fun things?

Do you like Tron? Do you like dick jokes? Do you like Tron dick jokes?

Do you like sociopaths? Do you like superpowers? Do you like sociopaths with superpowers?

You see where I'm going with this. Buy the fucking game.

nice. Didn't need to type all that.

Pretty much sums up my experience. Good dumb fun. Worth getting. I wouldn't have paid full price for it though.

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