Guest Marney-1

Saints Row

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Interesting Easter egg: Female Voice 2 (Russian accent) has a line in her idle dialogue that says "I wonder what cousin Niko is up to, its been so long since he called."

Also, as an addendum to my previous post in this topic, it's actually Killbane's mask that has a special effect, not the cardinal robes. While wearing Killbane's mask, if you taunt/compliment someone, they burst into flames.

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yea, i tried the cardinal thing but nothing happened... i'll give the mask a go at some point...



i need your clothes, your boots, and your motorcycle :D...

seriously, i am a fucking terminator right now... every possible upgrade has been purchased, i literally can't die at all... well, i guess i can still die in hand to hand combat, but explosions, falls, bullets, flames, vehicles, etc... they can't do dick to me... once i realized i was unstoppable, i had to turn my character into a T-1000 :lol:...

right now all i have left for 100% completion, including trophies, are the assassinations, carjackings, and of course half the challenges... the challenges are going to take some time since i mostly skipped past all of them... i dunno what i am going to do for the gang taunt, or the basejumps... i am sure i will figure something out, i usually do :D... i just hope that phone keeps ringing for the survivals... i ignored those phone calls while playing...

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I have had a bit of a change of heart over this game after watching a mate playing. The idea of playing in a pink cat suit slapping people with dildos overcame any apprehension I had so today I went and bought it. Haven't played yet; waiting for the kids to go to bed and then I am going to have a late night session with it.

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This game is banned where I live, everything in it goes against the morals of the country. Despite this, I managed to walk into a retail store in the mall and buy it... Hidden behind some boxes in a cupboard behind the counter...

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Was so looking foward to this game. Since that I liked saints row 2. But it was so dissapointing. Its definetly the wourse one of the series. completed it in a day and got all the achivement is a month. And when i go on it now I just think WTF this is so boring. And now I can still play Gta 4 and enjoy it. Even know its what 4 years old?

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it would make sense if you've played SRIII completely... i have held off on buying the current and future DLC... i am balls deep into skyrim and i am letting a good friend get mauled by a tiger and hang out with hulk hogan right now... i will have to check out a chunk of this DLC later this summer when i get the game back and get into the mood the more i hear about GTAV :D...

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None of the DLC has been worth buying so far. Volition is shit at making DLC, and THQ is nickel-and-diming the fuck out of people by making Volition release one outfit and one gun as $1.99 DLC. It's fucking insulting.

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  On 2/19/2012 at 6:43 AM, bOnEs said:

it would make sense if you've played SRIII completely... i have held off on buying the current and future DLC... i am balls deep into skyrim and i am letting a good friend get mauled by a tiger and hang out with hulk hogan right now... i will have to check out a chunk of this DLC later this summer when i get the game back and get into the mood the more i hear about GTAV :D...

I've completed SR3. I thought I'd be weird lol.

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sorry dup, my bad... i couldn't remember if you play it all the way through or not...

i kinda like the sound of this DLC... the genki one sounded worth it, and so does this gangstas in space one... but i am afraid that it's going to be overpriced... i do agree with massacre, those outfit/weapon packs are pure bullshit, not a single one seems worth it...

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I'm pretty sure I'll be passing on all the DLC. There's only one major DLC left after this one (Trouble with Clones), and the rest will be the shitty $1.99 packs I mentioned before.

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not bad, looks to be more of the same from the base game, with a new skin of alien textures... new, but same, hovercraft/jet combos and well as the bike version... more laser weapons, and skins... ehh, i would be interested if it weren't $5...

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Just bought SRIII yesterday out of desparation for something to keep me busy while I wait for Max Payne.

Plus, I couldn't find any other extreme sports games made by EA other than the 'Skate' series, which I'm addicted to. After reading through this thread, my anticipation has grown quite a bit, but I'm still skeptical.

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i haven't played since i got skyrim, a friend is borrowing it right now... i wouldn't mind playing it again since i still have a couple of things left to do in order to get the platinum trophy for it... i didn't put all that effort into it, only to flame out at the end... i think i only had one trophy left to get...

i only have 4 more left for skyrim though :D... dark brotherhood stuff (just finished the initial quest that summoned them) and one thieves guild trophy where i have to get delvin to ask me to restore the order... i am working on it, one theft at a time ;)...

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