Guest Marney-1

Saints Row

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I realized near the end of the game that I wouldnt be able to do the gang taunting because I had all the territory so I just did in within the last missions. At this point also I had all those upgrades that I dont take damage from anything so I ran around taunting everyone and killing them with a dildo.

Cheers guys. In the end i took one of the calls and got all the brutes out with a full star gang rampage. I managed to do the taunt 50 gang members, 50 brutes, destroy 50 choppers, 25 nut shots, and a couple of other challenges in that single rampage.

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i am finding car thefts to be the biggest challenge... the further you get with one person, the more notoriety you get... thankfully i have those favors unlocked... perhaps tonight i can finish up what i have left and get that platinum trophy...

:bones:<{ i just farted!! }

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Yeah it can be annoying, especially when your favour has already been used recently and you have to wait god knows how long for it to replenish.

Does anyone know how to rob stores? I tried holding up the shopkeeper in a gun store, as I needed to for an assassination target to appear. But she just looked at me, then dived across the room and crouched with her hands over her head whilst the alarm went off and gave me a wanted level... I thought they'd like put there hands up and then give me some cash or something?

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Just point your guns at them for awhile untill you get money

u can rob store that you own. so rob them, and get the wanted level. then just run out of the store and back in and it will wipe your wanted level. its pretty dumb that it works but yah

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i was gonna say that, dio... also, dup, you can replenish the favors by saving and reloading... i think i stumbled on that one last night, gonna try it again tonight to see if its true...

:bones:<{ i just farted!! }

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platinum, bitches :D... my last trophy involved uploading a character online... i have no idea where it goes, i couldn't find it in the recent uploads on their website... i'll check again soon but here it is from the camera...


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Grats man. I've almost finished with this game now. I have one challenge to complete, Which is the survival one. So i have to wait around for cell phone calls... And then the Decker district to takeover, and a few collectables and then I'm done.

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I was actually able to play this online today, so if anyone feels like blowing shit up with a nude, masked, chainsaw-wielding psychopath, feel free to send me an invite if I'm on. Just hope my successful attempt wasn't a fluke.

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That was my one issue - I have to join someone else's game. My connection was too shit to host. I've already done all the challenges that seemed fun, anyway. Not bothering with 100% completion or trophies.

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I finally got round to finishing off the last challenge on my list, which was the survival phone call triggered missions. I spent ages running around the map awaiting phone calls. This game was well worth platinuming imo. I really enjoyed getting to 100% and hope they bring something out at this standard with the next SR title.

I always thought they tried too hard with sr1 & sr2, but the third hit the niche i think, it's not GTA and now they have mad something in the right style that GTA fans will love but wont treat it like a GTA game. They have finally made thier mark in the sandbox genre imo.

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I am loving SR3 so much more than SR2. I am in the second act, but have knocked out most of the activities aside from Heli Assault (stuck on the hard one), Trafficking and Snatch. I still have all of the assassinations to do and the car stealing. I figure I will get to that after I knock out most of the story.

I bought the season pass for the DLC for like $8, which is the cost of one of the DLC packs - I finally downloaded the Genki Bowl last night, but haven't gotten to it. I heard most of the DLC packs blow but I am enjoying the game plenty and don't expect too much. I probably won't mess with that until later, although I do want the mascot costumes from the Genki Bowl DLC, so I might go ahead and knock them out. The Prof. Genki activities were my favorite in the game so far.

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So I finished the story and got 100% takeover for the city. A pretty good game, but I think they missed a trick by not going down the route of having large countryside/rural areas and such. Maybe the next game, they need to expand the map to be much larger. GTA IV got away with it as the game in general was much more detailed and about the small things, although GTA IV is now aging pretty badly.

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Even SR2 only had a trailer park and a mountain. Granted, it was a big-arse mountain, but still just a mountain. Saints Row could benefit a lot from having open countryside to stuff all of its craziness into, and it would be nice to get the monster truck from 2 back, as well as having a huge, dirt road and mountain playground for it.

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One thing i loved in Saints Row 3 was the sense of weight in vehicles. Tanks for instants, completely flatten cars, which makes driving easier.

That's only weight though, I did however love the car handling in GTA IV. Sorry, couldn't help but compare the two there.

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Most of you may already be aware that Volition and THQ announced that they would be making Saints Row 4 (The Fourth)

They have said the game will be a whole lot more whackier and wilder than The Third, and the new DLC "Enter The Dominatrix" is now being rolled in with 4!

I don't know what it is, but SR2 seemed way better than SR3 in my opinion.

What do you guys think of this game announcement??

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Since there is hardly any info on SR4 and the moment, I am going to turn the Saints Row: The Third topic into a general SR topic, and merge this with it.

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They have said the game will be a whole lot more whackier and wilder than The Third, and the new DLC "Enter The Dominatrix" is now being rolled in with 4!

Christ, Whackier than SR3? That series had fucking evil dead syndrome

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Does anyone think this guy has a point? Honestly I think he's a retard and all his points are biased but what do you guys think?

The first 1 minute i was on his side. But when he got to the shitting on GTA part, it was bullshit. He's just a 'reward me content for free' QD, who likes to get all the content for not putting much effort in.

It's true that this game had a lot more to do than GTAIV , but GTA IV by far had a better story, with a proper gritty gangster feel - which is what GTA is all about. Saints Row is about goofing around with loads of novelty vehicles and weaponry.

He obviously doesn't enjoy serious gameplay. That's what i love about GTA IV. If IV was like Saints Row, it would have been shit imo...

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I played saints row 3. It was good but not better than IV.

There was more side shit but after doing it once I didnt feel the need to do it again. I dont feel like beating the game again either.

I beat IV 6 times

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I did about the same amount on PS3, and then I've replayed and completed IV again too many times to count with multiple mods on PC, not to mention the many amount of random freeroams and multiplayer sessions I've attended over the years.

Saints Row 3rd i completed twice, and don't have the urge to play anymore since i got 100% platinum. i co-op'd once or twice, but it didn't feel like an important aspect to me.

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i beat GTAIV a half a dozen times... i only beat SR2 and 3 once each... with both i started a second or third file, but never went far with them... IV was go engaging, i enjoyed each and every playthrough... i even beat the episodes a couple of times...

like DiO said, the side stuff is fun, but once you grind them all out for 100%, you don't really feel like playing them again... but i could seriously throw in GTAIV right now and play it all over again...

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Okay glad to see im not the only one that disagree's. lol He say's in one of his other videos that he wants GTA V to go back to the goffyness like in SA, i hate to burst his bubble but if you dont like the new realistic feel Rockstar has put into GTA now, you arnt gonna like the series anymore because all the games are gona have that feel.

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if you want GTA 5 to be like san andreas again, play saints row 3... why complain that GTA is too serious now when you can play a fun saints row series to fill in that need... fucking people complain too much... they want the world, chico... and everything in it...

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