Guest Marney-1

Saints Row

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A reboot has been a long time coming. This is likely their big, insane, retarded blowout before starting over. I'm looking forward to it.

Predictions: They all die at the end, and in sr5 the saints start over. Hopefully with a bridge that connects Steelport to Stillwater. Plot twist the entire cast has been replaced with Dildos.

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I'm not sure where they would go with it. I suppose they could pull a GTA and pretend that the previous games never happened, and we start over with the Saints as a small gang struggling to survive. I would be okay with that.

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You have to remember after this one it is a new company. Do you think Koch Media wants to continue THQ's series or try to make it this one I like the idea of a reboot after SR4, haven't played it decided to save the money for GTAV instead. But what happens at the end of this one? Maybe since hes in the computer they can have him wake up and find out everything since the first game was a dream?

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I am playing the 3rd one at the moment after barely touching the others. Quite enjoyable.

I think Saints Row have done well to go from basically a GTA clone to an outlandish, near parody of themselves. Because let's face it - if they had gone head to head with Rockstar and GTA, they would have lost big time...

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You have to remember after this one it is a new company. Do you think Koch Media wants to continue THQ's series or try to make it this one I like the idea of a reboot after SR4, haven't played it decided to save the money for GTAV instead. But what happens at the end of this one? Maybe since hes in the computer they can have him wake up and find out everything since the first game was a dream?

It's not a new company. Volition is the developer, THQ was just the publisher. Deep Silver is now the publisher, and neither they or Koch Media will be interfering with Volition's plans.

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You should watch the 90 minute preview Rev3 Games has. The guy interviewing is annoying, but they show a lot of the game (no spoilers, luckily), and it looks incredible. The next month will fly by once I get my hands on this.

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I think i watched that one acctually, the gun customization looks pretty damn great. You gotta love the humor too "Hey Kinzie wanna fuck". I got the inauguration station demo last night, the customization is at least 10 times better than 3, graphics are slightly more polished to.

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I know but the publisher still has a little say in the game and once in a while they will change things because their company is a different form than the previous publisher. For example Bungie and Microsoft, they wanted to take Halo one way and Micro wanted it the other and it lead to Micro making a new company to take it over and Bungie having to find a new publisher.

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Thanks for fixing the link Massy. I figure i'll buy this tuesday, an excellent time killer until Gta5. Looks pretty fun actually.

Despite the previews looking pretty average, it's gotten solid reviews across the board ( except from maybe IGN ).

I won't be buying it, but it should be a good time filler for the people that did buy it, between now and GTA V's release.

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Several reviewers gave the game a perfect score. The Escapist was one, but I can't think of the others.

The game certainly has more mass appeal now than when it was just about warring gangs. A reboot is inevitable, and this looks like the perfect sendoff before that happens. I don't see how they'll top IV in terms of insanity.

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I started around that time, played until 6:30 am. Fucking love this game. It seems a little slow, but I keep forgetting I'm doing side quests, so that's my fault. I am worried it's going to end up being too short. I can finish SR3 in a day.

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Several reviewers gave the game a perfect score. The Escapist was one, but I can't think of the others.

The game certainly has more mass appeal now than when it was just about warring gangs. A reboot is inevitable, and this looks like the perfect sendoff before that happens. I don't see how they'll top IV in terms of insanity.

I find it hard to believe yahtzee gave this game a perfect 10. In fact, I find it hard to believe he ever gave a game a perfect 10.

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Several reviewers gave the game a perfect score. The Escapist was one, but I can't think of the others.

The game certainly has more mass appeal now than when it was just about warring gangs. A reboot is inevitable, and this looks like the perfect sendoff before that happens. I don't see how they'll top IV in terms of insanity.

I find it hard to believe yahtzee gave this game a perfect 10. In fact, I find it hard to believe he ever gave a game a perfect 10.

Probably "the escapist" did. Not ZP/Yahtzee

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Don't click the Spolier tag unless you have finished the game. You have been warned.

Is there two endings to the game or is it bullshit?

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God damn, that ending. I've been playing since the first game, and this was an epic finale. It's been one hell of a ride.

As for the ending question,

The ending is different if you don't do all of your crew's loyalty missions. They're clearly labeled 'loyalty,' and you have to do one for each crew member, or the ending changes. I didn't miss any of their missions, but I'm fairly certain they die in the end if you don't do them.

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