Massacre 7646 Report post Posted November 7, 2011 Spending all week replaying SR 1 & 2. I'd say "who's with me?" but I think I'm the only one who has both games and is getting SR3 on release day. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CaPn bOnEs 8527 Report post Posted November 7, 2011 i will be busy with uncharted 3 this week... rented it yesterday... it's the one game that makes me happy to own a PS3... i just got hit with some sort of hallucinigenic dart and i am tripping balls in a city somewhere in syria... i love uncharted ... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DuPz0r 5361 Report post Posted November 8, 2011 On 11/7/2011 at 9:22 PM, bOnEs said: i will be busy with uncharted 3 this week... rented it yesterday... it's the one game that makes me happy to own a PS3... i just got hit with some sort of hallucinigenic dart and i am tripping balls in a city somewhere in syria... i love uncharted ... I know, that shit's weird right? The wobbly labyrinthine of market stalls! SR3 is gonna be held back a bit for me too. I just don't have the money atm. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grizzly 9 Report post Posted November 8, 2011 Will probably put this in my letter to Santa. Played SR2 alot, never liked it compared to GTA. But as a game on its own, the over the topness of it all was kinda gripping. Story line sucked, looked like shit, in general a pile of wank. Still can't put my finger on why it's so gripping. And why I want SR3. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grizzly 9 Report post Posted November 10, 2011 Double post, but just checked out the Playstation Store, looks like you buy cheats for Saints Row 3. Yeah, you read that right. There was an 'Invincible pack' for £1.49 or something around that. I forgeted the description. Is the economy that bad we even have to pay for cheat codes now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CaPn bOnEs 8527 Report post Posted November 15, 2011 dear god help us... soooo... am i the only one here getting excited about playing this today?? amazon says it's in transit to my house, can't wait to get home and see what steelport has to offer ... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Massacre 7646 Report post Posted November 15, 2011 Just started the first mission, it's fucking insane. I'm standing on top of a bank vault hanging from a helicopter while shooting at the SWAT team. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CaPn bOnEs 8527 Report post Posted November 15, 2011 i cant multitask with video games... i wouldnt be able to play SR3 if i were playing skyrim... i would lose interest in both stories... anywho, in about 3 hours i too will be standing on a bank vault ... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CaPn bOnEs 8527 Report post Posted November 16, 2011 ...and so it began... i made it through that vault scene, and then did the whole "falling in the sky" mission next, then did the "rob an army" mission... 3 straight over the top missions right off the bat ... ever since then, i have been driving around customizing me and my ride, opening up all the store locations and side missions... not doing any of them just yet, only looking for them... controls are all wacky, which with any new game, it takes time to get used to... i keep throwing fucking grenades in stores... also when trying to get in a car, which is kind of a badass move... i gotta find a way to work that into the game somewhere ... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Massacre 7646 Report post Posted November 16, 2011 Don't forget the Awesome Button™. Holding L2 makes anything you do more badass. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CaPn bOnEs 8527 Report post Posted November 16, 2011 that's not seriously trademarked, is it?! ... i haven't noticed that doing much yet besides running and jumping thru a car window... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Massacre 7646 Report post Posted November 16, 2011 I'm pretty sure everything is affected by L2. Try taking a hostage/human shield. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CaPn bOnEs 8527 Report post Posted November 16, 2011 i have done that a few times... is it just me, or are the drivers in steelport fucking INSANE!! they're always turning around in the middle of the road... WTF man, i got knocked off a bridge cause someone backed into me trying to turn around... other than that, i've played a round of insurance fraud, professor genki's game (is this the pre-ordered stuff?? cause i never got a code for that, just online access), a couple missions, and one of those cellphone calls... although, i think that was a challenge and i pussied out by getting away from the scene... i've also ran into invisible walls in the ocean, telling me, "the saints need you in steelport" and flipping me around... come on, there was a giant easter bunny to resurrect in the ocean in saints row 2, and a hidden island... i want to see more of that shit in 3... but i do love the radio stations... i am listening to my favorite band right now, "the black keys" on 89GEN... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Massacre 7646 Report post Posted November 16, 2011 The reality show is a regular part of the game, the pre-order bonuses are just the car, gun, and outfit. And the pre-order code should be on your receipt, if you got it from Gamestop, I don't know about other stores. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CaPn bOnEs 8527 Report post Posted November 16, 2011 amazon... they emailed me a code for $10 off a purchase... but nothing about a game code... perhaps that comes in a day or two... who cares either way, it's not like i couldn't steal a friends human launcher car and store it in my garage in co-op *cough cough*... i was more interested in the gift card anyways... pre-order stuff is usually pointless... i haven't played since my last post, been customizing my radio station while hanging out online for a bit... this drink and bowl needs to be dealt with, and for the most part, i forgot about it while playing SR3 ... that's a compliment since i am habitually reaching for those... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Massacre 7646 Report post Posted November 16, 2011 On 11/16/2011 at 5:08 AM, bOnEs said: it's not like i couldn't steal a friends human launcher car and store it in my garage in co-op *cough cough*... Of course. Not sure if it'll work, though. And I think people who buy it online might have the code emailed to them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zen 5 Report post Posted November 16, 2011 Can you still rob stores? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CaPn bOnEs 8527 Report post Posted November 16, 2011 i set off an alarm in a store by accident so i say, yes... there's also a pickpocket perk where you steal a little money from everyone you bump into... there's a lot of stuff to spend your money on this time around... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zen 5 Report post Posted November 16, 2011 Quality. I had a lot of fun with SR2, can't wait to pick this one up and smash out a bit of co-op. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Massacre 7646 Report post Posted November 16, 2011 I haven't tried it in SR3 yet, but in SR2, you could mug people. If you pointed a gun at someone in fine aim (R3, I think, in SR2, L1 in SR3), they would put their hands up, and after a few seconds they'd drop some money and run away. Not sure about the stores. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Massacre 7646 Report post Posted November 17, 2011 Any PS3 owners buying SR3 and don't have SR2 yet? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CaPn bOnEs 8527 Report post Posted November 17, 2011 fuck!! i will give my SR2 copy to my good friend if this is the case... i would love to play co-op SR, even if it's the previous game... i have fond memories of my online experience in saints row 2... speaking of SR3 though, i didn't play today... had i rented this i would be pissed, but i had more fun trying to learn how to play fifa 12 with a few friends, smoking pot, drinking and downright having a great time, than i would of sitting at home by myself doing the same... saints row 3 can wait for tomorrow, it's always there when i need it... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Handsome B Wonderful 331 Report post Posted November 17, 2011 I took a break from Skyrim to give this a go today. Those first 3 missions were awesome. I've done a bit of exploring, checking out outfits etc since then. The only negatives for me so far are that the cars still handle like shit, and the songs on the radio mostly suck this time, especially the metal station. Opeth and Mastodon (not that they suck, but they were in SR2, and there are a gazillion other quality metal acts they could have included) again? Hopefully there are some better songs to buy. I was quite excited to see Return Of The Mack in there, though. Is someone else doing the voice of Shaundi this time? I know that Eliza Dusku did it last time, so I just assumed she had returned for this, but she sounds (and looks) different. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Massacre 7646 Report post Posted November 17, 2011 Shaundi and I think Pierce have different voice actors. Shame, Eliza make the character pretty awesome. Shaundi's awesome in this game, too, would've been nice to get Eliza back for this one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CaPn bOnEs 8527 Report post Posted November 17, 2011 i was confused about pierce... i thought he died in saints row 2, getting brutally murdered by the brotherhood... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites