Guest Marney-1

Saints Row

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saints row: the turd

Basically, Bought this just after release, sold it back 3 days later. What's the point in playing a game with no challenge?

I did the same thing. We had a good run, but just not enough replay value for me.

*Hops on 360 and continues 68th playthrough of GTA IV*

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I didn't mind SR3 when I first played it, but it's just so lame compared to SR2. My biggest gripe was the lack of customization. You'd have thought the customization options would have been expanded, not reduced. And the forced playing of side missions to advance the story was shit. Oh, and the music was poor. The Adult Swim station was a massive let down. The cars still handled like shit. And you couldn't go 10 fucking meters without someone shooting at you. Basically the whole game was a giant piss-take. "oh, we know what you liked about SR2, so here's a purple dildo, some tits and some 'splosions. What, you wanted more clothes and a decent story? What are you, gay?"

I didn't even bother to finish the game. It's just sitting there, in my pile of games waiting to be sold. Saints Row 2, however, is still pretty good, and I plan on playing it again sometime soon.

btw, I can't believe they resorted to having Penthouse Pet skins DLC. Even if I was the one sad git on the planet who would get off on perving at a porn star in a game, they could have at least made them look vaguely similar to their real self.

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@HBW - wow, i thought SR3 was a much better build... granted, they did cut back a little on the character clothing, but the game itself was loads better than SR2... i was impressed with SR3, and i will take the vastly improved gameplay over being able to select my socks, undershirt, shirt, and jacket separately... and you're complaining about the side-missions having to be completed to advance the story?? that's uh, exactly the same as the 2nd one...

the driving was better, the gunplay was better, and the fun factor was better... i don't see how some petty customization options can make this game worse than the second one...

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Is this worth buying because I was going to awhile back but I picked up madden 12.

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i thought it was worth $60... i got a few dozen hours of entertainment out of it... and i could easily start a new file and get another 15 or so... sure it's no GTA, but it's funner than mafia 2 or *insert another generic urban open world game*...

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Gameplay wise there is more to do than mafia II. But i liked the gun fights better in mafia II. the driving in it was a bit more realistic in it too. Not as realistic as IV which I fucking love. I know people bitched about the realism in the driving but I think it was necessary cause it made the game feel more authentic. Even in LA Noire I was pissed cause the driving was cartoony.

But Mafia's story was way more gripping than SR3.

Action sequences are still pretty dam cool in SR3 to be fair and I am enjoying the story nonetheless. I saw some snippits of dialogue way back of SR1 and it was piss poor. But it seems they worked that out pretty good. Some funny stuff in 3.

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ohh yea, i wasn't trying to say the story was better, i was just stating that the fun factor in SR3 is one of the best in the open world genre...

and LOOOOOOOVE the driving mechanics in GTA4... fuck the people bitching, it felt so real to me...

:bones:<{ i posted this while ignoring my friends!! }

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worst thing about sr3. drug trafficking. Having to let that stupid fucking honky pimp drive. its absolutely fucked. the car they give you can take enough damage. but when a brute flips it over i had to get in a new one. the dumfuck wouldnt get in the car. kept running around it as im just sitting there. then the fuckin thing blows up.

also, they dont give you enough amao.

its just ridiculous

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No, drug traffic missions gives you a set amount of amao. the pistol has unlimited. but the others have less than the full amount I can buy.

and again, the annoying fucking pimp drives like a grandma

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Fully upgrade your pistols, buy dual-wielding. You can drop a helicopter without emptying your clips.

A pair of fully upgraded pistols can carry you through the entire game.

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The default pistol you start with, yeah. The 44 Shepherd, I think. I use the police pistols, though, whatever they're called, and still kick immense quantities of ass.

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The default pistol you start with, yeah. The 44 Shepherd, I think. I use the police pistols, though, whatever they're called, and still kick immense quantities of ass.

which one is better?

I got the other ones. exploding rounds are awesome. Havent upgraded the other

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Just picked this up for $30 new. it looks and feels better than SR2, there are less custumizing options yet there's still too many.

U know its pretty easy to not to bother with customizing. Select presets and shit. No reason to complain

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Hmm, who would have thought 8 months ago that I'd be playing this more than Skyrim now?

I finally played some co-op today. It's pretty cool. I've also been dicking about with the character creator. Here's my Bruce Dickinson model. Sorry I couldn't get a better angle.


There are some pretty decent characters on the saint's row website (I uploaded Bruce there). I quite enjoy blowing shit up as Stanley Ipkiss.

Also, apparently the planned expansion for SR3 has been cancelled, and will make up a large portion of SR4 (due next year?!?) instead

These days it is not uncommon to see titles from the same franchise released in successive years with a trail of downloadable content leading from one game to the next. That was to be the plan for Saints Row, as following the release of

The Third last year and its subsequent DLC, Volition was to release a standalone expansion, Enter the Dominatrix, later this year. Instead, the influence of new THQ president Jason Rubin is already being felt as the call has been made to cancel the release of the expansion and incorporate its content into a proper sequel that will be released next year.

It's an unexpected move as THQ is short on cash and has a limited number of releases in the near future with which to change that situation, and some of those titles have been delayed recently. Sacrificing the revenue Enter the Dominatrix could have generated is a bold step, and one that illustrates the distinction between THQ and, say, Electronic Arts. THQ seems to be modeling itself after Take-Two, which avoids annualizing its non-sports franchises and gives developers (particularly Rockstar) the time and resources needed to make quality games. That appears to be Rubin's intention with THQ's products: to consolidate the release slate and invest in those which remain to make them as good as they can possibly be.

"When I looked at the Enter The Dominatrix expansion in production at Volition, I was blown away by the ideas and desire to expand the fiction of the franchise," Rubin said in today's announcement. "I asked the team what it could achieve given more time, more resources, and a broader scope for the project. We all agreed we wanted to play that game. When it comes to Saints Row, it's clear our fans want bigger, better, and even more over the top, and that's why Enter The Dominatrix will now be incorporated into a vastly expanded, full-fledged sequel, scheduled for calendar 2013.

"We believe the potential for this sequel is far greater as a full-priced, full-length, high quality, connected experience."

It's always admirable to see a company avoid going for a quick buck when it can. We know Saints Row 4 is already in development -- THQ's former VP of core games, Danny Bilson, indicated as much last year without giving any details. THQ could have easily released Enter the Dominatrix and come back in 2013 with the third standalone Saints Row release in as many years. Instead, Saints Row 4, if that is what it ends up being called, can now receive Volition's full attention and will presumably include the content that was to comprise Enter the Dominatrix.

Rubin's position on the Saints Row franchise was called into question recently when, in an interview with

Polygon, he was believed to have referred to The Third as "embarrassing." That actually was not the case, and he was in fact responding to the interviewer's statement that he would not want to be caught playing the game around his family because it would be embarrassing. (The game, for those who have not played it, is filled to the brim with a brand of humor that is not for everyone -- evidenced by the presence of a weapon that is, well, see for yourself.) Rubin asked why the game couldn't "be a Red Dead Redemption or a Skyrim," titles that took an extended period of time to create, clearly indicating he has high aspirations for Volition and Saints Row.

While some might decide to look at this latest development as an attempt to minimize the number of Saints Row releases in order to downplay the series, I think the opposite is the case. Rather than take the risk of oversaturating the market and burning people out on the series, THQ is putting Saints Row 4 in a position to be a much bigger, more significant release. It might not be elevated to the level of Grand Theft Auto, but as someone in favor of seeing games given more development time and less annualization, I like what Rubin is doing here.

This does, however, put additional pressure on Saints Row 4 and for Volition to get it out in timely fashion. There was no guarantee people would take to a standalone expansion like Enter the Dominatrix -- the $30 price point could have been perceived by some as meaning its quality is less than that of a typical game -- but there is also no assurance that Saints Row 4 will now bring in enough to justify the expansion's cancellation.

Wedbush analyst Michael Pachter warned in an investors note today that THQ's cash balance "could become perilously low" if the game is not released by the first quarter of the 2014 fiscal year, which runs from April through June, 2013. The only problem with that is the potential for facing off against

Grand Theft Auto V. Although Take-Two's financials imply a GTA V release is scheduled for the current fiscal year, it is not inconceivable the game could slip back into the same spring release period Rockstar games have come to occupy over the past several years.

While Volition has done a good job in distancing Saints Row from GTA in terms of tone, they are, at their cores, very similar games, and GTA holds the edge in terms of popularity. The Third did as well as it did last fall in part due to there being no GTA to satiate the craving of gamers for an open-world action game. For Saints Row 4 to enjoy a similar level of success, THQ would be well advised to distance its release from that of GTA V's. This may not be an issue if GTA V comes out in October, as many expect; if it does not, THQ will need to hope its upcoming titles perform well enough to give it the time needed for Volition to make SR4 as good as it can be and to keep the game away from GTA.

Good. Hopefully it doesn't come out anywhere near GTA V, though.

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