Battlefield 3

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Just thought I would start a topic on this title being as we don't have one as of yet. Anyone playing this? what do you think of the game?

As I have mentioned on other posts I think this is a real CoD killer and if you have not got it already I would strongly recommend getting this game you should not be disappointed. The only drawback I would say is getting registered on battlelogs is a bit hit and miss but that is the only thing I can fault on this game.

Any thoughts?

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Guest Marney1

Haven't/won't play it. I'm tired of playing gung-ho yanks in unrealistic war games and for that reason, I'm out!

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Haven't/won't play it. I'm tired of playing gung-ho yanks in unrealistic war games and for that reason, I'm out!

That is a very very fair point and thats why I dont play CoD online, however on PSN almost no one uses the mic. I find 99% of the time I am the only one with a active mic or at least the only one in public chat, on the topic of public chat you do have the option to only have open chat with your 4 man squad I believe. At the end of the day if you don't wanna play it then nothing I can say will change your mind about that but all I will say is don't let one aspect of the title/genre stop you from playing what I consider to be a damn good game.

And on the subject of unrealistic war games, well it should be unrealistic and having some experience on the subject the only people who want realistic war games tend to be the people who have never been to war and if they had the last thing they would want is to play it "for real".

Sorry to get a bit soap box-ish at the end but real(istic) war sucks open ass.

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Guest Marney1

If you could plan your own missions and ambushes in a real time scenario I might be interested but I doubt there'll ever be a game like that, too many Walt's would find that boring. I on the other hand find fast-paced mindless shoot-em ups boring but each to their own I suppose. It's just not for me.

I'm sure someone will come along to join in this topic with you though.

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i don't think you're going to find many fans of both BF3 and MW3 here... no one really talks about any of them at all... the gamers on this board tend to like actual games, not money-milking franchises with nothing new to offer... i played the first modern warfare, so i have played them all...

there's lots of mature gamers here, none of us really play mindless shooters anymore...

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Fair enough, I do find (as a mature gamer myself) that the map size and various modes of transport avail do bring a slightly more dare I say "high brow" aspect of game play (rather than just your typical run and gun fps) sorta like MAG. I also like the fact that you have to compensate for the effects of gravity on the bullet (giving me a little bit of respect for snipers but not much lol) and 120mm tank rounds drop as a pose to line of sight. I had a great time online today as part of what can only be described as a "tank column" all be it only 3 in the column, the fact that both sides have air support means that attack aircraft do not have free rein to dominate you in armoured units and the tanks having a separate .50 call operator stops anti-armour personnel owning you and also come in handy for spotting mines etc....

I also like the fact that you can customise your weapons and vehicles although I have used only the default weapons for the respective classes at this time, and choose instead to add the accessories it does not put you at a huge disadvantage, the same cannot be said for the vehicle upgrades (but not to the point where it ruins your experience) however this tends to be the case in life (but not always). As far as tactical warfare goes I agree it is mediocre at best but this does not stop you playing this way I think personally this could be changed by finding a decent clan or even just a group of people who actually communicate.

But I can totally respect your reasons for not wanting to play it different strokes for different folks and all that. Just thought I would throw my 2 cents in for anyone who was interested or considering purchasing this game I think that many people will tar this with the same brush as CoD and therefore put people off and CoD it is not! I gotta say in defence of the call of duty franchise I have always found that the story element of the game has been quite gripping and the only thing to let it down was the online multiplayer imho

WOW sorry for all that didn't realise I had totally drafted a novelette.

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i know where you are coming from, a couple of my friends go on and on about MW3... i tend to ignore them though... but, different strokes for different folks... right?? :P... i am sure someone else here plays BF3...

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I think CoD ruined the fps genre for a lot of people.

A little bit of topic but what are your thoughts on the G.R.A.W series I enjoyed them a lot and cant wait for the next instalment I loved the co-op story play.

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If you could plan your own missions and ambushes in a real time scenario I might be interested...

Agreed. Also, third-person camera. I don't use first-person unless I'm in a cramped tunnel in Fallout or Skyrim.

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Battlefield 3's best perk is basically a wall hack.

It was deemed as being the second coming of jesus but with online that is really complete and utter shit (far more teamwork based, not fun if your team is full of tossers) and nothing more than a grindfest (which FPS's are in general online but battlefield 3 was heralded as being different) with a ripped off story mode (think the best parts of CoD 4 and 6 and it's basically the story mode).

Stick to Bad Company or play a decent FPS such as CS 1.6 or Source.

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Not really an FPS guy, the only FPS I really ever got into was Killzone 2. I did play the Bad Company 2 beta and had fun with it. Might get BF3 when its $20.

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Battlefield 3's best perk is basically a wall hack.

It was deemed as being the second coming of jesus but with online that is really complete and utter shit (far more teamwork based, not fun if your team is full of tossers) and nothing more than a grindfest (which FPS's are in general online but battlefield 3 was heralded as being different) with a ripped off story mode (think the best parts of CoD 4 and 6 and it's basically the story mode).

Stick to Bad Company or play a decent FPS such as CS 1.6 or Source.

Yeah pass on the hacking and glitching I wouldn't really consider them a "perk" more of a cunt's/bitch ass proud american trick IMO

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Battlefield 3's best perk is basically a wall hack.

It was deemed as being the second coming of jesus but with online that is really complete and utter shit (far more teamwork based, not fun if your team is full of tossers) and nothing more than a grindfest (which FPS's are in general online but battlefield 3 was heralded as being different) with a ripped off story mode (think the best parts of CoD 4 and 6 and it's basically the story mode).

Stick to Bad Company or play a decent FPS such as CS 1.6 or Source.

Yeah pass on the hacking and glitching I wouldn't really consider them a "perk" more of a cunt's/bitch ass proud american trick IMO

No no,

Theres an infra red perk that can see through multiple walls, basically the top end scope for the game is infrared. It illuminates all players on the map at all ranges. In short, the game has a wallhack built into it as a feature.

Basically the entire game online is a total grindfest towards the f2000

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Battlefield 3's best perk is basically a wall hack.

It was deemed as being the second coming of jesus but with online that is really complete and utter shit (far more teamwork based, not fun if your team is full of tossers) and nothing more than a grindfest (which FPS's are in general online but battlefield 3 was heralded as being different) with a ripped off story mode (think the best parts of CoD 4 and 6 and it's basically the story mode).

Stick to Bad Company or play a decent FPS such as CS 1.6 or Source.

Yeah pass on the hacking and glitching I wouldn't really consider them a "perk" more of a cunt's/bitch ass proud american trick IMO

No no,

Theres an infra red perk that can see through multiple walls, basically the top end scope for the game is infrared. It illuminates all players on the map at all ranges. In short, the game has a wallhack built into it as a feature.

Basically the entire game online is a total grindfest towards the f2000

I understand what you mean I thought you meant something along the lines of this

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Battlefield 3's best perk is basically a wall hack.

It was deemed as being the second coming of jesus but with online that is really complete and utter shit (far more teamwork based, not fun if your team is full of tossers) and nothing more than a grindfest (which FPS's are in general online but battlefield 3 was heralded as being different) with a ripped off story mode (think the best parts of CoD 4 and 6 and it's basically the story mode).

Stick to Bad Company or play a decent FPS such as CS 1.6 or Source.

Yeah pass on the hacking and glitching I wouldn't really consider them a "perk" more of a cunt's/bitch ass proud american trick IMO

No no,

Theres an infra red perk that can see through multiple walls, basically the top end scope for the game is infrared. It illuminates all players on the map at all ranges. In short, the game has a wallhack built into it as a feature.

Basically the entire game online is a total grindfest towards the f2000

I understand what you mean I thought you meant something along the lines of this

Yeah, it's not a blatant cheat but if you got two people with that on the same team talking on the mic of where the players are it could become unfun and unfair quite fast.

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I've only skimmed this topic so I can't really add too much the conversation but I've been playing this game since the beta on PS3.

I've played quite a bit, but school is starting up again so I'll be limited on my play time in the next few months.

Here are my stats: http://battlelog.bat.../202721749/ps3/

The multiplayer is pretty fun; I used to play only Rush but got tired of (defending on) those really boring maps so I switched to playing mostly Conquest - it suites the lone wolf playstyle more, I like to think. The campaign was meh. I only played through it once and don't really plan to play through it again.

The F2000 is ok, but the FAMAS is better. I know they are thinking of nerfing those guns. I'm enjoying the FAMAS currently, before the nerf. I think it's more about the high ROF guns (with predictable/controlable recoil) usually work the best for aggresive forward players, so that's why they seem a little OP, since those players are the ones getting high kills anyway. I've tried all the Assault Riffles, Carbines, LMGs, and PDWs (I have at least 100 kills with each of them) and it's really mostly a preference thing. I think it's more of a grind to get the supressor and foregrip.

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I play conquest mainly when I do play, I like to have the full maps open to me to muck about in. While it doesn't get you much love from your teamates, sniping in conquest on the really big maps is awesome.

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I play conquest mainly when I do play, I like to have the full maps open to me to muck about in. While it doesn't get you much love from your teamates, sniping in conquest on the really big maps is awesome.

I remember in BC2 I used to be pretty good at sniping. I would pull off some pretty consistent headshots and I had a good feel for the bullet drop. I usually mostly sniped to counter-snipe.

For this game I never really bothered that much. I just PDW'ed my way through the Recon class. The maps in BF3 are kind of designed in a way that enemy snipers don't really bother you, so I've been just fine not trying to counter-snipe. I guess part of it is because BF3 is focused on vehicles more than BC2 was.

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I didnt read the posts because half these topics are just people bashing the game itself but I love battlefield its really fun and the most realistic war game ever created thus far. Which although often not realistic thats saying something.

If anyone is a serious bf player and youre food or wanna f around and team kill people sometimes too add my PSN.

Me and my friends mess around a lot but I can play for real, Havent in months though.

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I could only play this game for a month, I'd say the best times were at the very beginning before everyone unlocked everything and people were figuring out the game. The game is too messy now with all the crazy unlocks, too fast paced and it's a fucking sensory meltdown now with all the shit that goes on.

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Regarding what people are referring to as a "wallhack", I've been playing this game since its release and have come across nothing of the sort. What are you referring to, specifically?

That said, I love this game. It suits all playstyles; lone wolf, teamplayer; ground-pounder, ace fighter pilot; objective rusher, helicopter CAS unit up in the sky; sniper, spotter. The possibilities are endless, and no two experiences on a map are ever the same. It's got the mindless TDM shoot-em-up maps (for CoD fans, or for those who want to escape the hectic experiences of the rest of the game, or just want to kill time), and the massive, sprawling areas for those looking for a more in-depth, simulation style experience. Photorealistic graphics also enhance the adventure. Lighting effects are the best I've seen in any game.

All in all, this is the best shooter I've played.

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Regarding what people are referring to as a "wallhack", I've been playing this game since its release and have come across nothing of the sort. What are you referring to, specifically?


All in all, this is the best shooter I've played.

I believe they patched this a while back

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