Guest LA Noire


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Although they look a bit rough round the edges (probably from 2009) it's something everyone's been screaming for - an Agent screenshot.

*Continues to not scream*

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Guest Marney1

I guess this game has been pushed aside for GTA V?

I don't think it's been 'pushed aside', I think they're taking their time and utilising the full power of the PS3 (maybe 360 too) to make Agent the grand finale of what's possible on the current gen console.

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I don't think it's going to be Xbox 360, it's supposed to be PS3 exclusive. But so was GTA IV... Not many games utilize the full power of the PS3, not even games like Uncharted 3 and Killzone 3 are there yet, and they look amazing.

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Guest Marney1

I don't think it's going to be Xbox 360, it's supposed to be PS3 exclusive. But so was GTA IV... Not many games utilize the full power of the PS3, not even games like Uncharted 3 and Killzone 3 are there yet, and they look amazing.

Sony don't even know if it's going to be exclusive to them anymore. They said that's up to Rockstar.

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Guest Marney

I think R* will release Agent before GTA V. I say that because Max Payne 3 and Agent are listed in the R* Social Club 'games' section as 'Coming Soon' while GTA V is nowhere to be seen. Plus Max Payne 3 was announced YEARS AGO as was Agent so it could mean GTA V is YEARS from release.

That's partly my reason for thinking GTA V will be released around March 2013.

Agent will be a Q4 2012 release.

Crazy prediction? Maybe, but that's what I think will happen.

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Rockstar rarely disappoints.

I've been pretty disappointed in seeing news about LA Noire, Max Payne 3, and Agent (though I've heard little about Agent) for the last year when GTA is the only R* game I play.

Although, technically, that's only one disappointment, even if it is a miserable, grueling, year-long disappointment.

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i disagree marney... max payne and agent didn't get the trailer treatment years ago when they were announced... GTAV got a trailer announcement, so i think it's coming out before agent because it appears that the map is pretty much done, the hard work is out the way...

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i disagree marney... max payne and agent didn't get the trailer treatment years ago when they were announced... GTAV got a trailer announcement, so i think it's coming out before agent because it appears that the map is pretty much done, the hard work is out the way...

Believe it or not, the map is the easier part. Two guys could create the whole map in the time they have. Most of the time goes into coding and animation.

But, i agree with b0nEs to disagree with Marn. Agent has been completely out of sight, they wouldn't be working on that more than GTA if they're starting to promote GTA. I think Agent is either going to be under slow development along side GTA, or has been held back to make room for their money maker.

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the potential size of the map and all the research and planning is what i figured would take the longest to do... the engine is in place, along with the coding... i figured actually laying out and designing the city would take years to do, but i also know i shouldn't question the knowledge of a design major :P...

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Guest Marney1

I think agent is gonna end up being vaporware.

Hope not, I'm looking forward to Agent more than any other R* game.

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I think i'm going to prefer this to L.A. Noire somehow.

Well they reckon AGENT is going to utilize the full power of the PS3 - how much of it's power has been used in a single game so far I don't know. I'm guessing we might be adventuring across several continents rather than being limited to a single map. SONY want to use this game to show off the PS3's true power.

well lets see if they can do it, my guess knowing them yes

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I think agent is gonna end up being vaporware.

Hope not, I'm looking forward to Agent more than any other R* game.

Im really looking forward to it too. But look at L.A. Noire for example, they announced it back in like 2006. It will come out eventually Rockstar never cancelles projects.

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Guest Marney

I think agent is gonna end up being vaporware.

Hope not, I'm looking forward to Agent more than any other R* game.

Im really looking forward to it too. But look at L.A. Noire for example, they announced it back in like 2006. It will come out eventually Rockstar never cancelles projects.

They cancelled 'We Are The Mods' but discussion about that would be for another thread.

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Agent very little talking about the mission alot of setups.This is no good cop bad cop, These mother fuckers wont let you live if your carrying info. Wonder how the stroy would playout?

Following orders until you get setup? Or trying to quit?

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