Guest LA Noire


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kinda disappointing if its multi-platform now, was really looking forward to seeing what rockstar could do exclusively with the playstations 3's capability's.

just get the impression that xbox as usual weasel there way in with a huge offering of money. lol. oh well.

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or R* sees that the cost may warranty a multiplat release... don't worry, if it does go multiplat, xbox owners will have to deal with multiple disks as R* never gimps a game for the sake of appeasing one or the other...

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or R* sees that the cost may warranty a multiplat release... don't worry, if it does go multiplat, xbox owners will have to deal with multiple disks as R* never gimps a game for the sake of appeasing one or the other...

There is little differences between both consoles which would enhance different assets. But over-all the games look and play almost identical tbh.

Well at least they're still working on this title! After playing L.A.Noire, it's hard to imagine how this game will be...

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Guest Maaaarney1

With Rockstar North working on Agent does that mean they're not currently working on GTA V? I know a few of the R* North devs have been in NYC the last few weeks but what for I don't know, surely they can't be working on two games at once.

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Who knows, until we get the first official mention of either game from R* we're in the dark. I'm still speculating that GTA V will be announced first (how many fucking topics do I have to say that in?)

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Guest Marney

This job advert for R* North makes me think Agent is in the final stages and it's likely to be out by this time next year. Could be wrong though...

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*Wishes he could press that apply button.

Maybe next time they ask for an environment role I'll be ready :D

Hopefully this is to do with GTA V lol. But Agent is also worth getting excited about too.

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Guest Marney

I've compiled everything I can find (that's official) on Agent into one news article and it now seems Sony haven't got a clue what's going on.

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Nice find. Not much to look at at this stage, but good to see something non-the-less. This guy seems to have worked on GTA IV too, so that's a good sign. :)

It's be a good idea to look through his friends portfolio's too! :P

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Guest Marney1

Don't think Rockstar will bother asking anyone to take them down though because they don't give anything away. Plus every fucker and his dog has them now. happy.gif

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umm, that's all it is?? wow, is this even that relevant?? it might not even be AGENT, plus it's not really much of anything but one interior... this should be categorized under, "pointless"...

i want my james bond reveal from R*, not someone that did one interior, unless it's dupzor's work... he'll be our mole;



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yea but, it's not really anything to talk about... there's nothing to tease about with the screen other than the fact that it looks like a typical thug in the hallway... but he looks like a thug from the 50's in cairo or something... or it could be the protagonist in a disguise...

and it could be a whore house too... there's plenty of red lights...

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Not what I was expecting really, they don't look that impressive. All we can hope for is that the game has changed drastically since they were taken.

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Guest Marney1

Although they look a bit rough round the edges (probably from 2009) it's something everyone's been screaming for - an Agent screenshot. Just wish that video was still up, I think I recall a slow motion bullet bullet cam similar to Max Payne.

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