Guest LA Noire


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GTA V will be out first. You won't see Agent for at least a year and six months. Released, anyway. There'll probably be proper info around this time next year.

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Guest Marney-1

Was just thinking, those red lanterns in the Donoghue portfolio screenshots...


Look like Moroccan lanterns.


Hmm, in fact, everything in those screenshots screams Morocco.........possibly Timbuktu.

Edited by Marney-1

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Guest Marney-1

Good find. Doesn't change the fact that Agent it gathering dust on a shelf somewhere atm though unfortunately.

I think I'm the only person on earth who thinks Agent is still being worked on.

Also, you're gonna think I'm mad but I think Rockstar may have been dropping hints about the (or one of) locations we'll find ourselves in in Agent - Timbuktu.

The reason we did is we thought the city was interesting, both visually and socially, and a logical place for Max to end up, as you can see when you play the game. We are happy making games set in versions of New York or L.A., or in Timbuktu. There is no agenda or master plan in this regard. Just what we believe works well for the proposed gameplay and story and will be visually interesting. R* Asked & Answered
"I couldn't understand them, but I didn't have to. Cheap hoods are the same from here to Timbuktu." - Quote from Max Payne 3

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Lol, thought i'd post this here for Marney, He'll probably be lurking as a guest anyway. :P

Revealing Agent, BioWare's spy RPG that didn't survive the recession

"One of the last things it looks like Oster did before he left "EA Edmonton" in 2009 - BioWare to you and me - was start "a new and exciting project that failed to survive the recession".

So I asked him what it was.

"It had a working title of Agent," he told me, name ringing a bell - Rockstar announced a PS3-exclusive game called Agent in 2009 but it didn't, and probably will never, materialise.

"The concept was to do the other half of GoldenEye," Oster explained. "The idea being that James Bond isn't just a gun that walks around the world and shoots people. He's a suave manipulator, he's a talented martial artist, he's a secret agent. We wanted to cross that 007 with Jason Bourne, where he's been modified in some way; you're not sure what, but he's definitely deadly.

"We really wanted to push the acting side, the digital acting. We really wanted to be very high drama, very intense scenes. I always think of the scene in the second Bourne movie where Jason Bourne's choking the guy out with a book and he's right in his face and it's this very intense moment. That was one of the key things we wanted to carry off."

But, alas, it was never to be"...

Read the rest here: Eurogamer

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I would like to announce that I am beginning work on a game I call "CIA Conspiracy." Just like the CIA it will be a massive failure, as the game will not try to appeal to gamers, or anyone else.

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Yes the Getaway biggrin.gif Which would have been epic if they were under R* Games wing!

My main issues with The Getaway 1+2

-Where's the HUD?

-Where's my Health and why does recharging it just mean leaning against a wall. People give games like GoW shit for just being "hide until your health comes back"

- Can I get ANY info on the screen?

-shit driving physics

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I hope early next year Rockstar will show a glimpse of AGENT. I'm very curious about this mysterious game.

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I am so confused on this game, is it like Noire, where it will take years and there's no info then bam some new technology everyone will forget about in 5 minutes?

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Lol, thought i'd post this here for Marney, He'll probably be lurking as a guest anyway. :P

Revealing Agent, BioWare's spy RPG that didn't survive the recession

"One of the last things it looks like Oster did before he left "EA Edmonton" in 2009 - BioWare to you and me - was start "a new and exciting project that failed to survive the recession".

So I asked him what it was.

"It had a working title of Agent," he told me, name ringing a bell - Rockstar announced a PS3-exclusive game called Agent in 2009 but it didn't, and probably will never, materialise.

"The concept was to do the other half of GoldenEye," Oster explained. "The idea being that James Bond isn't just a gun that walks around the world and shoots people. He's a suave manipulator, he's a talented martial artist, he's a secret agent. We wanted to cross that 007 with Jason Bourne, where he's been modified in some way; you're not sure what, but he's definitely deadly.

"We really wanted to push the acting side, the digital acting. We really wanted to be very high drama, very intense scenes. I always think of the scene in the second Bourne movie where Jason Bourne's choking the guy out with a book and he's right in his face and it's this very intense moment. That was one of the key things we wanted to carry off."

But, alas, it was never to be"...

Read the rest here: Eurogamer

That sounds a lot like Alpha Protocol, Obsedian's spy RPG that was mediocre at best. It came out a year later and sounds very similar where your Agent could be "suave" like James Bond or a neck-snapping ninja like Jason Borne or a gun totting lunatic like Jack Bauer. Here's a quote from wikipedia regarding the game:

"Alpha Protocol features numerous characters with whom to interact. Conversations occur in real-time, giving the player a limited amount of time to respond at key "decision points" during dialogue.[6] The dialog system in the game - known as the "DSS" or Dialogue Stance system[7] - allows the player to choose from three different attitudes, or "stances," when speaking to an NPC. Obsidian has said that these options are based on the personalities of the "three J.B.'s": Jason Bourne of The Bourne Identity novels and films, James Bond of the eponymous film and book series, and Jack Bauer of the television series 24, although the game itself does not use these names. During dialog sequences, the player will be able to choose from options like "professional" (Jason Bourne), "suave" (James Bond), and "aggressive" (Jack Bauer), sometimes with a brief description of the dialogue choice (such as "sarcastic") taking the place of the general stance. A fourth, "special" dialogue choice is also sometimes available." (Note: while it may seem that this is only regarding the dialogue, anybody who's played the game would see that there were skills needed to upgrade that focused on gadgets (Bond), martial arts (Bourne), and guns (Bauer).)

While this probably isn't the same game as the one Bioware was working on, they seem eerily similar. Either way I doubt it was Rockstar's Agent, since the discription of Bioware's spy RPG doesn't seem to mention the era it was meant to be set in, which seems to play an important role in Rockstar's game. Also since this thread has been quiet for the past couple of months (or since the announcment of the PS4), isn't it likely that Agent has been moved to next-gen consoles?

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Agent has probably been lying dormant since 2009, and since it took so long for it to come about (no new information in years), I'm guessing they're saving it for a PS4 exclusive rather than a PS3, or scrapping it all together. However I doubt that or they should've announced it.

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I remember when former Take-Two CEO said AGENT is going to be genre-defining and it's going to be a whole new way of experiencing videogames that we haven't really seen before. This quote really gets me excited, very interesting. I always hoped that this game will contain a sandbox element.

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AGENT NEWS!!! :lol:... well, kinda...

rockstar renewed the game's trademarks, which means to me that it's still in production... the funny thing i gathered from the article was AGENT was suppose to be a PS3 exclusive, but with next gen on the way, it's a very real possibility that it will be their first launch for the next gen... and probably for both systems too... that last part makes sense to me, because of how long it's been since announcement, the costs are probably escalating and we could see a LA Noire thing where to make some of that back, they're going to have to go multiplat...

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Yeah more than likely a possibility. I think they shelved it to make way for GTA V, not realising the production length that GTA would end up being. Poor game didn't look in a good state when we saw it in the guys portfolio, i'm sure they will be building it from the ground up for Next Gen.

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