Guest Marney-1

Max Payne 3 - ***Use SPOILER tags***

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  On 5/22/2012 at 12:04 AM, bOnEs said:

can't remember which chapter it was, but by the time i started my 8th re-try of a "rumbling" section, the audio blacked out completely... and when i finally died again, the system froze on me... and i occasionally noticed the audio cut out for a second here and there, but that's pretty much the only issues i ran into...

Yeah same with me. That's Chapter 12.

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I had a lot of issues with the audio cutting out at various points. Thought it was just the 2nd disk, but it seems to happen randomly on both disks.

As for the game, completed it with all the golden guns and really enjoyed it. Only did it on easy with hard-lock aim though because I suck with the analog sticks but it was fun.

Just a shame

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This is the first Max Payne game I've played and I enjoyed every minute. Great action, story, characters etc.

Feel almost ashamed for missing the first two so I've just downloaded them both off the Xbox Marketplace :)

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i gotta say, after having some time to reflect on the game, it might be one the best stories ever... the combination of max's character, with the situation unfolding in front of him, and from his perspective as well, reflecting back on a life full of shit, in between piling more bodies on top of a new pile of shit, etc...

it's good... i think it's really good, for video games of course... but it's R*'s attention to character building that helped bring a mad man with one crazy fucking life, back to life in another time in his life... it's been 10 years since max payne 2, and R* made that transition perfectly... he's a more humble max, and more wittier than ever... it makes the story hold so much more weight when the character is actually driving and not another robot...

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Just finished and waiting for the credits to finally end. Good game. Plenty of action. That second-to-last part (inside a large structure) sucked balls. I kept dying until I watched IGN do it to figure out the trick. Rockstar has made another game that plays out as an epic movie.

I can't help but laugh at the credits because there's so many "Da Silva", "DaSilva" and "Silva" names. Where's all the GTA V proud americans yelling up a storm about hints? :P

edit: Multiplayer froze on me the first time. When I finally got in a game, it sucked. I'm not sure if it was the soft lock or the loadouts of others but it was horrible. I obliterated people's heads yet I was the one that died quite a few times. Internet wasn't bad at all either. Someone else mentioned the spawning issue already but it was that office map so I expected that. I really don't think I'll be dabbling in multiplayer too much.

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yea, it showed signs of fun, but it never grabbed me... i guess i am just not really into multiplayer... GTA multiplayer has been the only one to grab me, and i still play GTAIV to this day online...


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Yeah the final big battle. Everytime I moved out from that cover I got killed. Even worse when a quick cinematic showed him killing me. Pissed me off. Trick was to stay put and the cover acts as a "cushion" of sorts. The last bit was fine. I did that no problem.

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it helps, but

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Guest Marney-1

I'm going to have a go of multiplayer right now if anyone wants easy kills.

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Guest Marney-1
  On 5/25/2012 at 4:28 AM, bOnEs said:

so how many times did you die? a billion?

  • Kills 73
  • Deaths 137
  • Headshots 9
  • Assists 48
  • Loots 50
  • Distance Traveled 12,930 m.
  • Pills Taken 2
  • Time Sprinting 09:54.158
  • Time Shoot Dodging 00:38.502
  • Dual Wield Kills 3
  • Two-Handed Kills 69

summary-played.png Average Lifespan 01:09.421

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You're better than me :D

Your Stats

Kills 89

Deaths 79

Headshots 11

Assists 74

Loots 35

Distance Traveled 8,164 m.

Pills Taken 1

Time Sprinting 00:00.727

Time Shoot Dodging 00:32.181

Dual Wield Kills 0

Two-Handed Kills 81

K / D 1.13

Match W / L 6.00

Vendettas 0.00

Shoot Dodge 0.33

XP Per Min 291

Accuracy 28%

Wagers $0

Avg. Life Span 00:57.537

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Guest Marney-1

Haven't been on since I posted those stats, here's more details:


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Guest Marney-1

Anyone know what the fuck they're doing in multiplayer because I don't.

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I'm alright. Got over 500 kills now. Rank 16 or 17 I think. Still get frustrated by how I can shoot someone 10 times in the back for them to turn around and 1-shot-kill me in the shoulder though.

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I'm almost level 38, with a 2.58 K/D ratio to brag with, however multiplayer has been pissing me off lately.

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What's the best way to get XP? Gang Wars? I've got most of my XP from playing single player on arcade mode to be honest. Seems Gang Wars gives the most of you get a decent number of kills or help with the objectives

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  On 6/9/2012 at 2:05 AM, XXCrimsonXX said:

I'm almost level 38, with a 2.58 K/D ratio to brag with, however multiplayer has been pissing me off lately.

I am on the same ratio level 50 with a 3.01 k/d ratio.

multiplayer is total shit. it is very disappointing on how I got frozen my ps3 5 in a day and got booted 8 times, after that I stopped playing max payne.

here is my analyses for those wondering how multiplayer is.

for those who disagree, I apologize if this opinion gives you a grudge against me

every cocksucker is using either the mini30, dual pistols or dual uzis.

the machineguns or better yet assault riffles are way too underpowered

the submachineguns are way overpowered to be using 9mm and 45acp while obviously a 357 would do more damage.

This is also a problem when it comes to uzis. real life uzis are very realible and accurate guns, but this does not account to the cousin shorter barrel version mini uzis and mac10 specially if you are dual wielding it, at close range it suppose to do a lot of damage and have a lot of spread, but I have shot the duals from across the map and still kill someone, this is ridiculous.

wtf the matter with the FAL it barely holds 20 rounds. they should at least make the gun a little more powerful.

the mini30 is supposed to be a caribine rifle that shoots 5.56x54mm bullets, I understand that this is a powerful bullet, but lord the gun shoots way to fast and it has too much of range, almost as a sniper rifle. they might as well make it a sniper bolt action rifle if is going to do that much damage.

dual wielding is a major problem in this game, it is almost as call of duty bad. this game forces you to use dual weapons if you are carrying a handgun, since they both have the same stats no accuracy or range is affected by this, which is very unrealistic, I have killed people with dual guns from across the map. the only drawback of using dual pistols is running out of ammo faster, but seriously there are so many bodies in a game match that looting for ammo is never a problem.

shotguns have a really good range, but the damage is the problem, most shotguns kill with 2 to 3 shots, usually if you shoot someone at close range with a shotgun he can say byebye to his limbs, but this is not the case in mp3, shotguns do the same damage at far and short distances. (excluding the first shotgun which does way too much damage)

the g6 is one of the last assault riffles you get once you reach level 40, it is as useless as the fal, the only good thing about it is the range.

now what is the problem, all guns have some drawback, with one exception, the mini 30, it holds and incredible amount of ammo, and you are dead usually in 3 shots, I gotten killed with 2 shots wearing a heavy armor (and they were shots to the finger, go figure). so what is the point of all the other guns, if most morons are using the most overpowered gun, I had a game once that everyone was using the mini30, and I am not exaggerating.

the armors are somewhat under-powered or not properly representative of a real life armor.

the heaviest armor is supposed to literally stop 9mm bullets. but I gotten killed with to or 3 shots to the chest with a m9.

the glock is among one of the most under-powered guns and is the last one you get. the accuracy of this gun is terrible and so is the range, it runs out of ammo in less than 2 seconds. and it takes you a whole clip to kill someone, what is the point of unlocking it at level 40? you cannot even put a silencer on it.

I have tested most of these problems with friends over private matches, to take away the biased factors out of the equation. but yeah this is multiplayer for max payne, a payne in the ass.

anyhow I was wondering if anyone would be interested in adding me as friends I want to kind of enjoy multiplayer a little more, by going on private matches, where we can set our own rules.

here are my stats

KILLS 10859




LOOTS 1297



TIME SPRINTING 08:41:25.050




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R* has issued a warning to those ruining the experience... and i think it might be one of the greatest things i ever heard... they're going to throw all of them into a dedicated cheaters server, and let them duke it out amongst themselves... lol, it's brilliant!! they're not taking the experience away from them, they're just making them all play against other cheaters... lol...

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Guest Marney-1
  On 6/13/2012 at 2:03 AM, bOnEs said:

R* has issued a warning to those ruining the experience... and i think it might be one of the greatest things i ever heard... they're going to throw all of them into a dedicated cheaters server, and let them duke it out amongst themselves... lol, it's brilliant!! they're not taking the experience away from them, they're just making them all play against other cheaters... lol...

How fun would that be? Run round all day without a kill. :P

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