Guest Marney-1

Max Payne 3 - ***Use SPOILER tags***

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Am I the only one who thought that Max Payne 3 ( singleplayer ) was a bit of a grind? So much so for me that I didn't even bother with the Multiplayer. And what were the bullshit motivations for Max saving these rich assholes? I would of put a bullet into their heads aswell if given the chance, especially that whiny bitch Giovanna. A bit of a negative for the story seeing as the rest of it was presented so well ( Especially the Favela missions ).

And what's with the difficulty. I'm usually pretty Boss with 1st and 3rd person shooters, but I've died more times in this game than in the last 10 Shooter's I've played put together. And I was only playing on the Hard difficulty setting, I would hate to imagine what Hardcore and Oldschool were like. Did anyone play the game on these difficulties. If so was it challenging? How did you do it?

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He was saving the rich people because it was his job. Then he figured out his boss(es) were screwing him and decided to stay to kill all of them. Giovanna had nothing to do with it and Pasos was just stupid.

His " Job ", that's rich. He definitely went above and beyond for his " Job ". I understand the ending and wanting to kill the assholes that put him in the mess in the first place. But for 3 quarters of the game he was chasing after that kidnapped spoilt brat Fabiana ( I might be wrong here, maybe you thought she was interesting? ), and Max himself is worth ten of her, she was worthless. The entire family he was protecting were a bunch of dickheads.

Which again raises the question why in the hell would he risk his life for them. And that's what it states time after time in the game ( That he actually cares about rescuing them ). Sure if he asserted he was doing it for himself, like to test himself, or for one last harrah ( in battle ) before he retires. O.K I'm just rambling here now but I couldn't see any realistic motivations for what he was doing.

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You know what a job is, right? You are getting paid for a service. Max was getting paid to protect the rich people. That was his job. It just happened that he was meant to fail. It's not like he kept getting paid after shit went downhill.

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You know what a job is, right? You are getting paid for a service. Max was getting paid to protect the rich people. That was his job. It just happened that he was meant to fail. It's not like he kept getting paid after shit went downhill.

That's what I mean, he wasn't getting paid for his services anymore yet he persevered in trying to get them back ( ie Fabianna, Marcelo and Giovanna even after his Boss Roderigo Branco was killed ). And this was before he found out his employer betrayed him ( giving him a reason to hang around a bit longer and get revenge ). So this all points to having nothing to do with the job, and being a personal matter. which I don't get because they're all assholes.


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If you paid attention to the story Max had no idea the brothers were behind all the shit. At that point he wanted to get Fabiana+others back to right his wrong (his failure). He couldn't save his boss so he wanted to save the wife.

Do I need to dumb it down further?

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If you paid attention to the story Max had no idea the brothers were behind all the shit. At that point he wanted to get Fabiana+others back to right his wrong (his failure). He couldn't save his boss so he wanted to save the wife.

Do I need to dumb it down further?

I paid perfect attention to the story. Did you?

I'm guessing you can relate to ( if not, understand ) him wanting to right his wrongs. Even if his only failure was to not sucessfully protect a group of assholes.

Maybe it's just me but right from the beginning of the story I felt like why would someone like him be in " that " environment surrounded by " those kinds " of people ( Assholes ) if he had a choice. I mean he is an adult who can make decisions for himself right. So why even though he hates the work he's doing and the clientele he is protecting insist upon not only staying there but going on a crusade to rescue the idiots when they're kidnapped. He even alluded that he didn't hold the Rodrigo Family in high regard in his internal monologue. He did this several times talking about his disdain for each of the individual family members.

And I know your going to say it was his job, and that he was a down on his luck alcoholic with not many options or career prospects. But that is all bullshit, he could of walked away if he wanted to and done something else. He didn't stay because of the job, even when sarcastically saying " well I guess I've got a job to do " when on the hunt for Fabianna after Rodirogo Branco's death. His statement is two sided in that he seems weary about proceeding ( because of the bullshit motivations for rescuing the family members ) but he is also commited to getting the job done ( even if the job is rescuing a bunch of dickheads/ and is also to show he is an honourable person, and make his character more likeable to the audience/gamer ).

I also hate how they tried to tie Fabianna to Max's dead wife and daughter. As if this was Max's chance to symbolically save his wife ( which he couldn't ) by saving Fabianna. Because if his wife was anything like Fabianna he should of gotten divorced, instead of the forced seperation that occured in the first game. It all just smacks of a poorly contrived motivation to drive his character into action. I guess I shouldn't expect this much from a game, but I respect Rockstar so much, I think they could of done a better job with the Main Character's motivation and also the poorly implemented noir elements. Also by the end of the game Max's lack of motivation either made him look very honourable in his pursuit of the captured princess Fabianna, or like a Massive Tool. I personally thought the latter, but I could see how it would appeal to other tools.

And do I need to dumb it down further for you sir?

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And I know your going to say it was his job, and that he was a down on his luck alcholic with not many options or career prospects.

That IS the reasoning, dumbshit. He had nothing going for him in NJ/NY. He was convinced to go down into Brazil for something better, if not great. It wasn't much better but what else was he going to do? He's in the middle of nowhere making a paycheck with benefits of sorts.

Seriously, this can't get much more retarded. If you don't like the game that's fine but don't sit here saying he had no reason when it was all spelled out right in front of you.

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In Max's shoes, yes.

Would you rather a story where the character gives up as soon as something bad happens? That's a pretty boring story.

I agree with you, that would be very short and boring.

That's why I think they should of focused more on Max's motivations, to concequently make his character more believable and relatable too the player. Then with justifications for Max's actions the player would be more emotionally invested in the overall experience and more satisfied with the story's final outcome.

Just my opinion. No facts or anything. :D

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If you paid attention to the story Max had no idea the brothers were behind all the shit. At that point he wanted to get Fabiana+others back to right his wrong (his failure). He couldn't save his boss so he wanted to save the wife.

Do I need to dumb it down further?

I paid perfect attention to the story. Did you?

I'm guessing you can relate to ( if not, understand ) him wanting to right his wrongs. Even if his only failure was to not sucessfully protect a group of assholes.

Maybe it's just me but right from the beginning of the story I felt like why would someone like him be in " that " environment surrounded by " those kinds " of people ( Assholes ) if he had a choice. I mean he is an adult who can make decisions for himself right. So why even though he hates the work he's doing and the clientele he is protecting insist upon not only staying there but going on a crusade to rescue the idiots when they're kidnapped. He even alluded that he didn't hold the Rodrigo Family in high regard in his internal monologue. He did this several times talking about his disdain for each of the individual family members.

And I know your going to say it was his job, and that he was a down on his luck alcoholic with not many options or career prospects. But that is all bullshit, he could of walked away if he wanted to and done something else. He didn't stay because of the job, even when sarcastically saying " well I guess I've got a job to do " when on the hunt for Fabianna after Rodirogo Branco's death. His statement is two sided in that he seems weary about proceeding ( because of the bullshit motivations for rescuing the family members ) but he is also commited to getting the job done ( even if the job is rescuing a bunch of dickheads/ and is also to show he is an honourable person, and make his character more likeable to the audience/gamer ).

I also hate how they tried to tie Fabianna to Max's dead wife and daughter. As if this was Max's chance to symbolically save his wife ( which he couldn't ) by saving Fabianna. Because if his wife was anything like Fabianna he should of gotten divorced, instead of the forced seperation that occured in the first game. It all just smacks of a poorly contrived motivation to drive his character into action. I guess I shouldn't expect this much from a game, but I respect Rockstar so much, I think they could of done a better job with the Main Character's motivation and also the poorly implemented noir elements. Also by the end of the game Max's lack of motivation either made him look very honourable in his pursuit of the captured princess Fabianna, or like a Massive Tool. I personally thought the latter, but I could see how it would appeal to other tools.

And do I need to dumb it down further for you sir?

he was paid to do something, he does what he is paid to do, because thats what you do when you are paid for something. end of story

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If you paid attention to the story Max had no idea the brothers were behind all the shit. At that point he wanted to get Fabiana+others back to right his wrong (his failure). He couldn't save his boss so he wanted to save the wife.

Do I need to dumb it down further?

I paid perfect attention to the story. Did you?

I'm guessing you can relate to ( if not, understand ) him wanting to right his wrongs. Even if his only failure was to not sucessfully protect a group of assholes.

Maybe it's just me but right from the beginning of the story I felt like why would someone like him be in " that " environment surrounded by " those kinds " of people ( Assholes ) if he had a choice. I mean he is an adult who can make decisions for himself right. So why even though he hates the work he's doing and the clientele he is protecting insist upon not only staying there but going on a crusade to rescue the idiots when they're kidnapped. He even alluded that he didn't hold the Rodrigo Family in high regard in his internal monologue. He did this several times talking about his disdain for each of the individual family members.

And I know your going to say it was his job, and that he was a down on his luck alcoholic with not many options or career prospects. But that is all bullshit, he could of walked away if he wanted to and done something else. He didn't stay because of the job, even when sarcastically saying " well I guess I've got a job to do " when on the hunt for Fabianna after Rodirogo Branco's death. His statement is two sided in that he seems weary about proceeding ( because of the bullshit motivations for rescuing the family members ) but he is also commited to getting the job done ( even if the job is rescuing a bunch of dickheads/ and is also to show he is an honourable person, and make his character more likeable to the audience/gamer ).

I also hate how they tried to tie Fabianna to Max's dead wife and daughter. As if this was Max's chance to symbolically save his wife ( which he couldn't ) by saving Fabianna. Because if his wife was anything like Fabianna he should of gotten divorced, instead of the forced seperation that occured in the first game. It all just smacks of a poorly contrived motivation to drive his character into action. I guess I shouldn't expect this much from a game, but I respect Rockstar so much, I think they could of done a better job with the Main Character's motivation and also the poorly implemented noir elements. Also by the end of the game Max's lack of motivation either made him look very honourable in his pursuit of the captured princess Fabianna, or like a Massive Tool. I personally thought the latter, but I could see how it would appeal to other tools.

And do I need to dumb it down further for you sir?

he was paid to do something, he does what he is paid to do, because thats what you do when you are paid for something. end of story

Good god the artistic mediums of movies,games and books need more inventive and original minded people like you. End of story. :stupid:

Then the future will have copious amounts of utter garbage and drivel to sit bored to death through. Thankyou for your productive imput sir. :D

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If you paid attention to the story Max had no idea the brothers were behind all the shit. At that point he wanted to get Fabiana+others back to right his wrong (his failure). He couldn't save his boss so he wanted to save the wife.

Do I need to dumb it down further?

I paid perfect attention to the story. Did you?

I'm guessing you can relate to ( if not, understand ) him wanting to right his wrongs. Even if his only failure was to not sucessfully protect a group of assholes.

Maybe it's just me but right from the beginning of the story I felt like why would someone like him be in " that " environment surrounded by " those kinds " of people ( Assholes ) if he had a choice. I mean he is an adult who can make decisions for himself right. So why even though he hates the work he's doing and the clientele he is protecting insist upon not only staying there but going on a crusade to rescue the idiots when they're kidnapped. He even alluded that he didn't hold the Rodrigo Family in high regard in his internal monologue. He did this several times talking about his disdain for each of the individual family members.

And I know your going to say it was his job, and that he was a down on his luck alcoholic with not many options or career prospects. But that is all bullshit, he could of walked away if he wanted to and done something else. He didn't stay because of the job, even when sarcastically saying " well I guess I've got a job to do " when on the hunt for Fabianna after Rodirogo Branco's death. His statement is two sided in that he seems weary about proceeding ( because of the bullshit motivations for rescuing the family members ) but he is also commited to getting the job done ( even if the job is rescuing a bunch of dickheads/ and is also to show he is an honourable person, and make his character more likeable to the audience/gamer ).

I also hate how they tried to tie Fabianna to Max's dead wife and daughter. As if this was Max's chance to symbolically save his wife ( which he couldn't ) by saving Fabianna. Because if his wife was anything like Fabianna he should of gotten divorced, instead of the forced seperation that occured in the first game. It all just smacks of a poorly contrived motivation to drive his character into action. I guess I shouldn't expect this much from a game, but I respect Rockstar so much, I think they could of done a better job with the Main Character's motivation and also the poorly implemented noir elements. Also by the end of the game Max's lack of motivation either made him look very honourable in his pursuit of the captured princess Fabianna, or like a Massive Tool. I personally thought the latter, but I could see how it would appeal to other tools.

And do I need to dumb it down further for you sir?

he was paid to do something, he does what he is paid to do, because thats what you do when you are paid for something. end of story

Good god the artistic mediums of movies,games and books need more inventive and original minded people like you. End of story. :stupid:

Then the future will have copious amounts of utter garbage and drivel to sit bored to death through. Thankyou for your productive imput sir. :D

anybody with any little amount of honor in them is going to do what they were paid for.

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Hooray! Those guides are amazing, glad to see them again Fitty. I didn't bother buying it, but your guides helped me get the most out of my rental, I may just have to rent it again now.

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If you're reading a guide beyond what you have played, then that's your fault. Plus I write the guides spoiler-free until you reach the spoiler.

It was actually in response to the 2 page discussion on why max was still doing the job after his boss was killed etc and also I believe it states in the TOPIC TITLE to use spoiler tags! Soooooooo no it's not my fault actually

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Posting a spoiler in a post that complains about spoilers.

I believe that evens things out.

Well by that point the damage was already done, it would be like closing the barn door after the horses have already eaten your children.

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