Guest Marney-1

Max Payne 3 - ***Use SPOILER tags***

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People moaning like bitches on the Rockstar Newswire that they don't like it. :rolleyes:

To be honest, i don't like it as a cover art. It feels quickly mashed together. The concepts are beautiful, i like them individually, but as a cover it sucks. I think it only needs Max on the front.

i actually preferred this cover:


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Guest Marney1

The one they've gone with will catch the eye though. You won't be able to miss it.

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I wasn't really impressed with it either. Probably since it's almost the same as the first wallpaper they put out. I think everyone was expecting something more. Even L.A. Noire's final cover was different and cool looking.

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I think it's the woman that ruins it. It doesn't follow composition rules, you should never put a point of interest in the middle unless it's holy, or god related. Oh and text normally falls in the centre. And they should always fall on the rule of thirds.

Simple art design rules right there!

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Guest Marney1

I think it's the woman that ruins it. It doesn't follow composition rules, you should never put a point of interest in the middle unless it's holy, or god related. (text is ok) And they should always fall on the rule of thirds.

Simple art design rules right there!

It may be a way of adding a sexual element or to attract the attention of female gamers?

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I think it's the woman that ruins it. It doesn't follow composition rules, you should never put a point of interest in the middle unless it's holy, or god related. (text is ok) And they should always fall on the rule of thirds.

Simple art design rules right there!

It may be a way of adding a sexual element or to attract the attention of female gamers?

Doubt it. People should only fall on a rule of thirds. As i said, there are a few exceptions, and they usually contain an element of symmetry. This was obviously overlooked.

Maybe R* feels like they can break the rules, and go avant guard on us, because they're the best Games Company EVER! xD


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Guest Marney1

I think it's the woman that ruins it. It doesn't follow composition rules, you should never put a point of interest in the middle unless it's holy, or god related. (text is ok) And they should always fall on the rule of thirds.

Simple art design rules right there!

It may be a way of adding a sexual element or to attract the attention of female gamers?

Doubt it. People should only fall on a rule of thirds. As i said, there are a few exceptions, and they usually contain an element of symmetry. This was obviously overlooked.

Maybe R* feels like they can break the rules, and go avant guard on us, because they're the best Games Company EVER! xD

Yeah they could just print the title in plain text on a black background every time with a little R* logo in the corner if they wanted, they'd still stand out.

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Guest Marney1

I edited my post above to exemplify the flaw.

She falls on the horizontal third, but the vertical third in dead centre.

My missus used to work in media and studied films and the like, she knows what you're getting at. Mise en scène she said.

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The idea is to try and keep the point of interest near to the crosshairs (line crossovers) as possible. Max's face falls perfectly in the corsshair, and he's higher contrast, making him the main point of interest.

Maybe graphic design works different to other kinds of media though. I'm no expert in graphic design and what not.

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Guest Marney1


The idea is to try and keep the point of interest near to the crosshairs (line crossovers) as possible. Max's face falls perfectly in the corsshair, and he's higher contrast, making him the main point of interest.

I dunno, maybe design works different to other kinds of media though. I'm no expert in graphic design and what not.

Mrs Marney - "Equilibrium constants and iconography etc" two should get a room. :P

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The idea is to try and keep the point of interest near to the crosshairs (line crossovers) as possible. Max's face falls perfectly in the corsshair, and he's higher contrast, making him the main point of interest.

I dunno, maybe design works different to other kinds of media though. I'm no expert in graphic design and what not.

Mrs Marney - "Equilibrium constants and iconography etc" two should get a room. :P

LOL is she puurdy? :ike:

/edit - Maybe b0nEs will know more about the design side of this.

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i think by going with your "in 3rd's" theory, R* perhaps just wanted to put something of emphasis in that spot... maybe she could of been on the bottom right side and the city could of been in the center, but that would of messed up the balance...

look at the heavy rain box art;


she is off-centered... i don't think there is a certain formula to a design like this... sure there's what the textbooks say, but i think the staggered character faces behind her make it feel unorthodox, which actually applies to heavy rain quite well...

with max payne, it does put a slight focus on her, and maybe that's what R* wants, she might be a very central chracter... or they could be doing the heavy rain thing and putting a hot female on the cover for sales...

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I like the idea of it being a design metaphor for the story centring around her. I still don't like the balance of the cover art though. I guess that's all I have to say on the matter. lol

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it is a little heavy on the right side in my opinion... but they clearly want to put an emphasis on the environment as the brazilian town is probably also one of the central characters itself...

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Brazil is an awesome place, but I just don't think it works for a Max Payne game. They should gone with Vegas instead.

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Guest Marney1

Brazil is an awesome place, but I just don't think it works for a Max Payne game. They should gone with Vegas instead.

I like the idea of going off to Sao Paulo, it's different. I'm bored of seeing Vegas in games for now.

Also, this is Lou, she's from Southern California and is a multiplayer gang character in Max Payne 3.

See the rest of the Max Payne 3 Multiplayer Casting Event winners here.

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Guest Marney1

Lazlow talks Max Payne 3 on the Opie & Anthony Show. @1:29:50

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