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I reinstalled Java and updated it, it should be working. But how do you delete cookies and cache?

This seemed to happen after a Windows Update did something to my Internet Explorer ( changing it/ it also turned my E-mail into a more basic version as well ), ever since then I can't paste anything in my posts. I can still paste stuff to the Wordpad/ Notepad, but not onto Websites. Any idea what the problem is, or how I could solve it?

I also seem to be able to paste a link to a picture, while in Editing Mode for my posts. But I can't paste it directly.

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The problem is, you're using IE. Consider switching to a superior more user-friendly browser, like Firefox or Chrome. Meantime, this page should give you the info you need to clear your cookies/cache:

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Ctrl + F5 seemed to just refresh my page.

@GunSmith - I installed Firefox and every time I do a search I am overloaded with Pop Ups. I can't even come directly to this site without being redirected to a pop-up site.

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Yeah I just worked it out, Thanks.

Edit: I'm using Google Chrome now, and everything seems to be working fine ( Copy/ Pasting ). Plus it's a lot faster than IE. Thanks for the tip Gun. (Y)

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Disable Flash Player's automatic updates and set them to manual, if you plan on sticking with Chrome. Chrome can blue screen your computer if Flash updates are automatic.

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Disable Flash Player's automatic updates and set them to manual, if you plan on sticking with Chrome. Chrome can blue screen your computer if Flash updates are automatic.

Interesting <_< As i am having BSOD problems lately and chrome is installed.

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I notice when I stay logged in on mobile, it reverts my online status to Private and takes me off the active users list. This is also happening on iFallout. Is it an IP.Board thing?

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That 'zing' is inapplicable. The forgotten password link is there, regardless of the manner in which you have lost access to your account. Click it and follow procedure.

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Because years of poor decisions on the part of the administrators have prevented me from being an administrator myself, thus, I cannot help you with this issue. In addition, there is no need for administrator intervention in a situation that can be solved by the simple means that i have suggested.

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Putting someone like you in that position is a one-way ticket to a totalitarian society full of slavery and rape. Those were not "poor" decisions, sir.

Anyway, thank you!



GTA 5 Forums - 8:24 PM (6 hours ago) to me

GunSmith, This email has been sent from

You have received this email because you requested an email address change.

-----------------------Activation Instructions Below --------------------------------------

We require that you "validate" your email address change you instigated this action. This protects against unwantedspamandmaliciousabuse.

To activate your account, simply click on the followinglink:


What the fuck? I certainly didn't request an e-mail change...

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Thanks to Fitty for getting this sorted out and to Massy for instilling a touch of common sense in me.

To the Fine Gentleman responsible for fucking with this account:


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