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Yeah this has been suggested a few times but some good people won't stick around if they can't make topics, and it may cause spam so they get the post count so they can.

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I think you should just leave it open and warn the members that spam in it. Worthless topics will moderate themselves if self moderators are delt with.

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I would like to request a different emoticon for -_-

I don't think -_- captures the right expression.

-_- says "I'm not listening/I'm stubborn"

- _ - this however says "Are you really that stupid"

So yeah, new emoticon for this (- _ -) input.

Here is a good example of what - _ - should look like..


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I was about to change my sig that stopped being funny after 12mins and saw this..

Your signature may contain:

• Any number images • Images of any size • Any number of URLs • Any number of lines

Is this correct? There use to be a limit. I just wanna check before I "break a rule".

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Yeh, thats what I thought. Good thing I checked before I got ban-fucked by a system error.

You're learning, Kuz.. You're learning.

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The problem with the limits IPB can set is that they aren't flexible enough.

For example we could set a limit of 550x250 for signature images, but you could still have four 549x249 images stacked alongside and on top of each other, and I don't think anyone wants to be limited to just one image in their sig.

'Lines' also mean nothing. This paragraph counts as a 'line', but so does a 250px high image. I don't think URLs are going to be a problem.

We have a max height for the signature field set in the CSS so that it will be cut off if it's any higher than 250 pixels (like yours, Kuz). Aside from excessive file sizes I don't think we need to do any more enforcement than that.

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The problem with the limits IPB can set is that they aren't flexible enough.

For example we could set a limit of 550x250 for signature images, but you could still have four 549x249 images stacked alongside and on top of each other, and I don't think anyone wants to be limited to just one image in their sig.

'Lines' also mean nothing. This paragraph counts as a 'line', but so does a 250px high image. I don't think URLs are going to be a problem.

We have a max height for the signature field set in the CSS so that it will be cut off if it's any higher than 250 pixels (like yours, Kuz). Aside from excessive file sizes I don't think we need to do any more enforcement than that.

Do file sizes matter if there hosted elsewhere (ie, imgur)?

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The problem with the limits IPB can set is that they aren't flexible enough.

For example we could set a limit of 550x250 for signature images, but you could still have four 549x249 images stacked alongside and on top of each other, and I don't think anyone wants to be limited to just one image in their sig.

'Lines' also mean nothing. This paragraph counts as a 'line', but so does a 250px high image. I don't think URLs are going to be a problem.

We have a max height for the signature field set in the CSS so that it will be cut off if it's any higher than 250 pixels (like yours, Kuz). Aside from excessive file sizes I don't think we need to do any more enforcement than that.

Do file sizes matter if there hosted elsewhere (ie, imgur)?

Yeah. I don't think you can host sig images here anyway.

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Every time I load a new topic, I get this black box type of thing going that covers half my screen, it lasts about one second and then it's gone, sort of like an iframe or something...

I tried disabling ad-block to see if it has any influence over it, but it's still happening. This is on Chrome.

Anyone else having this?

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There's no real need to discuss rumors - very, very few of them turned out to be right for previous games, and V will be no different. I don't think we need a page for bullshit.

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There's no real need to discuss rumors - very, very few of them turned out to be right for previous games, and V will be no different. I don't think we need a page for bullshit.

ok then

Idk where to ask this at but does this site have a YouTube channel?

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