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Status updates on mobile are on the bottom of the front page. Short of getting a browser that spoofs header info, you cannot choose the desktop version.


dont worry about the status updates, I'm pretty sure they won't be used anyway.


you can only view the first two lines of the updates, and to comment on them you have to go to a different page.


at least the mobile view works now.

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i get notifications for all feed posts i've responded to, and when someone posts a new one...


under the  Method to use for content I follow automatically


should have a none or something, it's the only i have on but can't turn off...

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I was getting that too. Thanks for the info.


I'm still not finding how you guys are posting status updates i have no place to post them from. Do i need to enable that in a setting too? Can't you guys just add a new widget which was like the old one?

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Invision removed the old Status Update thing and replaced it with this new one. Someone has made a plugin to add back the old functionality but it's $10 a year. I wouldn't mind paying for it but I've just spent the best part of $300 on the server, forum licenses and various other website related tools and software.


If all of you go to and click one of the google ads each day then you might make me enough money to buy the plugin. Otherwise I could look at doing it myself but I'd rather not modify the forums if possible because it just makes it a total pain when we have to upgrade again in a month or two and re-create all of the mods.

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I login and get a notification that Brian has posted a status update. Thanks, Invision (Y)

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kinda annoying that I can't see my signature on mobile. It was back the way I liked it with my signature and massacres quote... I hope you fucktards didn't refuckup my signature.

Psy, do you get paid directly if I click an add or is the money still going to the man?

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