
Christians, please answer this question for me.

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Im not sure what you mean by being "good" and not believing, believing in what? As far as murderers who repent going to heaven according to the Bible, dont care, Im not a murderer so not my problem.

Im not afraid to go to hell, I just want to be able to like what I see in the mirror every morning.

And something I dont understand is why ppl who dont believe in religion so much, scream OMG, WTH, and OMFG so much. Doesn't make since to me.

No since in arguing, you either believe in God, or you dont. Everyones responsible for their own soul.

BTW Im NOT christian so stop with the Bible references.

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The more important question is, why does it matter? I don't care if some afghani sand honky goes to hell, and neither should you.


BTW, I'm a huge fan of segregated religion.

nks Mercy for the answers, but the ones that killed Jesus did believe in God, thats why they killed him for blaspheme

I hate to be a stickler on facts you know, as facts and religious debate almost never mix, but:

1. If you accept that Jesus existed

2. You accept that Jesus and God were related


1. You use the story to make a point

Then you have to complete the story with:

The evil Jews didn't kill jesus because:

1. Jesus was resurrected

2. He sacriced himself of free will to forgive us of our sins


1. At worst the evil jews are guilty of assisted suicide.

My Penis, Your Ass

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^^Im lost^^

I dont want to debate about this, Im not going to change your beliefs like your not going change to mine. Either way one of us is wrong. IF Im right, then may God have mercy. IF your right then... FUUUUKKKKK YOOOOOUUUUU!!!

Im not gonna bring up God/Allah on this site anymore, It might get me hung by my HDMI...


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"may god have mercy" haha i know is shouldnt laugh in this thread but kinda funny.


I respect you for your beliefs even if to me they seem a bit blind.

Religion is based on fear...people arent "good" so that they can go to heaven, people are "good" so they wont go to hell. God is the biggest dictator, he has the power to decide if you live your afterlife in a world full of evil and torment...

Also say i go to hell and my husband and children go to heaven, surely they wont be as happy and feel like they are in paradise if im not there with them? Thats what i never understood with limbo, newboen babies went to limbo, well in heaven does that mean u never see them?

And when i said god punished the "good" etc i didnt mean monetry wise...bad people can make your life a misery and it seems to me that often they get away with it, there is not justice and so i feel that the devil takes care of his own.

Anyway god is all forgiving and im sure if he is real and i see "heaven" gates then i will believe, he will forgive me and i will be in heaven...simple as.

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I personaly dispise religion. I still respect peoples right to believe in it, thats their choice.

I don't, they're all fucking stupid.

Yes, indeed they are. It has shown in studies actually that an Athiest is more likely to know about Christianity than a Christian is. I have never sat down and had a intelligent debate on religion with a religious person to be honest, most of them call me a hellspawn or evil the second I tell them I don't believe in a God.

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I hate to be a stickler on facts you know, as facts and religious debate almost never mix, but:

1. If you accept that Jesus existed

2. You accept that Jesus and God were related


1. You use the story to make a point

Then you have to complete the story with:

The evil Jews didn't kill jesus because:

1. Jesus was resurrected

2. He sacriced himself of free will to forgive us of our sins


1. At worst the evil jews are guilty of assisted suicide.

I thought Jesus was a jewish rabbi and the guys who actually put him up on the cross were Roman Catholics?

I believe there could be a greater power than our selves who could have created the big bang like a science experiment but i don't believe in any religion. Man created religion not "god".

I also believe in Karma. I know it's stupid but it's all about positive thinking. Its worked for me so far.


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No, the Jews wanted Jesus killed because they thought it was blasphemy that he called himself the son of god and "the king" and went to the emporer of Rome asking him to kill him for treason because he was referring to himself as king... However, the emperor wasn't interest in it and instead decided that if the Jews wanted to kill him they'd have to do it in the week were roman law didn't apply to the jews

My Penis, Your Ass

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You're all fucking stupid. The real story goes like this.

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

It is a period of civil war. Rebel spaceships, striking from a hidden base, have won their first victory against the evil Galactic Empire.

During the battle, Rebel spies managed to steal secret plans to the Empire's ultimate weapon, the DEATH STAR, an armored space station with enough power to destroy an entire planet.

Pursued by the Empire's sinister agents, Princess Leia races home aboard her starship, custodian of the stolen plans that can save her people and restore freedom to the galaxy....

You know what, I don't have time for this shit, you fuckers can just go watch Star Wars.

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I don't believe in a god, or a higher being, but i have beliefs.

God is your own personal monster. There's no light without dark. Religion seems to differ per person. It's all psychological.

I believe I'm free to wonder the earth as I want, within reason, and I will eventually cease to live, no afterlife. I'm not bothered by this. I've done the one thing I think is relevant, which is leaving my seed, by having a child. That's all there is to it.

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Evolution is a scientific fact. Therefore, any belief that conflicts the aforementioned fact is outright incorrect. This includes Christianity and Islam.

Let's ask ourselves the question, why do we need religion?

I believe that religion is a primitive form of science (in principle only). Man has worshipped both the Sun (Mayans) and the planets (Greeks), this theme has actually followed through to even modern religions. Continuously, man has used religion as an explanation for the unknown. We are too afraid of ignorance. Subsequently, religion has given us purpose and explained how life began. Answers to the seemingly difficult questions, why are we here and how did we get here? (Although the latter has now partly been explained through evolution.)

Science is relatively young in comparison to religion, yet it has accurately answered many fundamental questions.

But, I do not pity or sympathise with those that believe in religion. The thought of God can comfort us no matter how alone we truly feel, and science could never give one such comfort. So, why does it matter if someone believes in God if it makes them happy?

(Let's not bother discussing extremists, like any anomaly, they are fundamentally irrelevant.)

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Im not sure what you mean by being "good" and not believing, believing in what? As far as murderers who repent going to heaven according to the Bible, dont care, Im not a murderer so not my problem.

Im not afraid to go to hell, I just want to be able to like what I see in the mirror every morning.

And something I dont understand is why ppl who dont believe in religion so much, scream OMG, WTH, and OMFG so much. Doesn't make since to me.

No since in arguing, you either believe in God, or you dont. Everyones responsible for their own soul.

BTW Im NOT christian so stop with the Bible references.

I mean being good and not believing in God. The general consensus with religion, is that if you do not follow religion X, you will go to hell, regardless of whether or not you are a good person. People use OMG because it's a figure of speech. A saying. And the same goes for non religious people using it, or any other saying involving hell, god, etc. It has nothing to do with whether or not you believe. I am not a pagan yet I celebrate christmas.

& I used the bible as an example, from your post about fearing hell/believing in God because you fear the consequences of not doing so, you made it sound like you were religious.

Believing in God doesn't make you a good person automatically. You can believe in God and do things that make you not want to look at yourself in the mirror, and you can not believe in God and have no problem looking at yourself in the mirror.

Being good, and believing in God, have nothing to do with each other.

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Honestly everything is a religion if you look at it and not go so deep into it. Even if you don't consider your self worshiping a "God" or "thing" you still have a religion something you believe in something you think about. This is to Atheist people that is a religion although you don't believe in a "God" or "thing" you still believe in something. I don't care what you believe in as long as you believe in living your life and living everyday and still breathing and using the time you was given to live it to the fullest you are in a RELIGION.

I am CHRISTIAN I believe that there is a "GOD" I believe I was put on this earth not to be tested but to live it while I'm breathing. I'm not the typical Christian that needs to go to church just to show off in fount of people and floss what I got and give money to someone I don't know what he will do with it. I never MURDER somebody to where I need to be in church and be around fake people that put on a act.

In my opinion those who have not been teach about a "Typical Religion" will not be affected by the day to day life.

But when something "BIG" Happen like this...


If something happen this year just know people will pray or... If you don't care and have no true soul or heart why did you waste your life just to die??

But anyways I kinda love subjects like this but everyday I will be having though and questions in the back of my mind but until I see something really to where I need to pray my heart out so I can have anther better life...

I don't know how to end it but I'm going to keep Living life :P...

As long as you didn't sell your soul and emotions to something evil "Devil" then you good even if you don't have a "Typical Religion".

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Honestly everything is a religion if you look at it and not go so deep into it. Even if you don't consider your self worshiping a "God" or "thing" you still have a religion something you believe in something you think about. This is to Atheist people that is a religion although you don't believe in a "God" or "thing" you still believe in something. I don't care what you believe in as long as you believe in living your life and living everyday and still breathing and using the time you was given to live it to the fullest you are in a RELIGION.

Religion is made up of beliefs, but a set of beliefs is not necessarily a religion. The two are connected, clearly, but having beliefs is far from having a religion.

A house is made of lumber, but a pile of lumber isn't a house.

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Religion is made up of beliefs, but a set of beliefs is not necessarily a religion. The two are connected, clearly, but having beliefs is far from having a religion.

A house is made of lumber, but a pile of lumber isn't a house.

Yeah will besides all that you have beliefs even if its not a religion is what I was trying to get at :P lol. I was not trying to get soo deep into it...

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Ah, I see. Either you worded it wrong or I read it wrong, not sure which. My beliefs are just opinions and ideas, things that can change if I get new information that pertains to said beliefs, but you can't just up and change the structure of a religion; not without a war or two. That's why I could never equate a belief to a religion.

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Honestly everything is a religion if you look at it and not go so deep into it. Even if you don't consider your self worshiping a "God" or "thing" you still have a religion something you believe in something you think about. This is to Atheist people that is a religion although you don't believe in a "God" or "thing" you still believe in something. I don't care what you believe in as long as you believe in living your life and living everyday and still breathing and using the time you was given to live it to the fullest you are in a RELIGION.

Religion is made up of beliefs, but a set of beliefs is not necessarily a religion. The two are connected, clearly, but having beliefs is far from having a religion.

A house is made of lumber, but a pile of lumber isn't a house.

I like your analogy Massy, very apt.

Anyway I don't care whatsoever about religion, never have. To me it's just another set of archaic laws and rules to control the masses that have no bearing on modern society. I'm not going to go any deeper than that because frankly... I can't be arsed.

Other people can believe whatever they like, as long as I don't have to hear about it. They can have their little rituals and i'll have mine. *ties up a goat*

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Agnostic people piss me off more than christians do... all high and mighty -- too smart to make a decision.

I'm not high and mighty at all, I won't try and convert you because I don't care if you agree with me. I am indifferent.

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Honestly everything is a religion if you look at it and not go so deep into it. Even if you don't consider your self worshiping a "God" or "thing" you still have a religion something you believe in something you think about. This is to Atheist people that is a religion although you don't believe in a "God" or "thing" you still believe in something. I don't care what you believe in as long as you believe in living your life and living everyday and still breathing and using the time you was given to live it to the fullest you are in a RELIGION.

Religion is made up of beliefs, but a set of beliefs is not necessarily a religion. The two are connected, clearly, but having beliefs is far from having a religion.

A house is made of lumber, but a pile of lumber isn't a house.


Agnostic people piss me off more than christians do... all high and mighty -- too smart to make a decision.

I'm not high and mighty at all, I won't try and convert you because I don't care if you agree with me. I am indifferent.

blah blah blah look at me so swell.

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