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Ku Zi Mu

GTA Multiplayer events?

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Should this site have multiplayer events? There are other GTA sites that have regular GTA multiplayer events. I was wandering if anyone else thinks IGTA5 should have 'em too.

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We used to have events, but attendance dropped off after IV and the DLC had been out a while and people lost interest. We (and by "we," I mean "anyone but me") might be able to get them started back up now that there are more members.

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Yeah we used to have fortnightly IV events, and it was pretty fun. But as the attendance of players dropped, the outcome started to turn out the same each week. We had the usual deathmatch, and then a few other random games, like GTA races etc.

I do miss the events tbh.

They never really kicked off with the DLC versions for some reason. I think that was due to RDR, everyone here moved on to that.

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Guest Bruce Willis

OOOOOOOOO Should probably talk to administration about that

Fuck the admin's they're a bunch of tossers. They couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery - but yeah we'll have another go at them sometime.

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We never got the RDR DM events going. But the GTA IV ones were mildly epic... when everyone could actually join them without disconnecting every two minutes.

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Guest Bruce Willis

We never got the RDR DM events going. But the GTA IV ones were mildly epic... when everyone could actually join them without disconnecting every two minutes.

I remember sitting on top of a crane (blips off) watching you in the distance massacring innocent npc's for a full 30 minutes or so while b0nEs, DuP' and the rest were blowing eachothers heads off below me.

I was like "WTF is he doing?".

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haha, PS-FANBOY... i remember him :lol:... i am sure we'll get those DM's going again one day... i might be hard to conjure up interest at this current time... perhaps once R* gets into the meat and potatoes of their GTAV campaign will the interest peak again...

i would be interested, but maybe not right now... perhaps in the not too distant future... and i don't know about the xbox users, but we only had luck organizing PS3 events... the xboxers never showed much interest outside of a couple of them...

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