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What would they base the next game on, then? And did you ever stop to think that maybe the consoles can't handle it?

I swear, some people don't even bother to fucking think before asking questions.

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The answer is pretty simple I'm afraid, if a game was made like that, it wouldn't be very impressive at all. It would be a HUGE let down. Why? Because games aren't really capable of that yet.....although you could get game like that although it would have crap graphics, gameplay and the sizes of each map would be scaled down dramatically. Just to say a few.

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Rockstar likes to concentrate on one game in one particular setting. They also like to use as much disc space as possible to bring us a large, detailed game. This requires time to develop it all. Putting all the cities in one game is pointless and a waste of time. Either each city (and the whole game) would be cut back in every sense to make room or they would have to put each detailed city on its own disc. Considering the time it takes to create one masterpiece, we would be waiting a long time for such a game to get out the door. This isn't only bad for us gamers who want to play the game, but also for Rockstar and Take-Two who need to sell games to make money - GTA being the high money maker.

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