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Guest Marney-1

The sky at night

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Guest Marney1

Anyone noticed these two bright stars in the sky recently?


Can anyone confirm that what we're seeing is Jupiter and Venus?

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I did remember hearing that Venus and Jupiter were going to be extremely close together, the closest they've been for a long time.

But yes they are Venus and Jupiter anyway, so they aren't stars. :rolleyes: Venus is the brightest thing in the sky, and Jupiter is quite bright which is remarkable given its distance from us, but you have to take into account the size - it's much larger than Venus. You can make out the moons of Jupiter with an average pair of binoculars.

Anything else you wanted to know?

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If they're both in the west, then they're Jupiter and Venus. You should also be able to see Mercury near the horizon, but it can be difficult to spot.

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Guest Marney1

I did remember hearing that Venus and Jupiter were going to be extremely close together, the closest they've been for a long time.

But yes they are Venus and Jupiter anyway, so they aren't stars. :rolleyes: Venus is the brightest thing in the sky, and Jupiter is quite bright which is remarkable given its distance from us, but you have to take into account the size - it's much larger than Venus. You can make out the moons of Jupiter with an average pair of binoculars.

Anything else you wanted to know?

I knew you'd be able to help out with this because you seem to know a bit about the solar system but that's all I wanted to know for now.

I bought a telescope a while back but only used it to look at the moon so far. Haven't been camping for ages and I love sleeping out in the open and staring up at the night sky. I used to be able to figure out all the star signs by looking up but I only seem to notice the Pan handle and The Bear these days. And Orion's Belt.

Edit: @Massacre - And Mercury too? Hmmm.

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Astronomy is one of my interests along with the natural world. It's more of a casual interest with no formal, structured learning though. I can tell you loads of random things about various different topics but don't have one area where I know everything about it. That applies to my knowledge in general mostly... that's what you get for looking up things on Wikipedia when you're bored.

I only know the Plough (and subsequently Ursa Major,) Orion and Taurus.

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I was out about in the countryside the other night and saw Orion has a penis. God knew what the fuck he was doing.

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Guest Marney1

It's amazing what you see when in the countryside at night without the artificial light pollution you get in built up areas.

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I've always been interested in astronomy and the stars at night. I wanted the do some astrophotography at one point, but never really wanted to spend insane amounts of money on a decent DSLR camera and a good quality telescope etc. I guess these day's it'd probably be much cheaper to do.

I've done a couple of time-laps photo-animations of the stars before. They didn't turn out too well,and i got extremely cold doing it. It was kinda fun though.

QD didn't you do a time-lap video outside your house before? You should try that pointed at the sky instead!

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