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I believe this is in the correct section, mods feel free to move it if you wish. So then, it looks like game group are in trouble


High street games retailer Game has just two weeks to turn around its fortunes or face administration, MCV reports.

Senior staff were told in a meeting with CEO Ian Shepherd earlier this week about the state of affairs. Fingers are crossed a US rival will buy it out and keep it afloat. Here's hoping.

Gamestop is the US rival said to be considering buying out Game. Though whether it would involve a complete buyout or a sell-off of part of Game's international operations isn't known.

There's currently an everything must go-style sale happening, with titles offered at very low prices. L.A. Noire, for example, can be had for just £12.98, though it's currently out of stock. Other titles are on sale for just £1.98. It's an effort to inject some much needed cash into the company, which could help keep it going for a potentially valuable few days.

A Game spokesperson refused to comment on rumour or speculation. Just a few weeks ago, Game was the scene of the launch of the PS Vita.

It'd be a real shame if Game does go to the wall. I'm sure I'm not the only one with fond memories of Saturday afternoons spent browsing the Super NES titles, counting down the days until I'd saved up enough pocket money for NBA Jam. Ah, great days.

In the meantime, get yourself down to your local Game and take advantage of the bargains.

So basically anyone in the UK needs to get their arse down to gamestation (game doesn't have much of a preowned section) and buy themselves some games for a good price. Managed to get myself a few games for relatively cheap before, more trophies for me!!

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Ooo thanks for the tip, may have to check it out....I hope they don't close down tho. Where will u get games and consoles then? Supermarkets? They can then monopolize the market and charge more for games etc.

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I still have £30 or £40 worth of vouchers. :)

I'd spend them asap, if they go into admin then they might not accept vouchers. I believe someone got dj hero with the decks for £13 according to a few posts on twitter.

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Guest Marney1

I still have £30 or £40 worth of vouchers. :)

I'd spend them asap, if they go into admin then they might not accept vouchers. I believe someone got dj hero with the decks for £13 according to a few posts on twitter.


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Ooo thanks for the tip, may have to check it out....I hope they don't close down tho. Where will u get games and consoles then? Supermarkets? They can then monopolize the market and charge more for games etc.

From here

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I still have £30 or £40 worth of vouchers. :)

I'd spend them asap, if they go into admin then they might not accept vouchers. I believe someone got dj hero with the decks for £13 according to a few posts on twitter.


Do I detect some sarcasm here? when you consider that the game was atleast 70 quid when it came out I'd like to think thats great value

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Guest Marney1

I can't find my vouchers anywhere, this is panic stations.

Not sarcasm no, I'm serious.

Edited by Marney1

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Ooo thanks for the tip, may have to check it out....I hope they don't close down tho. Where will u get games and consoles then? Supermarkets? They can then monopolize the market and charge more for games etc.

From here

Where u have to wait in for delivery and hope that it arrives through the mail <_<

I don't really shop online tbh

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Where u have to wait in for delivery and hope that it arrives through the mail <_<

I don't really shop online tbh

looks like you wont have much of a choice in a few weeks if no one buys game

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Guest Marney1

We're turning the place upside down looking for these vouchers. Any ideas where they might be?

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Ooo thanks for the tip, may have to check it out....I hope they don't close down tho. Where will u get games and consoles then? Supermarkets? They can then monopolize the market and charge more for games etc.

From here

I lol'd, isn't play a game retailer in UK also? I wouldn't know though, I'm an 'merican twat.

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We're turning the place upside down looking for these vouchers. Any ideas where they might be?

A drawer in the kitchen? we have a general shit drawer that everything get thrown into, reciepts, junk mail, pens, pencils

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Guest Marney1

We're turning the place upside down looking for these vouchers. Any ideas where they might be?

A drawer in the kitchen? we have a general shit drawer that everything get thrown into, reciepts, junk mail, pens, pencils

We don't have a 'shit drawer' - I know exactly what you mean but we've always been adament we'll never create one of those. I put them all together somewhere too. :mystery:

Edit: Found another bullet though, wtf?

Edited by Marney1

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Ooo thanks for the tip, may have to check it out....I hope they don't close down tho. Where will u get games and consoles then? Supermarkets? They can then monopolize the market and charge more for games etc.

From here

I lol'd, isn't play a game retailer in UK also? I wouldn't know though, I'm an 'merican twat.

Play is online-only, from a big warehouse in Jersey.

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Guest Marney1


My local store is open until 8pm but I've gotta go somewhere in a minute. I'll see what's left tomorow.

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When they actually go into admin then the prices will drop more but most of the games are at half the price they were before.

Its all about choosing the right games, for example two games for £3.96


(and yes, that IS the steel case endwar for £1.98)

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Excuse me but wtf is "game"? I've never seen one here in 'merikah. We had game crazy that got bought out by gamestop. Never seen a "game" store before. Hope you guyses store dosent go under..

So basically anyone in the UK needs to get their arse down to gamestation (game doesn't have much of a preowned section) and buy themselves some games for a good price. Managed to get myself a few games for relatively cheap before, more trophies for me!!

Seeing as you don't seem to live in the UK that might be why you've never heard of it. Tbh, its pretty shit, we're only suddenly interested in them because everything has been slashed considerably

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game is the main games company in the UK, the likes of hmv and blockbuster are probably the only other ones tbh. the supermarkets are really the only real competitors to game. We generally have a big 4 of supermarkets theres asda(owned by walmart), tesco, morrisons and sainsburys

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I normally get my games from supermarkets or online these days. They're usually always a good £10 cheaper than game/gamestation. If they do however go into administration, and have a huge sale, I may think about popping my head in and see if I can pick up any bargains.

Sale Items:

I'd say Brink for £3, Dead space 2 for £5, Deus Ex for £8, and Rage for £8 all great sale items.

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Guest Marney1

No real bargain's left for me really. I asked the lad behind the counter how things were looking for GAME/Gamestation and he said "Not good." He also said my gift cards would be worthless if they went into administration so I decided to just but whatever took my fancy.

Also, are all people who work in game shops brain dead gimps? He was a proper muppet.

Anyway I ended up getting Naughty Bear £9.98, LEGO Harry Potter £12.98, Mafia 2 £12.98 plus got an unrelated book for my apprentice from Waterstones to help with her 2nd and 3rd year studies at college - £24.

So all 3 games are for my missus really, she's wanted Mafia 2 ever since she saw the 'Christmas trailer'.

Got £4.06 left on my gift cards. :)

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He also said my gift cards would be worthless if they went into administration so I decided to just but whatever took my fancy.

exactly what I said. you seen the price of the consoles there? the gamestation in st helens has the 320gb Slim PS3 for £150. great time for anyone to venture into consoles for the first time

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