
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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I'm still a little sketchy on the ps4 service though. So we have to pay for the game initially ($59.99/£59.99 - What kind of bullshit is this? I'm buying it in 'Merica), like any other game, then we have to pay for playstation plus (£39.99 for a year) just to play online, then we have to pay a monthly subscription for TESO ($14.99/£8.99 a month). That's gonna set me back over £200 for a year of gameplay... I hope it's worth it.

Who else is thinking of getting this on PS4?

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I'm still a little sketchy on the ps4 service though. So we have to pay for the game initially ($59.99/£59.99 - What kind of bullshit is this? I'm buying it in 'Merica), like any other game, then we have to pay for playstation plus (£39.99 for a year) just to play online, then we have to pay a monthly subscription for TESO ($14.99/£8.99 a month). That's gonna set me back over £200 for a year of gameplay... I hope it's worth it.

Who else is thinking of getting this on PS4?

To play online, TESO won't require PS Plus but will require Xbox Live Gold if you're on the Xbox. Though I agree that the monthly membership is :bullshit: .

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Another interesting thing to note :

Ubisoft is giving away free copies of AC4 and AC3 to gamers that purchase TESO through the uPlay store. I'm not really sure why they're offering AC3 since TESO is not on the PS3/Xbox. I guess they give you a download code to enter on the system? I'm not really sure.

You need PS Plus to play anything online on PS4.

You don't need PS Plus to play BLR, WarFrame, DCUO, Planetside 2, War Thunder, etc.

Also : http://www.gamespot....s/1100-6417398/,2817,2430063,00.asp

You get the point.

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A few exceptions. Meh. That won't become a trend.

Unless GTA VI, The Division, and Saints Row V won't require PS Plus, I'll still have to pay for it. I don't see Rockstar going that route, either. We'll all need Plus.

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I may not buy TESO now...

I'd like an Elder Scrolls 6

That's no less than a 4 year wait. No more than 7, though, so, there's that. Fallout 4 will be out first, and Bethesda takes ages to do these things.

Fallout 4 announcement around summer.

Fallout 4 release, Fall 2015.

Fallout 4 DLC January 2016 - Fall 2016. First DLC is Xbox One exclusive for 3-5 months, then all following DLC is available for all systems on their respective release dates.

Final patch for Fallout 4 late Fall or early winter 2016, supposedly fixing all the shit Bethesda fucked up. It fixes very little, and fucks more things up. The PC crowd will have gotten these glitches and bugs fixed months ago, because modders always fix it before Bethesda even considers fixing it. Console users remain fucked.

Bethesda announces some other game mid-2016, and releases it fairly early in 2017 (no later than July). They remain silent for the rest of the year.

Bethesda announces The Elder Scrolls VI in Spring 2017. No one remembers the game that was supposed to come out.

The Elder Scrolls VI releases Fall 2018. The world becomes as white as Skyrim due to the collective orgasm and semen flood of the people playing TES VI. The flood occurs again on a much larger scale when a modder makes better HD textures for the PC version.

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Well, i pre-ordered the imperial edition for PS4 today out of impulse. Call me a mug if you will, but i just love the universe and everything in it. I can't see them fucking it up that badly, even if it has a rocky start as all MMO/RPG games do. But as it's more expensive than WoW overall, yearly (if you include PS+), then it better offer some decent co-op gameplay and intense boss style battles as well as complimentary classes, that actually need each other to defeat things. I like promoting co-op play, it makes it all that more immersive.

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I may not buy TESO now...

I'd like an Elder Scrolls 6

That's no less than a 4 year wait. No more than 7, though, so, there's that. Fallout 4 will be out first, and Bethesda takes ages to do these things.

Fallout 4 announcement around summer.

Fallout 4 release, Fall 2015.

Fallout 4 DLC January 2016 - Fall 2016. First DLC is Xbox One exclusive for 3-5 months, then all following DLC is available for all systems on their respective release dates.

Final patch for Fallout 4 late Fall or early winter 2016, supposedly fixing all the shit Bethesda fucked up. It fixes very little, and fucks more things up. The PC crowd will have gotten these glitches and bugs fixed months ago, because modders always fix it before Bethesda even considers fixing it. Console users remain fucked.

Bethesda announces some other game mid-2016, and releases it fairly early in 2017 (no later than July). They remain silent for the rest of the year.

Bethesda announces The Elder Scrolls VI in Spring 2017. No one remembers the game that was supposed to come out.

The Elder Scrolls VI releases Fall 2018. The world becomes as white as Skyrim due to the collective orgasm and semen flood of the people playing TES VI. The flood occurs again on a much larger scale when a modder makes better HD textures for the PC version.

Solid plan. Bethesda, take notes.

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Solid plan. Bethesda, take notes.

Not really. The smart thing would be to skip the other game in 2016 and outsource half the work on Fallout 4 to Obsidian, because they know the universe better. That way, Fallout 4 will be better and Bethesda can pour heavier resources into the next Elder Scrolls game a lot sooner. The game could be out as much as one year sooner than we're going to end up getting it.

While we're on the subject of poor time management, we'd already be approaching the second major DLC for GTA V (to clarify, the Beach Bum Pack is not major. I mean real DLC) if Rockstar had skipped LA Noire entirely and given Max Payne 3 a smaller hype window.

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I wish they had this for fallout... Id be more excited.

I can only get so excited about being an ice mage.

Solid plan. Bethesda, take notes.

Not really. The smart thing would be to skip the other game in 2016 and outsource half the work on Fallout 4 to Obsidian, because they know the universe better. That way, Fallout 4 will be better and Bethesda can pour heavier resources into the next Elder Scrolls game a lot sooner. The game could be out as much as one year sooner than we're going to end up getting it.

While we're on the subject of poor time management, we'd already be approaching the second major DLC for GTA V (to clarify, the Beach Bum Pack is not major. I mean real DLC) if Rockstar had skipped LA Noire entirely and given Max Payne 3 a smaller hype window.

I didnt really think fallout nv was better than fallout 3....

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Do take note of the fact that I said Bethesda and Obsidian both need to work on Fallout 4. 3's story was better, but New Vegas' gameplay is significantly better. Both companies working on Fallout 4 would leave us with a better game and a shorter wait between games.

And we absolutely do not need "New Vegas 2." There is no need for spinoff titles. It makes Obsidian's people look like the B team and not the creators of the series.

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i can't be bothered to pay a monthly fee for a game, no matter what it is... plus TESO looks like WoW to me anyways... i don't like that style of gameplay... i just can't get into diablo style anymore... i can't wait until this is released so they can start shifting focus to fallout 4...

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It just plays like Skyrim, with some extra buttons. The manual attacks are still there, there's just an action bar with extra abilities that you could probably finish the game without using.

Not very much like WoW, where your character stands there, taking out .2% of your enemy's health every two seconds if you're not hitting buttons.

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I'm with you.

I love Skyrim and other titles that could be a potential MMO as much as the next guy, but I've never been one to pay a monthly fee for any game. It was difficult enough to justify paying an annual subscription for xbox live before I made the switch to PS3 :rolleyes:

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I guess it depends, i mean, if they are adding new content to the game each month or there abouts, then it makes more since because its more like paying for DLC... But i think consoles games have a life of around two years before they start to look aged... EspeciLly when you consider that tesco is going to be basically a launch title.

Compare a ps3 launch title to a ps3 title today, and you'll see it looks very dated. People can say graphics dont matter, but if im paying per month for a game, they do matter a bit.

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Graphics don't really work like that with MMOs. WoW has been out for almost 10 years. New content has improved graphics, but they haven't updated old graphics, aside from the character models that will be updated in the new expansion. An MMO is built for more longevity than the average game. Most MMO players know they're going to be looking at the same graphics for years.

The subscription/DLC thing is correct, for the most part. WoW has regular updates, but the last 6 months or so before a new expansion, there's nothing. So, it's not worth the subscription all the time, but you get your money's worth, for the most part. Plus, MMOs, obviously, rely on the community. I took a break from WoW when the guilds I was in died out or I got bored of them. When I came back, I found new guilds and new people, and it was worth my time again. I don't have much faith in the community TESO will have, because I'm a hardcore lore guy, and other lore-appreciating folk aren't happy with the way the story is looking. That's the hardcore and/or roleplaying crowd, the people who keep an MMO afloat. Nobody's relying on the casuals.

More than half of Tamriel's map is off-limits in the base game, which is going to give Zenimax lots of content options. Initially. Time will tell if they can pump out worthwhile content consistently.

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I've never played WoW, but i've played other games similar. I do agree that monthly fee is better than micro-transactions, or a free to play business plan. As it does guarantee updates all year round. And the more players that join, the more money they can plow into game content.

My next beta invitation is this weekend. Anyone else here playing the beta? (check your emails bitches). If so, we could meet up.

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