
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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Id go and buy the whole lot..the game..the DLC's again.. but there is no character transfer system for consoles? Its practically the same game. I put more time into one character than id even want to look up, and I just don't know if I wanna restart. I'm sure there is a way to transfer completion data/character data/ world data over...  

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of all the games i've played on PS3, i sunk more time into skyrim than both fallouts combined i do believe... i am really excited to have the opportunity to head back there and relive it all over again... it's been so long that it will be quite refreshing to try and tackle it again...


i think my main character logged nearly 400 hours :blink:...

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I believe mine is about 400+ as well... I love the game so much, and it is by far my favorite game I have ever played. I was never really much for side characters, however. I get pissed about loosing a few hours worth of completion, who knows what 4 years worth would do lol. But, maybe seeing the new edition firsthand will spark me to make a redo..

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The remastered version is basically for console players who never had a good enough PC to run the game the first time around. 


If I never played it on PC, I probably would get it. I did enjoy Skyrim. I prefer fallout however. 

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I still don't think it's worth it. Remastering Skyrim is a blatant, lazy cash grab. It's nothing but a graphical improvement. If they wanted to actually REMASTER something, they would have done Morrowind or Oblivion, which had vastly superior stories and quests.


Fallout 4 is already approaching its second and final full DLC after the two previous games had four, and a new Elder Scrolls is at least two years away. This is just a distraction.

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for PC users, the remaster will be free if they already own skyrim... yea it's a cash grab, but i don't really mind... and no, i believe a new elder scrolls is at least 3 to 4 years off... i recall pete hines saying something about one of the unannounced new IPs is what they're currently focused on, and that it's gonna be a number of years before a new elder scrolls comes out...


they had mentioned before skyrim that they were approached about doing a game of thrones game, i wonder if that's still something they're interested in...

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I think Telltale nailed that one. Not sure if GoT would work as an RPG. GoT relies too much on a specific narrative for the freedom and customization that an RPG absolutely has to have. The protagonist for something set in the GoT universe can't be as vague as "vault dweller looking for dad," "courier looking for the guy who shot him," or "guy who speaks dragon," but it's not much of an RPG, if it's this very specific character with a strict background.


I don't care about anything Bethesda does that isn't an RPG (see: Dishonored), so...

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yea i don't either... dishonored isn't that fun... i rented the first one but couldn't get into it... and doom is not my thing either...


i never finished the telltale GoT, i kinda forgot about that game TBH, but telltale knows how to make good narrative driven games... but yea, it probably is hard to create an interesting story based around GoT and make it open world... it would have to act outside of the books... maybe that's why they turned down the offer... besides, skyrim kinda feels like GoT anyways lol...


i am really intrigued about what they're working on... two new projects, and from what i gathered, they're open world RPGs like skyrim and fallout... i really fucking hope one of them is a pirate game!!! :wub:.... i've always said that rockstar or bethesda need to make a pirate game because they know how to make excellent open worlds...

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Too bad they wont allow Playstation users to take their PSN Plus cloud to take PS3 save files, and re render them for the remastered version... But, what can you do. I will probably get it anyway.

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so i'm finally back in tamriel :wub:... i forgot how cool it was to actually play a game in the snow (cough GTA cough)...



and the environments certainly look pretty cool...



perhaps it's because it's been many years since i've been back, but i think that long break might help it feel new... i mean, i nearly left the cave without the dragonstone :lol:... i keep pushing the touch pad to switch from 1st person to 3rd, instead of using R3, and i keep crouching when i want to run... lol it'll all come back to me... i'm doing it, i'm gonna tackle this beast once again... 


and with me will be an old friend that i've tried to create 2 times before... meet alkair, my redguard imperial warrior with magic in one hand, and a blunt object in the other... he basically looks pretty much the same as he has in all my other incarnates too... i'm determined to make this happen finally...


Photo Jan 09, 2 09 10 AM.jpg

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i still haven't tinkered with mods yet... to be honest, this game was pretty good without em... i'm up to level 9 now, met delphine and took down my 2nd dragon... i am gonna join the blades on this file, i prety much ignored them on my other characters, probably because there's too much to do as is lol...


also, i have been taking a lot of screenshots on my journey, because PS4Share is da shiznet, and this game is beautiful at every turn :wub:...


bethesda actually liked this next one! :o... it's the first time ever for me!! :fap: 


i think that's it... for now :lol:...

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I think I did mostly everything in Skyrim with the exception of doing the vampire thang in Dawnguard, but doing it all over again with different characters does sound appealing. I dunno if getting it on the console again is the way to go though.

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I was adamant I wasn't going to buy the special edition, but after seeing it for £23 in Game and having birthday cash burning a hole in my pocket, I bought it last month.


Thoroughly enjoying playing it again and even come across stuff I didn't come across first time round.  Also a relatively easy platinum to work towards!   It's been a reminder that this is without doubt one of the best games I've ever played.


Will tinker with mods at some point but for now, I'll just play it 'normally'.

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Recently, I copied my Khajiit from the newer PS3 onto my refurbished OG PS3 and started playing her's been blissful being back in that world. 

I was saying to the guys online that it seems silly to buy the remastered version when I can just play the original, if I was going to spend $ on a new game, it would be Uncharted 4...which I found last week for $30.  But if the gold edition goes on sale (with all the DLC) it will be very tempting to get it on PS4. I have seen it on for $40, and the DLC alone is $45 full price on PS3. High replay score for sure.

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yea i think this weeked i will be heading back to skyrim... i played around enough on horizon zero dawn, time to get back to my file here before i forget what i was doing lol... actually, i sort of already forgot, but i'm sure it'll come to me when i do get back to it :P...


i bought mine 1/2 off, gtagrl... it's worth it for that, because the world really looks so much better...

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I keep flip flopping on's sorely tempting to get the remastered, there's no doubt it would be played if I got it...on the other hand, the old console miraculously still works, is set up to run, I already have the game, plus I'm now hitting storage space issues on the with only so much to spend on gaming, I've been sticking to working with what I have and focusing on newer games. In that vein, perhaps I'll get a 1TB external or large USB for the PS4 before getting the remastered when it's on man has been talking about getting a PS4 Pro at some point too, if he does that, I can delete all his racing games off "my" console and  won't need more storage for a bit... #gamerproblems


My Khajiit is now legendary/100% for archery, sneak and lockpicking. Smithing and pickpocketing are pretty high too. It's pretty hilarious being right in front of someone and rummaging through their pockets without them having a clue. She had already completed Thieves' Guild, Dark Brotherhood and College of Winterhold, and is neutral in the Imperial/Stormcloak dispute, so I've been working on as-yet unexplored spots on the map and side quests, mostly. She's been taking Shadowmere dragon hunting rather often. (Y) 

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oh i loved that sneak stuff... my sneak elf always used to do the same thing... i also had that one perk with 6x (i think) damage with dagger... so i ran around a lot of dungeons sneaking up on enemies and dropping them with one stab... oh the memories.........


#skyrimmemories :wub:

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17 hours ago, CaPn bOnEs said:

yea i think this weeked i will be heading back to skyrim... i played around enough on horizon zero dawn, time to get back to my file here before i forget what i was doing lol... actually, i sort of already forgot, but i'm sure it'll come to me when i do get back to it :P...


i bought mine 1/2 off, gtagrl... it's worth it for that, because the world really looks so much better...


I think it's a lot more 'polished' too, faster loading times and has none of the bugs which plagued the original PS3 version.  Well worth the £23 I paid.


Anyway, my current character is a female imperial and in a lesbian marriage with Lydia!   Although part of me wishes I had chosen another race.  My character is largely 'good' at the moment and I've got the main skills concentrated on two-handed weapons and heavy armour  - I'm more of a gung-ho person rather than a 'sneaky' one.

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If Bethesda doesn't announce TES VI tonight, they might as well not even exist, until the announcement finally comes. 


Edit: Aaaaaand they're dead to me.

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I got this for my birthday so I am about to start this up (sorry RDR) for the first time, carrying on a tradition of playing the best Bethesda games 6 years after they are relevant...


Probably wouldn't have bothered if I didn't start reading fantasy type books (Mark Lawrence and GoT) but I am looking forward to getting into it... I spent over 200 hours on the Witcher 3 so I imagine I won't be alive to see the end of this game...

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