
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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@ast - i am pretty sure the new creation engine is just a beefed up gamebryo engine so i have assume that my past experience with fallout will still play a factor in my game, no matter what bethesda says... it wasn't just new vegas where i had these issues, it was also oblivion and fallout 3... that engine has an issue with large save files... it could be more my system than the actual build itself since you don't have many issues... and i don't think psy had issues on the PS3 either...


anyone got an iphone/ipod/ipad?!? that "dragon shout" app just came out!! the map is pretty fucking huge, but i can clearly tell that this app will prove to be super helpful... i think it's also possible to view other peoples markers but the social aspect hasn't been implemented yet... still, i am going to use it to chronicle battles, stores, items, locations of various things i will need to know later on... perhaps even mark where i fought an killed dragons :D... this is a fun little map app, i wish i had this for fallout new vegas :P... once the social section is open, i would love to add some of you if i could, so i could see some of your markers and notes...

please let me know if any of you have installed it... we'll be shout buddies once the social stuff goes live...


i don't like fantasy worlds with orcs and wizards either... i find it to be kinda gay... however, i do like a darker take on that world, which is why i gave dragons age: origins a shot, and why i gave oblivion a shot... and which is why i am willing to give skyrim a shot... i am a sucker for lush open world environments as well, so this game just has what i like, except the whole fantasy realm... but something tells me that i don't really have to partake in it if i don't want to... like psy said, i could be a warrior with no magic... but i can also kill every orc i see :D... and slay any wizard that isn't more powerful than me... and if he is, then i got some leveling up to do :D...

actually i am attracted to the world of skyrim for a very simple reason... i can do whatever the fuck i want to do :D...

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Saw on HotUKDeals that Gamestation was selling Skyrim for £22.49 today. Quite handy on the day I finish uni work for the Christmas period.

I guess I'll be playing it solid for the next two weeks.

Cheers Duff I'm ordering it now from here. :)

Fuck waiting for Christmas.

Vowed never to deal with Gamestation again after my RDR incident but a deal is a deal. *Starts reading thread from page one*

My brother picked it up today from gamestation with the idea of it being for my birthday (18th dec) but now im hoping to give him the money for it and get my grubby hands on it by the weekend. my day in college today consisted of getting hyped up on this game via you tube and this topic.

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Fuck, I hate Steam. I told it not to update Skyrim automatically, and it did, just like with the last patch. It's not just ignoring what I selected, it's changing "Do not automatically update this game" to "Always keep this game up to date."

So, if this patch fucks anything up, I'll let you guys know.

Edit: So far so good.

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i have that same problem with facebook... i set up a custom list of peeps that see my posts, yet when i update my PS3 trophies, it resets that setting, forcing me to re-enter the names again... so i said fuck it and now everyone sees my posts, all 85 of them!! i am sick of setting up that damned list :angry:...

damn,, i've already created come bullshit on my skyrim map app :lol:... when this goes live, people are gonna be like, "WTF?! what do you mean there's a shark in this lake?!?!"... but i do like this app, i do wanna chronicle my adventures there... however, i do feel like it's come out a bit too late for those that have been playing since day 1... those games have already been charted, but mine has yet to be stepped in...

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Hah. I can 1 hit sneak kill a giant on master difficulty, and it takes 2 hits for a Mammoth (on Master). One hit on any other difficulty. Even when detected it can still take down a giant in 1 hit :D

@Bones, I did have problems with my PS3. Game was quite laggy but my save was only 7MB or so. Then it killed my PS3... So I would say I had problems! I also downloaded that app, but like you said it's pretty pointless for me now. Level 54, got 140,000 coins, levelled up most of the physical attributes... Don't really need it.

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I'm using Steel at the minute but I need to exploit a glitch in the thieves guild to spawn unlimited Daedric arrows. 24 damage! As opposed to the 10 I get currently...

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My douchebag faghole Thieves Guild members don't actually fling the arrows. They just stand there looking like they're going to practice but they never actually do. I'm on steel as well though, I use stronger ones when I get them and throw away anything less powerful than steel. It's outrageous that we can't forge our own arrows. :(

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In a way it's good though because apart from arrows and lockpicks (and Daedra Hearts), there's not much else I need to spend any money on in the game anymore.

Just looked into that Dragon Shout app and it's pointless. You need to add your own blips cos there's nothing else on it at the minute? Why has it taken that long to make? I could have built an iMap (see iRedDead) in a few hours once I had the full map ripped from the game...

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Hah. I can 1 hit sneak kill a giant on master difficulty, and it takes 2 hits for a Mammoth (on Master). One hit on any other difficulty. Even when detected it can still take down a giant in 1 hit :D

Nice. Wanna do a break down on how you made it? I've not played it enough to know about what enchantments to use and what spells to cast when smithing yet!

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Takes a lot of time and effort (just like I put into writing this guide!)

Basically you need to max out your Alchemy, Smithing and Enchantment.


Just gather ingredients. The most expensive potion I have made, and I think you can make, is Giant's Toe, Wheat and Crop Cluster. Thanks to my skills and enchantments etc I just made one of them worth 5400 gold. But obviously you'll start off a lot lower than that (maybe 700). Keep making them and the more expensive potions you make, the quicker it'll improve your Alchemy. Might be worth buying all of the ingredients from the shop in whiterun, making as many potions as you can, then wait 48 hours and buy everything else she has and repeat. Otherwise just collect stuff and keep making potions.


Easiest one to max out. You just need a fair bit of gold (like 10k) and just go to Warmaiden's in whiterun and buy ALL his Iron Ingots and Iron Ore, then use the smelter to turn Ore into Ingots. You then need Leather Strips or Leather (converted into leather strips on the tanning thing). Can buy more Ingots from his female helper too. Wait 48 hours for the stock to refill then buy more. You need to create Iron Daggers using the smithing tool thing. Doesn't matter what you create, it all gives the same XP, but Iron Daggers only need 1 Leather Strip and 1 Iron Ingot (which are both cheap) so it makes the most sense to keep using them.

You'll need to make maybe 400 or 500 Iron Daggers before you get to level 100. Once you have them, keep them. I use the drop item and get Lydia to pick it up trick to make her carry them all.


For this you need plenty of soul gems. Also go to the first stone you come across at the start of the game (just south of Riverwood) and get the Mage blessing or whatever it is. That improves magic skill learn-time by 20% so it'll go slightly quicker.

Next head into Dragonsreach and to the room on the right with the bloke in the black robes. Buy ALL of the soul gems he has (if you have the cash, otherwise just buy the empty ones and go out and fill them on Mudcrabs or something).

You'll also need to have some items which you can use to learn enchantments if you haven't done so already. Stuff like a sword of flames or whatever (although if you can find something with Paralysis and destroy it to learn that skill, enchanting items with Paralysis makes items more valuable).

Then get your Iron Daggers back from Lydia and just keep creating Enchanted Iron Daggers (don't worry about the soul gem you use, I believe just the fact you enchanted something does the same XP). You can then sell your daggers to the bloke in the black robes, wait 48 hours, buy his new soul gems and repeat. You'll probably have to do this for like 5 hours to get to 100.


Don't waste your perks on stupid stuff like two handed etc. You NEED something like 20 of them to ensure you can make the best weapons and armor in the game.

You want 5 perks in the first Alchemy, Smithing and Enchantment perks (effectively doubling their skill) and I'll have to confirm the rest you need later.

Maxed Out

Once you've reached 100 for the above mentioned 3 skills, you need to do a loop of creating enchanted Alchemy equipment, using that to make better Enchantment and Smithing potions, then using those potions to make even more powerful enchanted Alchemy equipment and repeat as long as you like.

The equipment you can make to improve Alchemy includes: Falmer Helmet (See Boost Glitch below), Circlet, Gloves/Gauntlets, Necklace, Ring.

Clothing to improve Smithing includes: Armor/Clothes, Gloves/Gauntlets, Necklace, Ring

Then once you've created a potion that multiplies the Enchanting to something stupid like 37%, create Smithing gear (to go along with your fortify smithing potion) and you should be able to improve your weapons by around 200%. Just remember to take the potion right before you improve something.

I'll update this with more details when I'm actually on the game, but that's the basics.

Boost Glitch

When you're out on your travels, make sure you collect as many Falmer Helmets as possible. There's a glitch in the game that lets you wear a Falmer Helmet AND a Circlet at the same time, meaning you can wear 5 Enchanted items which improve Alchemy instead of 4.

Err, like I said, I'll update it but that's about all there is to it. With enough time and effort (I spent probably 20 hours just improving skills, enchanting and making potions to get to this point) you can make weapons and armor that improve everything to insane levels. My bow does over 400 damage when used with my apparel which improves bow damage, and my armor is improved to like 500+.

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I don't really want to invest perks in the alchemy tree, maybe i'll just settle for the blacksmiths potion (20%) or try making my own at 100 alchemy, although I don't know if that will make a strong enough potion.

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Just looked into that Dragon Shout app and it's pointless. You need to add your own blips cos there's nothing else on it at the minute? Why has it taken that long to make? I could have built an iMap (see iRedDead) in a few hours once I had the full map ripped from the game...

it's your own map, your suppose to document things yourself... it's a blank slate, i plan on using it to mark vendors and items for crafting so i don't forget where they are... once the app launches the social part, your suppose to see other peoples markers... yea, i can't figure out why it didn't come out weeks ago...

you should totally make one for the new GTA... but i don't think the world of GTA is littered with random junk everywhere worth noting... could be useful for hidden packages...

^^here's some suggestions from bethesda on working around the saved game issues...

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There is also a glitch with the archery perk upgrade from Faendal. I found it too late to really prosper from it; but if you meet the elf Faendal in Riverwood, you can ask him to be your companion. He'll start following you around (he's also a great first follower; plus I don't think you have to do much to get him as a follower - there is a minor quest; involving a love triangle). After he is your follower, you can ask him for training in archery. You can pay him for the training and the ask him to trade, access his inventory and take all your gold back from him. Rinse and repeat.

I only did this to get from archery level 47 to 50 and test it out.

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I tried to do it but he's just an Adept trainer so I don't think he offers the service anymore once you get to 60 or something. I really need to find someone else who does it. Don't care about the cost, it just takes AGES to level up archery. Apparently someone in the thieves guild does it.

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Hah. I can 1 hit sneak kill a giant on master difficulty, and it takes 2 hits for a Mammoth (on Master). One hit on any other difficulty. Even when detected it can still take down a giant in 1 hit :D

@Bones, I did have problems with my PS3. Game was quite laggy but my save was only 7MB or so. Then it killed my PS3... So I would say I had problems! I also downloaded that app, but like you said it's pretty pointless for me now. Level 54, got 140,000 coins, levelled up most of the physical attributes... Don't really need it.

Nice way to ruin the balance of the game. Is it fun one hit killing everything?

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I hate that you play as this almighty hero of legend with the power of the dragons, but a novice mage can just be like, "Nope," and block a dragon shout with a basic shield spell. It won't stop them from stepping on a fire rune and getting blown up, though. Fuckers.

That's really been my only problem after all this time.

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Yeah Vampires and Harry Potter QDs are still tough to fight against if I can't sneak attack them, especially if there's lots coming in one go. The bow is only really good for medium range sneaking, close range combat with multiple targets needs the Sanguine Rose to spawn a Daedric warrior or whatever :D

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My dark elf (which is an amazing race, if you're into reading about game lore) went from pure magic to a magic/daggers/bow mix. I'll lay a fire/frost/lightning rune on the ground, then sneak around the corner and put an arrow in someone, back up, throw on my shadow cloak spell (from the Shadow Stone outside of Riften), and wait for the rest to come looking for me. One steps on the rune, him and anyone standing too close dies, they give up looking for me, then I do it all again, throwing in the Throw Voice shout when needed.

Very easy way to deal with large groups.

For magic users, I do the same, the only difference being that if I'm discovered, I pull out my daggers and go kamikaze, because I don't have the patience to have a magic vs. arrow battle with those cunts.

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