
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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i loved the landscape but hated trekking through it :angry:... i don't know how many times i had to climb back down a mountain because i couldn't find the path that led to the location i was trying to get to up top... scaling down the cliff was no problem of course...

i am currently in the process of moving everything i own from whiterun to windhelm, on trip 10 or 12 i think... the future high king offered me a place to stay, and i love the open space of the place compared to the cramped confines of the breezehome... plus, there's a huge room with mannequins and display cases for weapons... i could put some of my best gear on display, or the weapons and armor i had the most memories with... and i love the hidden room in the back that houses an alchemy lab and arcane enchanter :D...

EDIT: well that sucks... dragonbane is missing... i believe i put him in the center of the weapons rack upstairs... ehh, that weapon was always kinda glitchy with the display cases and plaques... go figure... ohh well, i never used it but i liked it's uniqueness..

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Yah windhelm is the best house.

So u know Im actually a heavy armoured two handed fighter but through enchantments I am good enough to fight as a battle mage. everything on the middle character(me) had fortify magic for 62 and 40% faster magic regen. the shield and boots have resist magic

level 78 lol



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I played this last night for the first time since just after Christmas. I noticed a patch, which also made me remove a few books from my bookcase when i loaded for the first time... :S

I love how i haven't played in such a long time, but i could still pick up from where I had left off, and not feel weird, if you know what I mean. I don't even know how far into the story I am yet, but straight away i was thrown into an interesting mission. I got to meet Paarthurnax up at the throat of the world.

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I need to start playing again 2. But with SR3 and Dead Island it may not be for a little while yet.

I'm not overly enjoying SR3, its like a chore playing it.

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^^too bad... i loved SR3...

i finished the civil war questline, i am a proud officer of the stormcloak army, the army of freedom... basically all i have left to do on this file is find all the daedric artifacts, of which i have only found 5 or so... i started about 4 quests last night though, so once i find all the artifacts and finish the companion quests, i should finally be level 50, and perhaps i will find a couple more new shouts for the "learn 20 shouts" trophy...

basically after i do all of that, all i will have left for trophies are the "pick 50 locks and pickpocket 50" one, and the thieves guild and dark brotherhood ones... i am getting a platinum for this game, it totally deserves one...

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i forgot to post these earlier but i had a couple photos worth sharing... after moving mjoll to my windhelm pad, her buddy followed her... i had to take care of that... and by take care, you know what i mean...

the other was a funny sight i saw on a road somewhere...

^ via imagic v2.1 :drool::fap:

ohh fuck this stupid ipod app... here's the other...

^ via imagic v2.1 :drool::fap:



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I love it when I get to a point in a game where I know my way around the map without actually looking at it: out of Windhelm, over the bridge, carry on up into the mountains, over another bridge, past Anga's Mill, carry on until you reach the t-junction going left to Whiterun, past Whiterun and turn right, follow the road down all the way to Fort Sungard, carry on down the long road into The Reach (while picking hundreds of juniper berries along the way,) then up into Markarth. Epic journey.

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I love it when I get to a point in a game where I know my way around the map without actually looking at it: out of Windhelm, over the bridge, carry on up into the mountains, over another bridge, past Anga's Mill, carry on until you reach the t-junction going left to Whiterun, past Whiterun and turn right, follow the road down all the way to Fort Sungard, carry on down the long road into The Reach (while picking hundreds of juniper berries along the way,) then up into Markarth. Epic journey.

I fast travel mostly so i probably wont get that

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I only travel on foot, except for unnecessarily long walks, like going up the 7000 Steps after the initial trip. It's not meaningful the second time. Sometimes I actually walk rather than running. It just feels more epic that way.

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You miss out on so much doing that...

Solitude to Whiterun really doesn't take that long; down through Dragon Bridge, east past Morthal, through Labyrinthian and across the plains. Whenever I see the spire of Dragonsreach in the distance it evokes a certain sense of satisfaction and fulfillment wherever I am.

I remember the first time I found out that Labyrinthian was a shortcut between the two, before that I was going round the side of the mountains. I felt uber.

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yea, i fast travel a lot now too... i usually fast-travel to the closest location, but that always depends on if the location is in the mountains somewhere... then i might have to re-fast travel to different location because the 1st one never had a path up the mountain...

but i do love running around whiterun... i've been out there a lot hunting game for pelts and souls... i could easily find my away around that reach... and the rift as well... the rest are easy to get lost in for me...

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The Reach is my least explored hold, Whiterun is obviously the most as it's so easy to traverse. I'm pretty good with all the main routes between the major cities and a few back routes that shorten the journeys considerably. Whiterun to Riften is a bit of a pain, I really should try going south through Helgen and then east up through Haemar's Shame and past Ivarstead, then follow the river... but I never do. I always go directly east from Whiterun past Valtheim Towers and then have to find a path up the sheer rock face to make it a bit quicker.

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yea, i fast travel a lot now too... i usually fast-travel to the closest location, but that always depends on if the location is in the mountains somewhere... then i might have to re-fast travel to different location because the 1st one never had a path up the mountain...

but i do love running around whiterun... i've been out there a lot hunting game for pelts and souls... i could easily find my away around that reach... and the rift as well... the rest are easy to get lost in for me...

Are you level 50 yet?

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heading towards 47, just shut it... it's a lot slower the later you get, and i am not exactly looking to grind skills at the moment, i am trophy hunting... i just reached 46 about 15 minutes ago... i have collected 4 daedric artifacts since i last posted... but i have ran into a problem, most of the remaining artifact quests are in fact started in the two towns i have yet to visit... dawnstar and falkreath...

and besides, once i reach 50, i am starting a new character... i have done a lot with this one, but i am so ready to create a couple of new characters, like a sneak-thief and a older than dirt blind mage... i want to save those additional levels past 50 for the eventual DLC...

EDIT: also, i got a good challenge in my last location... i mean, i've had it easy playing this game, i haven't had to use a health potion in probably over a hundred hours... but in this cave which housed the dawnbreaker, the final room forced me to use them... i've used the "fast heal" spell here and there when needed (which was also quite rare), but i literally felt like a low leveled cadman from early in my journey... i was losing health fast in that battle... a worthy adversary as one would put it...

it makes me proud that i've lugged around about a dozen different potions for many many many hours, hoping for a day like today when it ended up saving my life and turning the battle in my favor...

EDIT2: nabbed my 5th artifact today just now... only 4 more to go, unless i really do have to get the skeleton key... it says it's optional, but the join thieves guild quest is in my queue, i just haven't touched it since i first arrived in riften...

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I've given up on this game. Loved playing it hours on end and quite possibly the best game on this generation of consoles but when i get to the stage where the graphic glitches slow down the game so much and where the whole game starts to crash for no reason over and over again (i even started a new game and it still does it.) I get tired of the crap. Don't know whether it's the game or my old ass PS3 or both but it's pissed me off so much it's been over a week now since i've played it. Probably the longest spell of not playing since i got it in November. Sucks. I really wanted to finish it aswell.

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i've had a few freezes on the civil war quest, but things are back to normal now for me... you should look into sending your game save to bethesda so they can try to figure it out... they might not get to it, but it might also help their next update... after the last one, my game has run quite smooth up until a couple nights ago when it locked up fighting for the stormcloaks... but it's been fine ever since...

i hear you on the PS3 troubles though, before the last update i had numerous slow downs... nothing that crashed the game, but a frame rate that pretty much made it unplayable...

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My PS3 is one of the original ones (can't remember when I bought it.) And I don't get a lot of technical problems any more... I used to, but since I turned autosave off i've had very few crashes. Before they were a regular occurrence after playing for more than an hour, even after playing five minutes once my game crashed. But now I don't get half as many. The lag problems have also become a thing of the past too.

The thing i'm having problems with now and what's putting me off playing are the quest-breaking bugs... each one of my game saves has it's own bug. I'm thinking about starting all my characters again to try and get a clean save file with no bugs on it. That means another Nord tank and another Altmer ubermage... both past level 50. Still, my Khajiit thief character hasn't encountered any bugs... yet. But I haven't played that in over a week as i've been playing NV instead.

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i am actually still using the autosave because it's not too much of a nuisance to occasionally make a save for me when not thinking about it... i can always reload one of those if i need to... my main change with it was delaying the autosave when stationary, or navigating the menus... default is 15 minutes, so i changed that to an hour... i love a good autosave when entering a new section of a cave or ruin...

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I love the quicksave feature on PC. Every time I clear a room, I just tap F5. I only make a proper save before and after doing something important, or if I'm about to stop playing.

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