
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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Storm atronachs are better, they look more menacing. Aside from the obvious strength difference.

Dremora Lords are better just for the things they say. The Atronachs are mute and boring.

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Yeah I used one Dremora and one Storm atronach when I was playing as a mage. Had a nice complement of ranged and melee attacks then. Since I wasn't playing through the main storyline I didn't have access to the dragonrend shout, making Dremora pretty much useless against dragons.

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yea, i don't recognize any single bit of gear there...

in other news, i am now a level 16 rouge... i am knee-deep in the thieves guild quests... and i gotta admit, this game is moving along a lot faster than my last one... i think i was near 60 hours on my last game when i reached level 16... i don't even think i've passed 20 hours yet at level 16 with this one...

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yah dude I've grabbed up all the armour mods i could find that are sensible. by that i mean not over the top. most armour mods are "skimpy female" armors. its retarded.

that scout guy, that 3 prog dagger thing is actually armor. someone made it as a shield but u can see dude holds it like you hold a torch. so it has a good armor rating and does a power bash in a swiping motion like the torch does. SO cool.

pretty much cause of that i wanna make a 1 handed warrior. but will probably go more mage cause 1 handed is still close to my 2 hander nord. plus i got a lot of 1 handed play in when i was leveling that skill on my nord. that took longer than i wanted it too.

destruction and other shit leveled SO much faster than 1 handed skill. blah.

in other news, i am now a level 16 rouge... i am knee-deep in the thieves guild quests... and i gotta admit, this game is moving along a lot faster than my last one... i think i was near 60 hours on my last game when i reached level 16... i don't even think i've passed 20 hours yet at level 16 with this one...

yah man now that i read that i am totally gonna make a sneaker i think. can still have one handed combat strong for that. good to see ur kicking ass this time around. maybe ill stop ripping on you for being so fuckin slow.

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well, the first time i played, i had no idea what i was doing... now that i know how to level skills and advance the game, i am whipping through it, and i actually have more time to tinker around or explore places... i am no longer spending 20 minutes trying to figure out what to sell or how to advance through a quest or tomb... i just do it...

i actually had over 10,000 septims when i entered riften too (level 8 i think), so i was able to get a home much quicker this time around... i spent lots of hours chopping wood in whiterun on my first file, just to get the breezehome, lol...

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lmfao really? looting corpses is a way better way to make money, no? its how i made so much.

my nord has like 130,000. i would have more if i bothered to loot anymore. after leveling my alchemy i have so many unwanted potions that bring a good price. i usually sell off 3 for free when I clean out a vendor just to get rid of them.

not to mention i went through a fuck load of money in soul jems enchanting all my shit for my crew there.

i read that the only enchantments that work on followers is these

-Fortify Carry Weight

-Fortify Health

-Fortify Heavy Armor

-Fortify Light Armor

-Fortify Magicka

-Fortify Stamina

-Fortify Unarmed


-Resist Fire

-Resist Frost

-Resist Magic

-Resist Shock

so i went throught a few sets after reading that lol

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actually, the easiest way to make septims for me this second time around was selling everything i looted from a cave, everything... and selling some dragon bones and scales too... since i didn't have a house yet, there was no point in carrying around those heavy ass dragon items...

i have about the same amount of septims on my first file, doing roughly the same thing you did, selling enchanted items... but when i played for the first time, i had no idea how to make money... and when a shop-keep in both riverwood and whiterun gave me 5 septims per log, i figured this was my only choice to make quick money... ahh, i kinda miss that fresh feeling where i didn't know what i was doing :lol:... good times...

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hahahaha dam eh


yah their mods but stock they arent as powerful as daedric. got them retarded strong through stock fortify alchemy, enchanting and smithing perks.


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Easiest way to make money; blue butterfly wings + blue mountain flower + giant's toe, all found on the plains around Whiterun and the potion sells for 1500 with good alchemy and speech skills. There are other potions that are easier to produce en masse, they only sell for 300+ septims but when you have 50 of them sitting in your inventory it totals up to well over 10000. So much so that even with the investor and master trader perks you'll still have trouble selling them all to several shops.

(Before you say it, the advantage of this over selling really expensive weapons is that you can sell only as many potions as you need to clear out the vendor's supply of gold and keep the rest to sell later. Selling a 10000+ septim weapon to a vendor with only 4000 gold means you're losing 6000 septims on each sale.)

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yea, that works for later in the game when you can kill giants, but starting out i find that selling all the armor and weapons you collect in early caves is the best option... also, pickpocketing too of course :D... but if you're like me, my first file was a noble guy, and only pickpocketed when it was required...

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i found nirnroot and blue butterfly wings create an invisibility potion?? can't remember which potion it was, but it had a value of 188, which sells for nearly 100 septims depending on how good your speech skill is... so i was creating those and selling them early on...

also, heavy armor sure does carry a nice price tag... i am just now starting to find the steel armor, base value of around 600...

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Heavy Armour weighs a tonne though. If you're going to stock up on it to sell on, you're going to want good strength and/or the Steed Stone.

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well, not everyone wears that armor, it's usually reserved for the leveled bandits... there's a great deal of fur armor available to snatch though :D... and if you're good at pickpocketing, there's that perk that gives you another 100 lbs. of inventory space...

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I think the weight to cost ratio for light armor makes it for valuable than heavy armor no? instead of one steel armor, you could probably pick up 3 leather armor for the same weight but more money. especially if you upgrade it. that way upgrading armor levels your smithing. and you smith a shit load when you have a LOT of light armor to upgrade and its a lot more cheaper to buy leather to upgrade shit than it is to buy ingots.

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Had a mod going adding more enemy spawns and made it make ncps twice my level. was going well fighting bandits and shit but once i hit anyone with magic i got supreme raped. i could have turned it off master difficulty to begin with but that imbalance just annoys me. bye bye mod.

had the same mod before but a dumbed down version and it was too easy.


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man, i kept getting my ass kicked by a bandit chief last night... finally got him after i found a ledge i could hang off of to spam him with arrows... i don't know how much further i can go with a sneak thief if i am gonna have a hard time bringing down a chief, what happens when i run into a deathlord?!... i can't exactly sneak around a base because once i let one fucking arrow fly, the rest of them know i am there... sometimes i can stay hidden long enough to where they give up looking, but as soon as i launch another, they come after me again... i am working hard at my archery skills, but if it's not a sneak hit, it's a weak hit...

i might have to start bringing poisons and shit... i am already looking forward to sneaking around with a dagger, but some of these outdoor bandit camps don't allow you the pleasure of sneaking around...

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Actually Bandit Chiefs are really easy for my thief to defeat, even without sneak attacking and just doing dual wielding power attacks they go down in two to three hits. Although I am using an ebony dagger and sword combo. But still, my Nord tank had more trouble taking them down than my thief.

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the problem with a sneak character is there's not a lot of opportunities to level up one-handed and light armor... if you're playing right, you shouldn't have to use those skills... and i didn't really have to until last night when i ran into my first leveled enemy at level 20, a bandit chief... clearly i need to purchase some light armor and one-handed skills, or find a place to spam them in order to improve them...

basically my archery is at 45, but one handed is 33, light armor 34, and block is piss-poor at 21... sounds like i need to take a break from being an archer for a while and focus on improving my sword skills for the CQC... and being that i am level 20, i don't exactly have access to pimp weapons and armor... i am working vigorously on my smithing skills so i can improve my thieves armor since they're magical...

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Pretty much by level 50 you could easily have enough skills in one handed and sneaking to get by. Even tho ur a thief, dont bother with any lock picking perks. they're useless. thought they make it a lot nicer to lock pick, id just tough it out.

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