
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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you mean you couldn't find your way to the top of the mountain, despite a path being laid out for you?? the 7,000 steps?? seriously?? i am pretty sure the quest marker sends you to the proper town to make the journey... you must suck at reading instructions...

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If you still can't find it, find an old guy in Ivarstead who needs to make a delivery to High Hrothgar. The quest marker will take you to the front door.

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you mean you couldn't find your way to the top of the mountain, despite a path being laid out for you?? the 7,000 steps?? seriously?? i am pretty sure the quest marker sends you to the proper town to make the journey... you must suck at reading instructions...

No no.. He can't find his way to the 7,000 steps... That's even worse! The quest markers don't exactly point you to a place, they go as the crow flies, so any one who can't be bothered to get their map out every now and then is fucked... Skyrim's lost on so many people.

Also, has anyone who plays on PC got Warzones - Civil Unrest? I installed it at about 12 am last night so I haven't had a chance to play yet, but I'm excited. I've got JaySuS' swords and Dragonbone swords too, so I'm heading out to kill ALL OF THE STORMCLOAKS!

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Well, seems I won't be playing this or anything else on my PS3 for a while - It just YLOD'd on me. The old girl has had a good run, got it back in '06. R.I.P. My PS3.

Couldn't have come at a worse time though, i've just spent over 2 grand on a car. <_<

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Well, seems I won't be playing this or anything else on my PS3 for a while - It just YLOD'd on me. The old girl has had a good run, got it back in '06. R.I.P. My PS3.

Couldn't have come at a worse time though, i've just spent over 2 grand on a car. <_<

It always happens at worst possible times. I tend to play my console more when i have no money, and that's the time it decides to fuck up.

I had the original 60gb PS3 which broke on me twice and had been refurbished on warranty. Then it fucked on me last year out of warranty, and I found a PS3 and Xbox repair guy nearby who fixed mine for 40 quid. Why don't you try and see if there is anyone near you who fix PS3 systems?

If this one goes again, then I'll end up buying a slim no doubt.

At least your console died to a worthy game. Mine broke last year whilst my son was playing Lego Pirates of the Caribbean... -_-

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Yes but now the disc is stuck in there, at least if it breaks while playing a shit game it doesn't really matter. I had been thinking of buying a new PS3 slim anyway as I was anticipating this one knackering out.

Looks like i'm going to be watching a lot of telly for a while, i'll just have to hope there's something decent on.

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yea, i am fearing the same fate may happen to mine... it's struggling to launch games, and skyrim is the worst offender... i hope it ends up being a disc reading issue so my game doesn't get stuck in it... it's pretty bad when i have to manually turn the system off using the switch on the back because the button on the front isn't working...

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Erm, what???


Kinect Support Coming To Skyrim

Fully knowing that you can’t get enough of your

, we’re pleased to announce that Kinect for Xbox 360 support is coming to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Available for free as a title update slated for release this month, Skyrim Kinect for Xbox 360 Support will feature more than 200 Voice Commands… including the game’s dragon shouts.

In addition to Dragon Shouts, the Kinect for Xbox 360 integration offers voice commands throughout the game including Hotkey Equipping, Follower Commands, and all Menus (Items, Magic, Map, Barter, Container, Favorites, and Skills). With Voice Commands, quickly create and load saves during gameplay and access menus and inventories. Skyrim’s Kinect for Xbox 360 Support also adds new functionality including special map functions, additional hotkey options, and the ability to sort inventory items by name, weight, and value.

To get an early look at Kinect for Xbox 360 support, watch the video above featuring programmer Ricardo Gonzalez, who put together the preliminary concept for Kinect for Xbox 360 Support during the Skyrim Game Jam.

A full list of Voice Commands will be revealed in the coming weeks, and we’ve got more Skyrim news coming. Bethesda Game Studios has been hard at work on creating the first set of game add-ons that will be exclusive to the Xbox 360. This additional content will add new quests, locations, features, and much more to the world of Skyrim. Stay tuned for more details.

Did I miss something? Since when was any DLC going to be exclusive to 360? Although, if it's just this Kinect shit, I couldn't care. Yelling dragon shouts at the screen is right up there with multiplayer on my list of things I never want to do/play in a TES game.

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Be prepared for a wave of nerds trying desperately to do their most manly "Fus Ro Dah" impression.

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I wonder why only Kinect is getting the voice commands? Last time I checked, you don't need to wave your arms around like a dick to speak into a microphone.

The dragon shout voice commands are a pretty useless feature. I'd take a guess and say 90% of people who play Skyrim would only know "Fus Ro Dah", and the other 10% who are serious enough to know all the shouts would most likely be playing Skyrim on their PCs. The follower commands sound more useful, though.

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yea, i don't know how to speak any of the other shouts... the one cool thing i could see for those that do know them, you could shout any shout without having to set it manually thru the menus... but it's not much of a hassle for me since i still rarely use them anyways...

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Managed to butcher my PS3 and remove the Skyrim disc from its cold, lifeless blu-ray player. I felt a sense of pride rescuing it from its dark cell. Now all I need is a new PS3.

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so umm, i don't know what gamespy is smoking but this doesn't look like RAGE to me... it looks like a nord in a predicament... could we perhaps get some DLC info tomorrow?

:bones:<{ i posted this while taking a shit!! }

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a lot people think it could be fallout too, but it looks like a muscular warrior with typical skyrim dirt on his face... i actually think it looks like sean bean :lol:...

:bones:<{ i posted this while taking a shit!! }

it's not dishonored either, that's a steampunk game... i think it's skyrim, or a completely different and new game...

:bones:<{ i posted this while taking a shit!! }

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