
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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I've started as a vampire and so far have been handed about four sets of full Dawnguard Armour. The Vampire Lord Power is pretty awesome, just have a bit of trouble fitting through doorways sometimes... >_<

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I kind of wish I had a PC powerful enough to run Skyrim. I've sunk 100 hours on my 360, did the first couple of missions of Dawnguard and then stopped playing. I really need to pick it up again.

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"Hearthfire" DLC has been announced for Skyrim. It will be available for download on Xbox live on September 4th and presumably a month or so after that for PS3 and PC.

· Choose Your Land – Choose from property in the salt marshes of Hjaalmarch, the forests of Falkreath, or the vast tundra of The Pale. For the more ambitious landowner, purchase multiple plots and start building a real estate empire.

- Customize Your Home – Expand your home with a variety of room combinations including an armory, alchemy tower, kitchen, trophy room and more. Grow plants in your new greenhouse, cultivate slaughterfish in the fish hatchery, house your Arcane Enchanter in the enchanting tower, or display your latest conquest in the trophy room. Add additional features like stables, mills, smelters, gardens and more.

- New Objectives and Interactions – Guard your home from unwanted visitors like marauding kidnappers, armed bandits, and skeever infestations. Turn almost any follower into your personal steward to improve and protect your home. Or if you require more help, hire a personal bard or carriage driver to ease the burdens of home ownership.

- Adoption – Transform your house into a home with Hearthfire’s all-new adoption system. Adopt children and discover new ways to interact with your family. Play games with the kids, allow them to have pets and gain new bonuses from having a family.


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WOW, can you feel the excitement pouring out of me? CAN YOU FEEL IT!!??

Raising adopted children!!!!! Fish hatchery!!!!! Live-in BARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm going out first thing tomorrow to buy Skyrim on 360!

Screw epic Shivering Isles-style add-ons.This is where the fun's at. Just take my money Bethesda!

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It would be worth to adopt children, then download the killable children mod, then kill them when their in my basement. Now THATS roleplaying.

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new dlc is a rip off of a mod lol


I know, quite a bit of the "new" Dawnguard content seems to have been directly inspired by mods too.


WOW, can you feel the excitement pouring out of me? CAN YOU FEEL IT!!??

Raising adopted children!!!!! Fish hatchery!!!!! Live-in BARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm going out first thing tomorrow to buy Skyrim on 360!

Screw epic Shivering Isles-style add-ons.This is where the fun's at. Just take my money Bethesda!

I think that this is just a stop gap between main DLC packs given how close the release dates are, I hope so anyway.

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Yeah I'm not dropping my pants to be arseraped with that.

Which reminds me, I saw they're still bringing out new expansion packs for The Sims 3.

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I didn't know it was only $5. Still don't want it, but, there you go.

It would be worth to adopt children, then download the killable children mod, then kill them when their in my basement. Now THATS roleplaying.

Though, admittedly, this does interest me.

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aww nigga, i'm fucked...

i'd rather have the new house DLC than dawnguard... but still, why is bethesda one of the only major developers that truly struggle with the architecture of the PS3?? it worries me when i start to think about the next fallout...

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i'd rather have the new house DLC than dawnguard... but still, why is bethesda one of the only major developers that truly struggle with the architecture of the PS3?? it worries me when i start to think about the next fallout...

Same here. Dawnguard doesn't really interest me. But I like building shit, even if you're just clicking a "buy/build" button and not actually doing it manually, I still like to feel that i've created something myself. You'd think Bethesda would be working on the DLCs for both consoles simeltaneously, even if there's an exclusivity deal doesn't mean you can't work on it and get it to a releasable state on the PS3 at the same time. Meh, doesn't bother me, as I said I probably won't be getting Dawnguard. Funny to see all the impatient PS3 users whining because they haven't got it.

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i'm actually content.... i haven't played skyrim in months, so when i finally do, it will feel new and refreshing to me...

i think the reason why i like the sound of hearthfire is it reminds me of the sims :lol:...

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Yeah obviously it's not going to be anything like the Sims, nowhere near as in-depth in terms of building, it'll be like I said; "click to buy small house plot" "click to buy upgraded house plot" etc. But from what i've been reading about it you have to buy or find the building materials, which should at least make it a bit more interesting. Also i'm not sure how long it takes the houses to actually build, i've only seen one brief YT vid of the gameplay.

I need a character that would actually fit with owning a house and having children though. I'm still playing through my Khajiit thief game and he's the wandering loner type, no followers and no houses. I think next time i'm going to do a Breton mage/warrior hybrid as in all my previous playthroughs i've either gone with magic or melee alone, it'll be nice to use both and be proficient at them.

Some NPC vs NPC vids that are quite good;

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