
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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When it's mage vs mage the one using lightning will always win because it drains magica.

That house mod looks better than Hearthfire, the way it's built into the landscape and fits nicely around it. I don't normally like mods but if I had Skyrim on PC i'd definitely get that.

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I need a character that would actually fit with owning a house and having children though. I'm still playing through my Khajiit thief game and he's the wandering loner type, no followers and no houses. I think next time i'm going to do a Breton mage/warrior hybrid as in all my previous playthroughs i've either gone with magic or melee alone, it'll be nice to use both and be proficient at them.

my first character would fit the bill... i am already married to mjoll, now all i need is a little brat/bastard running around...

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This has made me realise that there are only human children in Skyrim, no elves whatsoever. In fact from what i've read there are only four adoptable children added to Hearthfire and they are all Nord or other human races.

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The YT vid comments for the Hearthfire trailer are full of prepubescent fanboys flaming each other. They are so grown up calling everyone gay, it's fucking hilarious and yet somewhat depressing at the same time, knowing i'm the same species as these retards.

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Ok so i've decided to get Skyrim on PC just so I can mod the fuck out of it, is it easy to create mods? I wanted to do something like that house by the river mod on the last page, but make it unique to me. I cannot resist the urge to mod any longer. I'm not sure what it'll run like on my PC, but i'll give it a go.

In other news, started my Breton mage/warrior hybrid yesterday, he actually looks pretty badass with a cowl, hide armor and dual steel axes. Killing things is much easier too because I don't have to rely on only magic or weapons, I can use both. It's a shame that the game almost forces you to upgrade your armour and weapons as you go along or risk getting owned. You always end up using daedric weaponry, I want to stick with steel. Guess i'll have to use the alchemy trick to make an extremely powerful smithing potion and then upgrade them to do higher damage.

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Ok so i've decided to get Skyrim on PC just so I can mod the fuck out of it, is it easy to create mods? I wanted to do something like that house by the river mod on the last page, but make it unique to me. I cannot resist the urge to mod any longer. I'm not sure what it'll run like on my PC, but i'll give it a go.

I wouldnt say easy. Never tried the creation kit really. But if your just making a house, after a bit of creation kit tutorials you should be able to figure it out

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Well i've seen the creation kit, if there's a kit for modding I should easily be able to get into it. I've modded games through the raw code before with no dev kits whatsoever. San Andreas was pretty easy to mod even without third party programs since most of the data was in uncoded text files.

Is there any upper limit to the modding capacity before the game refuses to load, 'cause I tend to get carried away with my modding once I get into it.

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With Fallout 3 and New Vegas, people got between 100 and 250 mods before the game went into 'I can't handle this shit' mode. I assume Skyrim can handle roughly the same amount or higher.

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I doubt i'll be doing that many, I just wanted a few extra houses around to live in. I'll make those myself to my own specifications. I might download a few armour sets too.

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Share any mods you make with us Vicey. I think i'll be modding this on PC very soon. I'm thinking about making my own house somewhere in Skyrim, i'm still looking for that perfect location though.

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That's where one of the houses is in Hearthfire. I'll probably steal that guy's idea from the house by the waterfall mod, it's such a nice place. Others i'll try to designate an area that is well out in the sticks, not too near any other locations.

If you buy Hearthfire you are a pedo, and since only xbox users can buy it... well, you do the logic.

360 It is possible, that upon downloading the Hearthfire DLC, none of the children in game will be wearing clothes. This includes children eligible for adoption, and may deture some players from adopting children at all. The cause of this glitch in unknown, and seems to be extremely rare. There is currently no known fix.

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I've modded games through the raw code before with no dev kits whatsoever.

You don't need dev kits for modding.

Development kits are used to run unsigned code, so developers can just burn a copy (or ftp it over) and run the current build, which is possible on jtag units too.

Most games have physics values in text files (on PC) so you generally only need special tools when it comes to replacing textures or models that are in a single file, like GTA San Andreas's .img files.

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Most of the games i've modded have used third party programs. Skyrim looks fucking easy to mod, official tools and even official tutorials for them;

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Just started playing this again after a few months, didn't get far the first time so I've just carried on from where i left off. Only Level 15 at the moment.

Anyone else noticed that if you have a soul trap enchantment on a weapon and use it while riding that the time on the enchantment doesn't have an effect, i don't know if it's infinite or not but i haven't failed to get a soul yet and my soul trap should only be for 4 seconds and it blatantly goes over that before i kill some creatures.

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Every time you hit them with the soul-trap enchanted weapon, the timer resets. You can literally have a 1s enchantment and it will still work, as long as the final blow was with the enchanted weapon (and for example; they didn't burn to death from another enchantment on your sword 1s+ after you attacked them. If that makes sense...).

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makes sense to me...

still no word on the PS3 DLC stuff, so i continue to ignore my skyrim characters... i haven't even checked out the new mounted combat and various other things added before they decided to ignore the PS3 fans...

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So i've finally got into the scripting side of Skyrim, making my house now and then I might go and make a few more elsewhere on the map.

Maybe i'm being a noob, but where do screenshots get saved to by default? I've checked in "my screenshots" in Steam and nothing shows up.

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