
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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I really should make a heavy armor user, because that armor looks badass. I have my archer, who wears light Dawnguard armor, and my assassin, who wears vampire armor. Assassin used to be a magic- and dagger-user, but even he's an archer now. Bows are too fun, and I'm too good with them. I need to switch it up.

Arcane warrior. Heavy armor, conjured weapons, miscellaneous spells.

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The reload time on the crossbows annoys me, but my archer uses them until I get the better bow later in the DLC. Downloaded a mod that makes it a bit better than the daedric bow, just so it's worth the effort to get.

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New Dragonborn DLC.

Riding Dragons looks like fun. :D

Holy fuck. Some hardcore-looking DLC.

Also, is it bad that I saw a guy riding what appears to be a boar, and would rather have that mount than a dragon?

I mean, a boar mount is perfect for my orc.

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Indeed. And a pretty badass dragonborn, at that.

Edit: These don't look like Skyrim to me. I have a feeling we're getting a new landmass to explore. This is our Shivering Isles-like expansion.

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That feeling would be right... partly; it's Solstheim.

Edit: Some details I noticed; Fur hood on the old guy, what looks like it might be the return of levitation spells and proper spears returning. This is definately going to be the best DLC yet. :)

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looks pretty cool... too bad bethesda decided to say FUCK YOU!! to the PS3 fan base... i will never get over this, it may even effect my stance on a new fallout if they pull that shit again...

pfft, yea right... i'll become a PC gamer if that ever happened...

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There were some lines of code discovered that mentioned PS3 DLC specifically, so there's hope yet. And Microsoft haven't got their claws into this DLC, so it should be out December 4th for everyone.

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well, it was meant to be released on the PS3, all of the DLC's, but complications arose when their moronic design team somehow couldn't figure out how to stabalize the world after adding new content... i saw similar issues arise when new vegas added the last two DLC's...

and obsidian called bethesda out on it during the new vegas issues, blaming their game engine... then they mentioned the same thing after bethesda announced the PS3 releases were delayed, and possibly indefinitely... citing the game engine not properly running the dual cell system... obsidian knows what the issue is, bethesda just can't afford go back and redo the engine to fix the issue...

fucking amateurs if you ask me, and they're suppose to be big time... no one else has a problem designing for all systems anymore...

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I am a fan of the PS3 system myself, however when push comes to shove im more of a bethesda fan. It was taking way too long for them to release the DLC's for this system so I just went ahead and bought the 360, remade my badass perfect character again, and am enjoying all aspects of the game. now i can play the game on one TV and watch blue ray videos on the other : > Very happy to be playing an unbroken game, still sad about the ps3 situation though... ohh well.

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I am a fan of the PS3 system myself, however when push comes to shove im more of a bethesda fan. It was taking way too long for them to release the DLC's for this system so I just went ahead and bought the 360, remade my badass perfect character again, and am enjoying all aspects of the game. now i can play the game on one TV and watch blue ray videos on the other : > Very happy to be playing an unbroken game, still sad about the ps3 situation though... ohh well.

It's not Sony's fault that Bethesda is too lazy to code properly for both the Xbox and the PS3.

Instead they developed Skyrim for the Xbox ( because the casual gaming machine would make them more money than the PS3 ), and then made a crappy port for the PS3.

The Playstation 3 is a great system, but has a very unique setup ( hardware wise ), very different to the Xbox. If Bethesda had taken the time to code properly for the PS3 version, and had actually paid people to test the PS3 version for bugs. Then Skyrim's memory saving issues wouldn't of been a problem for the PS3 ( whose problem was it's divided memory pools ).

Don't blame Sony for any problems that you had, lay the blame where it belongs, with Bethesda.

In the future it won't matter as much because Sony said there will be more 'Developer Friendly' creation tools for Playstation's next incarnation ( the PS4 ), plus the hardware would be improved upon ( meaning they had learned their lesson about dividing the memory banks in their system ). All of this will make the PS4 easier to code for, and make cross-platform games not as much of a problem as they were in this generation of consoles ( where the PS3 had a lot of crappy ports ).

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I am a fan of the PS3 system myself, however when push comes to shove im more of a bethesda fan. It was taking way too long for them to release the DLC's for this system so I just went ahead and bought the 360, remade my badass perfect character again, and am enjoying all aspects of the game. now i can play the game on one TV and watch blue ray videos on the other : > Very happy to be playing an unbroken game, still sad about the ps3 situation though... ohh well.

It's not Sony's fault that Bethesda is too lazy to code properly for both the Xbox and the PS3.

Instead they developed Skyrim for the Xbox ( because the casual gaming machine would make them more money than the PS3 ), and then made a crappy port for the PS3.

The Playstation 3 is a great system, but has a very unique setup ( hardware wise ), very different to the Xbox. If Bethesda had taken the time to code properly for the PS3 version, and had actually paid people to test the PS3 version for bugs. Then Skyrim's memory saving issues wouldn't of been a problem for the PS3 ( whose problem was it's divided memory pools ).

Don't blame Sony for any problems that you had, lay the blame where it belongs, with Bethesda.

In the future it won't matter as much because Sony said there will be more 'Developer Friendly' creation tools for Playstation's next incarnation ( the PS4 ), plus the hardware would be improved upon ( meaning they had learned their lesson about dividing the memory banks in their system ). All of this will make the PS4 easier to code for, and make cross-platform games not as much of a problem as they were in this generation of consoles ( where the PS3 had a lot of crappy ports ).

LOL so in other words Sony is going to give bethesda baby tools to play with Sorry i think this is freaking hillarious, btw i was angry at bethesda, i cried my river built muh damned bridge and gtf over it, i dont blame anyone dont care cuz im happy with having both of these systems, wanted both of them anyways and believe a true gamer would have all systems rather than just one... play all games and not get so worked up about issues with one when you can utilize it on the other systems you do have available to you. :)

I do by the way still enjoy my PS3 very much and will continue to use it for more than just a blue ray player. PS3 and XBOX360 and PC all rule together, sorry wii... cant stand you but do play on it sometimes... very rarely if i can.

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thats what i love about my job :) pays decent enough to afford what i like and then some but im not here to brag about working hard to get the things i enjoy i am however glad to be employed.

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so, bethesda just mentioned that PC and PS3 will get the dragonborn DLC sometime early next year... good news i guess, however, i still want the other two DLC's too :angry:...

i bet it will run like shit on the PS3...

:bones: <{iphucked this post!! }

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The fuck is this shit? Next year for PC? Why is PC getting fucked over all of a sudden?

Time to be a fanboy and harass Bethesda for being cunts. How the fuck are you going to develop primarily for PC, then make me wait on the PC version? Motherfuckers.

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