
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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Horses are pretty much pointless, especially when they decide to help you out in a fight and get slaughtered. You can't beat travelling on foot from location to location, it really doesn't take that long. Markarth to Whiterun to Windhelm to Riften is a nice little jaunt unless you get sidetracked on the way - which you inevitably will.

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I dunno, you can carry a lot on a horse and they are faster.

It takes forever to go anywhere in skyrim. Idk what you are talking about...

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horses arent that much faster IMO... i too don't see a use for one... unless you can ride overencumbered, then it'd use it for that...

otherwise it gets in the way and gets caught up on rocks and shit... it's more of a hassle to me...

:bones: < { iphucked this post!! }

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I can't remember ever using a horse for anything other than making key moments more cinematic.

After the Dragonborn DLC started, my wood elf rode a horse to Windhelm, all 'shit got real'-like.

With my two main characters being a wood elf archer and a dark elf thief/assassin, it just seemed more fitting to travel on foot.

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I wish I had of went elvin for the magic... I'm focusing on conjur/ destruction

Would be nice if there was a way to easily swap shout types..

Re horses: I don't know how they fucked the horses up. They already had a follower system capable of issuing the wait comman and a game which handled horses perfectly as an example to copy from in rdr...

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I tried a horse one time, and haven't bothered since. They're only barely faster than walking, and waaaay too conspicuous for my sneaky Khajiit. I'd much rather travel on foot, and explore every inch of terrain, discover every town and then fast travel when it's more convenient.

Question: can we own more than one home, and can we belong to more than one faction? once you join a group, are you permanently stuck with them?

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After you do a certain number of quests for the Jarl in that particular city, you become Thane of (Whiterun, Riften, Winterhold, etc), which in turn grants you the ability to buy a house in that city.

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You don't necessarily need to become Thane to purchase property, but you do usually have to help the people of said city. Then again you can give gold to a beggar three times and it will count as helping three people.

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read the manual at your new homestead.. you'll need lots of logs from a lumber mill, iron ingots, and clay and quarry stones... there should be a deposit of both somewhere near your workstation...

:bones: < { iphucked this post!! }

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i love how i can stick "bones" in many different places...

see what i did there...

you should buy hearthfire though QD if you're digging the game... building a house was actually cooler than i thought it would be... it all feels like crafting but it's kinda cool to build it from the ground up, including the interior... i really wanna get to that point in my new file, i might take a different property instead of the one north of whiterun because of the level cap requirement... perhaps i should look into the one near solitude...

i loved the one in falkreath, lakewood manor, but i didn't want to pick the same spot again... bummer...

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I can't remember ever using a horse for anything other than making key moments more cinematic.

This. Sometimes I just use the horse to walk slowly through towns. Just so they know who's boss.

It would have been great if they added satchels and storage to horses, as well as the ability to call your horse.

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And changed their AI so they didn't insist on helping you fight an Elder Dragon. Just stay the fuck out of the way when i'm fighting, this battle isn't for you horse.

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I have a mod that adds various cosmetic items to the horses, and I'm sure there's a mod for your other equestrian needs.

Visit the Nexus, you PC-inclined bastards.

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There's a mod that adds a driveable horse-drawn cart which your followers can ride in and you can stash your loot in.

I saw it on here: @7:52


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Are the houses you can build cookie cutter, or can you put the walls up the way you want to, eg, make a triangular house?

I've always had a thing for triangular houses..

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so that really happened... i did kill the dragon but in the mass chaos of only having magic to work with and party clothes on, i pissed off some town guards i lit on fire and they finished me off...

literally, right after i was handed my party clothes the dragon interrupts our conversation :lol:...

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