
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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level 13 niggas... REPREZENT!! G'd up from the feet up... das how i roll in dis hold...

thinking about heading back to solitude to hear out the imperials... kinda wondered after the party if i could ever make the blades and imperials co-exist... the thalmor made it perfectly clear where they stand on the matter but i wonder if i should build up the blades while working with the imperials... i have ignored both factions so far with all of my characters...

oh, almost forgot... a giant spawned outside of my hearthfire home near solitude, i wasn't even close to it's level so i had to keep running from it... finally got it cornered when i dove in the water to watch him retreat, then hit him with fire until he got close again... this went on for a few minutes...

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Keep forgetting to look for this whenever I go to the used game/record/DVD/assorted paraphernalia store. How can I help remember, damn it???

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level 13 niggas... REPREZENT!! G'd up from the feet up... das how i roll in dis hold...

I'm assuming that's your Redguard mage/swordsman rocking a katana? ^_^ ..Level 50 with my wood elf. Still on the bare bones version, no DLC. He has yet to embark the main quest with Delphine because he hasn't quite come to grips with the fact that he is dragonborn, but that day may come soon enough. Thane of Whiterun, Riften, and Solitude. Those are the only cities he has done anything productive in. He's the Theives Guild Master now and has just become a member the Bards College. After traveling through the plains of Solitude, he came across a battle between a high ranking Imperial officer and a Stormcloak courier. After speaking with the Imperial, his outlook on the war has been realized. Back to Riften to hang up my armor, make peace with the Theives Guild and tell the fellows the news that he's joining the Imperial Legion.

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level 13 niggas... REPREZENT!! G'd up from the feet up... das how i roll in dis hold...

I'm assuming that's your Redguard mage/swordsman rocking a katana? ^_^ ...

it is him... it's also the blades sword, which i found in delphine's hidden room on a weapon rack... still currently the best sword i have access to... on my sneak thief wood elf i never even touched the main story... learned i was dragonborn from the greybeards and decided to say fuck it to saving the world... became a thief and joined the dark brotherhood instead... following the main story or the civil war story didn't make much sense for that style of character...

the world may be open to me, but i roleplay who the character really is as a person... it makes sense for my redguard to dabble in the civil war and choose the legion... it's for honor and glory, not the freedom of the people... he's not even nord anyways... it's why i chose the stormcloaks the first time, it was to free the world from tyranny and to restore worship of talos, despite being breton...

roleplay isn't done by how the game tells you to do it, it's your choice in a game like skyrim... kudos to sticking to your guns and staying away from it for the longest time... like you said, it didn't apply to your character... but maybe now he's getting bored and looking for a new adventure like you said?? that's how i treated the DLC's with my original character... he was bored, tired of clearing out bandit camps lol...

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I should make identical characters in New Vegas and Skyrim, just because both games have a Roman-inspired Legion for me to join.

I have a High Elf assassin who's doing the Imperial thing. He's a highly trained assassin employed by the Thalmor to ensure that Imperials win the civil war and that both sides burn through their supplies and lose enough men to keep them weak. Because the Imperials aren't meant to know he's Thalmor (he is posing as an independent Altmer whose loyalties lie entirely with the Empire), his entire history is a secret, and only the high ranking Thalmor who sent him to Skyrim know who he is, so he still runs into problems with the Thalmor agents in Skyrim.

I did some of the main story, because I had to take out the Dragon outside of Whiterun to progress with the civil war, but as far as his story goes, the Dragonborn thing never happened.

My Wood Elf, whom I've mentioned several times, had retired to a cabin outside Riverwood after beating the main story. His beard had grown thick, his hair long, and he looked rather gruff. He set aside his handmade armor and dragonbone bow and arrows, and was living a simple life cutting wood and selling animal hides and meat, but was thrust back into action when two cultists working for the first Dragonborn attacked him. After finishing the Dragonborn DLC, he travels throughout Skyrim, completing every quest he finds, because Miraak's attack taught him that an adventurer's work is never truly done, and as long as there is strife in Skyrim, he will be there to fight it.

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I have no idea how you guys play more than one character....

It takes forever to do anything. The opening takes a half hour to complete. I really regret choosing nord as a race, but there is no way im sitting through that opening sequence again to restart.

That opening scene is terrible, it took me three attempts to sit through the entire thing, the previous times i got bored and gave up.

Ofc, now that that part is over, im really liking the game... But i want to the magic thing, and nords are into traditional weapons and armour.

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you sound impatient, i've sunk too many hours into all these characters to even discuss how petty a 30 minute opening is... it takes 30 minutes to get thru the talking robots in fallout new vegas: old world blues every time, yet i still do it...

you can always work on that skill on the side while you continue on with your current nord story... every single character in the game can be anything, picking a race at the beginning is only there to help you stick with an early blueprint to get through the learning curve...

i picked breton the first time, who are better suited as mages, but because of their natural magic resistance i saw potential in a warrior who could withstand a little more than others and turned him into a warrior... but he can also do magic, it's just become a minor skill...

i hope to balance both with this current redguard....

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No, i just didnt like the opening scene. I sat through owb no problem, because it was entertaining...

The opening scene in skyrim made me physically sick for whatever reason...

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level 13 niggas... REPREZENT!! G'd up from the feet up... das how i roll in dis hold...

I'm assuming that's your Redguard mage/swordsman rocking a katana? ^_^ ...

roleplay isn't done by how the game tells you to do it, it's your choice in a game like skyrim... kudos to sticking to your guns and staying away from it for the longest time... like you said, it didn't apply to your character... but maybe now he's getting bored and looking for a new adventure like you said?? that's how i treated the DLC's with my original character... he was bored, tired of clearing out bandit camps lol...

Right. It may be true that the civil war may not typically affect this type of character, but after all the sneaking and looting, he developed a new way of thinking after joining the Bard's College. Granted, there's not much to that quest, but I like to think that he ran into a student there that was thinking of leaving the life of the arts to join the Legion after long awaiting the rewarding feeling of battle. Then, after he ran into the high ranking officer out in the open, he was convinced that he was meant to be there at that particular time, witnessing that particular event (Also, I havent ever joined the Imperials, so I may or may not have been looking for an excuse ;)). So after getting a feel for combat and violence, he may just turn to the dark side and join the Brotherhood....then probably repent when he comes to grips with his Dragonborn purpose :rolleyes:

I'm just conflicted with how i want his story to play out without the DLC. I have points for the Dawnguard download ready to go, but I'm afraid to read too much about it so it doesn't get spoiled...

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Although the game doesn't officially exist yet, there are rumors out there, and I figure we could discuss what we would like to see and any news that may come out in the future.

A recent job posting on the Zenimax website - Bethesda's publishing arm - called for experienced applicants to work on an 'unannounced game'.

It read: “Bethesda Game Studios is looking for experienced programmers to work on cutting-edge technology for an unannounced game on future-generation consoles.” Could it be The Elder Scrolls 6?

The ad expressed interest in developers with 'extensive experience' in 'programming and optimizing for the Xbox 360 and PS3', suggesting that the lucky candidate could be jazzing up Bethesda's current engine as opposed to creating a new one, according Official PlayStation Magazine. Even if the advertisement was referring to Skyrim's successor, it could be a while before it finally hits shelves.

Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind landed in 2002, Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion was released in 2006 and its follow-up, Skyrim, officially launched at the end of 2011. Annoyingly, we could be kept waiting up to five whole years for the sixth version of the game. As a result, TES 6 is likely to be developed for the next generation of consoles - the Sony PlayStation 4 and Xbox 720, which should pave the way for more progressive enhancements than in the previous five titles.

Also, location. What would you guys like to see? I think if Bethesda explored a new continent that would be pretty awesome, but there would be changes in races, weapons, and geological features.


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It's Fallout 4. I can say that with relative confidence. They've been hiring for a while.

They're not going to release two games in a row from the same series. Fallout was an exception because New Vegas was made by another company, and it gave them time to work on Skyrim.

Merging this into the Skyrim topic. Once The Elder Scrolls VI is announced, I'll just make the Skyrim topic a general Elder Scrolls topic.

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Started my first ever playthrough yesterday. I am a level 2 Nord, I gave him a mohawk and some Scottish war paint.

I've just been exploring and killing bandits etc.

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No Dark Brotherhood for this wood elf.

<P>Astrid kidnapped him while he was sleeping at an Imperial Camp just before

they were about to take Windhelm.</P>

<P>He was pissed so he slit her throat in the abandoned shack. Couldn't help

himself </P>

Level 55. Doing some cleaning up in Solitude.

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Today? Let me jump on it

Level 18... Working on getting the staff of Magnus.. My nord gave up his sword and shield for fire and spark, unfortunately his magika is a little light because he used to be a hoarder, and he just ran out of potions... He used the last of his extra magika to deal with the wraith mother

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Level 24 and counting. There's a lot to absorb as far as politics...any recommendations as far as picking sides between Imperials or Stormcloaks? I haven't met anyone that has swayed me one way or the other, not yet anyway, and admittedly there's still a whole lot of map to unlock still.

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