
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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That was pretty epic. I think i'm going to spend a lot of time roaming those lands. Mostly because it all looks so nice i think i could cope with walking around in it. Ahhh too many good games at E3. Head Impoad!!!

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it sucks, but i can't complain that i even have access to the internet... it's just certain keywords block websites... apparently video games is one of those... but not all gaming sites are blocked, just the good ones :angry:...

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Well, I'll be rambling about this game in New Vegas-like proportions once it comes out, so you'll fully understand its awesomeness by the time you decide to rent it.

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if only there were guns... actually, there are arrows, the closest counterpart... my first oblivion character was a sneaky elven with arrows... it was enjoyable until the world around me passed me up... i love the sound of over 300 hours of stuff to do... my first character in new vegas, bones, is a few hours shy of 200... i like a good game with length but, i like a good game first... it's still hard to dig into the fantasy world of mages and dragons...

like i said, i gave dragon age: origins a shot and was entertained... skyrim is for sure on the radar...

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The playable characters are pretty much the same races from the last Elder Scroll games. Let's refresh our memories. They consist of the;


Dark Elf

High Elf








Here are some pictures of the character preset variations for your viewing pleasure:

Click the images for higher resolution.











The character models look much improved when compared to anything else in Bethesda's engine i think.

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Ah, spoiler tags. See, I would've just posted the images normally and fucked the page up. Intentionally, of course.

Hopefully the skull face paint on the Dark Elf is also available for the Orcs. Of course, I'll be playing both. I also like that the Dark Elf looks more like the Morrowind version, much better.

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so i read that you can get married in skyrim... including the same sex...

also, now i have more of a reason to not buy it right away... micro$oft strikes again with timed exclusive DLC... this shit needs to end... it's fucked up how they throw money at trying to boost sales on their system... i am beginning to wonder if the money they spend on timed exclusives ever pays off... seems like it doesn't help sales all that much, you think they would of learned their lesson with GTAIV and fallout...

it only seems to work with call of duty since the majority of people buy it for xbox anyways...

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If the DLC's come out for PC first i might get the PC version. If the timed exclusive DLC's are for 360 then i might just wait for the PS3 GOTY. As there are plenty of other major games i want come end of this year. I do want this game a lot though. I'll make my mind up on that when it gets closer to the time.

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I watched that live from the E3 feed last month :) This game is just as i hoped it would be.

I personally lol'd when the dragon picked up the giant and it just dropped motionless to the ground xD

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Guest Marney1

I can't watch the video in HD because it just goes kind of frame by frame. My internet speed is shit, I presume that's the problem.

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As long as you're getting it at some point. Doesn't matter that you didn't like Oblivion, this game is going to be a masterpiece, a digital journey to end all digital journeys.

You know, until Fallout 4 is announced.

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